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HOLY GIVING UP SO EASILY BATMAN. I mean really...tf is that Ed!? I loved this moment though, it gave Al a chance to step in and sort of be the big brother, but bring some sense into it.

I loved that moment for them! What'd y'all think of this episode?


Lester Wiggins

In Ed’s defense, he was not in a good state of mind after what happened to Nina. Not to mention that Tucker must have gotten into his head a little with what he said about the similarities between their actions when Ed confronted him. Add that on top his past trauma and hearing about Tucker’s and Nina’s murder the morning after everything happened; it’s a lot to process in so short amount of time. So I don’t blame Ed if he is not thinking on all cylinders when he gets ambushed out of nowhere; but I also don’t blame Al for knocking some sense into him (literally) after realizing where Ed’s headspace was at and things cooled down.


Yeah this is fair. I do kind of just assume that everyone in shows should be perfect, because why not, it's fictional. But obviously that's so dumb haha This explanation though definitely irons out that whole situation!