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My grandfather passed away, and i was in another city because of this.

I am going back very soon, thank you for understanding



Oh man. My deepest condolences Chelo. Please take all the time you need and be well. Make sure your taking care of yourself too ❤️

Crimson Aurora

I am very sorry for your loss. Take your time recovering from this awful news. We'll be patient. <3


Oh my... I am feeling so sorry for your loss. You don't need to explain yourself or to apologize. Please take your time to recover from the incident


it always hurts


well like the others my condolences , hopefully peacefull death . anyway thanks for giving some news , a lot of creators just go quiet when life happens...


take all the time you need!! my condolences


thank you, i think it is important to inform people that support you.


Losing people you love is always hard. All we can do is make sure their memory lives on.


True, i have only best memories with my grandfather. I spent a lot of time with him when i was a child, and that was a very good time