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Hello everyone!~

I recently got updated with all the new changes to be applied for my incoming work and study schedule for the first half of this year and it is....WOOOF.... heavy...

So necessary adjustments need to be made so that I keep content rolling without compromising my studies and teaching duties. Just to give you specific context, I have three grad school classes AND teach three classes (120 students) this semester.

If I need to make a larger adjustment in between, I'll be sure to let you all know in advance as it goes but for now, these are the official changes to be applied for at least the NEXT SIX MONTHS!

Content will be rolling out more slowly, every two months, but on the bright side, you only have to pay THREE TIMES within the next six months! For example, if you already paid for this January, February is completely free, and will be the month I release all the content from confirmed in January.

Other smaller changes for these adjusted time periods:
- Adding an extra ONE-SKETCH winner for Monthly OC Sketch
- Adding an extra OC CRAFT winner
- Other freebies may come out!

I hope you understand this necessary change in the meantime until this challenging "training arc" passes. Thank you all again for your continued support and I hope to continue seeing you again here!





Woah that's quite a workload my friend 🙏 Completely understand the changes. Sending you all the energy I can. Best of luck with all you gotta do as this new chapter begins. Excited to see what comes next from you ❤️💜


Good luck with your studies dude! You have my support through all of this!