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A bit of a slower episode, but it gave us an insight on how little quarrels may be handled in the future. I enjoyed this a ton for the slower pacing and the relationship/character building we got out of it! Solid episode :)


Lester Wiggins

As much as I love Al, I kind of have a conflicted opinion of his existential crisis and argument with Ed in this episode. On the one hand, he is a 14 year old boy with a good heart and soul. Current body situation aside, he is still human and can be lead astray if he lets negative thoughts fester; not unlike his brother a few episodes ago. Plus, it is kind of on Ed for not talking to him about their feelings about what happened sooner, but it is also understandable why he was hesitant to do so. Point being, I’m not all that surprised that he was a little too impressionable when someone starts to mess with his head; even if said person is a homicidal lunatic. On the other hand, Al is smarter than this. He is the voice of reason between him and Ed; so it should’ve been easy for him to dismiss a criminal’s mind games, especially one that was trying to kill him. Regardless, nobody is perfect and we got to see some nice development between all the characters involved; so I can learn to live with it. 😁