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I'm sorry this one's a bit late :( But I hope y'all enjoy it nonetheless! Great batch (as always)!




Woo, it came on my day off! Huzzah! _ Gemcation: Ronaldo's texts are so stupid funny to me when I pause the episode and read through them all. On one of them he says he broke Steven's window to go into the house to take back the DVDs he loaned him because there was a sign that said "gone vacationing" on the door, LOL. What an absolute disaster man. I'm also always amused by the "party guy" gag and the fact that Steven just climbs into the hot tub with clothes on. M'guy... being in that tub in jeans CAN'T feel good, good grief. I quite like that Steven's problem in this one is a quieter human thing that Greg actually knows how to handle- he really does a great job talking him through things and helping him feel better with the situation, bless him. Good dad. _ Raising the Barn: I think this episode shines an interesting little light on one of the reasons WHY Lapis and Peridot were able to- on surface- grow "so close" so fast. While I do still think there's an element of genuine connection there, I also think Peridot played a delicate dance in doing everything within her ability to avoid certain topics and keep Lapis "happy," to keep the peace. You see whispers of this even in the season 3 episode "Beta," where Peridot mentions that she doesn't use the "J" word (Jasper) so lightly around the barn. On one hand, I think Peridot is so desperate to win Lapis' friendship after her previous mistakes that she's willing to stretch herself out like this... on the other, I think Lapis is so traumatized that she isn't super aware of the ways that their dynamic is inherently uneven, due to how she visibly acts out (as seen in this episode) when served untimely reminders of her triggers. While it's really upsetting for Peridot's sake that Lapis left her behind here, for the above reasons, I think it's to her emotional benefit. She deserves a friendship in which all parties are willing and able to give 100%, instead of only one having to carry the bulk of the emotional burden. _ Back to the Kindergarten: My personal headcanon for why humans don't generally muck around this place for long (although we have seen at least ONE human here- the explorer in that one early s4 episode traveled here and met Amethyst) is that it's been made so devoid of life-sustaining nutrients from all the Gem incubation that the whole area feels distinctly Wrong... in the sort of way that acts as a natural deterrent to any organic life. Like, almost like a reverse thrall, where instead of drawing people closer it drives them away. Oooof. "Steven Universe: Depression," though. Ow. These episodes are a bit too real, sometimes. I feel Peridot's anguish and sadness in every line. I'm very glad that Steven and Amethyst were able to do some activities with her to try and help her find a distraction, even if take one didn't exactly go as planned- and now it sounds like she's gonna give gardening a try in other places, too. Sweet episode. I also super love that last shot, it's very cute and emotionally stirring. Shorty squad for life ;w;


Yeah, I completely agree with you regarding Connie! This has irked me ever since these episodes first came out lmao! I've always felt like Connie was taking it a bit too far even with how she initially reacted. Like Steven went through a whole lot and watched his friend essentially die in front of him, but nooo she's upset because he didn't want her to be in danger and come with him to space? 😭 Like I get it she's a kid and all, but this whole arc has always annoyed the hell out of me. This is actually my first time fully rewatching these episodes, because I just tend to skip this arc because it manages to piss me off THAT much lmao.


Sadie Killer: YAS, another Working Dead lover! I love this song so much, it's such a jam. And yes, they did release a clean copy of what you heard in this episode- though as always, I would recommend not looking that up until you finish the show, because I'm sure you'd also be recommended intense spoiler videos next, lol. I am OBSESSED with the visual they had at the end of the song where Sadie bites into the jelly donut but in silhouette, so all you see is her outline and then the red of the jelly. It's so clever and cool. What also popped into my head while rewatching this episode is how sweet it is that the Cool Kids are involving Steven in their little band stuff. I'm sure this has been a really good outlet for him, with so many other worries bungling around inside his head. It makes me wonder if he's confided in them about any of the stuff he's been going through, since we've seen him confide in them about some of his struggles earlier in the show. (In the season 2 opener.) Man. I kinda wanna write that now, lol. _ Kevin Party: "Low key, I kinda just want Kevin to die." Steven (at least at the beginning of this episode) and you are probably shaking hands, LMAO. This made me laugh. Yeah, Kevin is basically just written to be a very punchable character. (Beyond the VERY soft hint of a past heartbreak they give him in this episode, ahah.) But hey, he at least his punchable-ness led to a situation where Steven and Connie were roped together at the same party and could finally talk things out! I feel really bad for Steven here... normally, I don't think he'd be so susceptible to this kind of bad advice, but he's in a really raw and vulnerable emotional state so it makes sense that he'd be desperate enough to listen to someone like Kevin. And re: Connie, my opinion is that the point of her whole deal is that she is 12, and thus of Course doesn't have all the tools to communicate in the most perfect way ever. She is entitled to all of her frustrated feelings about what went down with Steven just bailing on her and being taken away, but also... damn girl, you gotta learn how to use your words, ahah. I think what she Should've done is just what you suggested- to literally just text Steven "hey I'd like to talk about this in person" or even just "I need time" and leave it at that. Alas though... once again... Twelve years old. I am giving her grace for that fact alone. I also find this episode kinda interesting because it once again brings back that little character thread about Steven looking WAY younger than he actually is- this is a teen party and he IS a teen, albeit a young one- but everyone else is just like "ugh who invited the seven year old" because he honest to god hasn't visibly aged for a long time. Back in his season 2 birthday episode, he didn't change one bit from his eighth birthday picture to present. Awkward, lol. No wonder why many folks around him (and also the viewers) often perceive him as way younger than he is. I think Connie's haircut is sooo cute, also. ;w;


I think Connie's hurt reaction makes a lot more sense when one looks at it from her perspective- after that whole agreement they made in season two that they were going to fight by each others' side no matter what instead of one of them pushing the other away and fighting alone, Steven ignored that entirely, ignored the hard work they'd been putting into training as Stevonnie, and just gave himself up to Homeworld when there's every chance they would've WON had they simply worked together. This isn't a matter of Connie going "wahh, I wanted to go on a cool space adventure," this is a matter of her re-evaluating the very foundation of her friendship with Steven as a whole. Is a friendship worth pouring ANY energy into whatsoever if the other person is just going to start pushing you aside when things get hard, break your promises, and then act as if your feelings don't matter in the end? Of course we the audience know that Steven didn't mean to hurt her in that way, but she was grappling with some huge, upsetting questions here. I agree that her way of handling this situation by essentially ghosting Steven was less than ideal, but I also believe that this arc is a lot more enjoyable and thematically coherent with what's been shown of Steven and Connie's dynamic in the past when one puts themself in her shoes and starts to muse on what SHE was going through, too. Also, it's simply more interesting to me on a narrative level for characters to run into communication issues from time to time, rather than everyone communicate perfectly. I think it speaks volumes to the strength of Steven and Connie's bond that they were able to go through this situation and come out on the other side stronger as a pair for it.