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One does not simply do 6 point motion capture...

I thought that as soon as I strapped on my new Vive trackers I would be stomping around town like a real Giantess in no time. Not so much. Turns out there's a lot of steps to get everything set up right for mocap, and then once I am recording I get a whopping 10 FPS in VR.

The video starts off with some of my first recordings that didn't end in complete catastrophe, and then by the end of it I am sort of figuring out how to walk around and not blow things up.  I get a kick out of some of the physics glitches, so I left them in. Early on I didn't think to adjust the soft body physics, so the models were a bit...stretchy?

In the short term if I film enough of these I will have plenty of footage to pull from to make gifs and little movies.  Even though these first mocaps are clunky, its way easier than trying to animate, at least for me. And its a lot more fun, I just need practice. Certain movements throw off the trackers and I can't move to fast. It's better to move in slow motion then speed it up when I edit the video.

More to come soon.


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