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Okay so I want to know waht you guys want to see more content, wow, fortnite, pokemon.. Please tell me so I can deliver you guys with the best content I can make for y'all cool kids.



I'm here for the WoW stuff


All your content is very good, but I'm a big fan of the pokemon content. Also, the Surge post was one of my favorites


I'm here mostly for the WoW art.

Simon Bitdiddle

I'm here for the art, you're doing fine. I'd like to see more m/m stuff but regardless, I enjoy your work.

Firelord Kinndy

I love your art and always will regardless of what it is but if i had to pick 1 i would say post more WoW art :3


Gnomes, but uh.. please fix the model's toes.


I joined from the Crossfaction Fun so I would love more WoW specifically Vulpera and Worgen


Here mostly for the WoW stuff, your pandaren renders are what caught my eye in particular. But I am alright with variety.


Mainly joined for the fortnite stuff recently but that's fallen extremely out of favor.


Im here for fortnite art