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Let's do this! Time to start this thing early! Since it's the start of a new year and as a way to make up for the lateness, ALL TIERS will be open to this for the month!

It's time for more damsels~!

For this month, EVERYONE may submit ONE character of your choice to the poll through the comments below. Just reminding ya'll of the general new change for the Fanart Poll: It's free-for-all themed from now on; you may suggest a female character from ANY IP you want as long as it fits within the rules.

For each submission, please include a link/image of the character, their name, media title they came from (e.g. anime title, video game title, etc.) and the scenario you'd like to see them in. Accompanying dialogues are also welcome, but please keep them brief if you want to suggest one; we're not making a full fledged comic.

Any submissions missing any of these elements won't be considered. If you have nothing specific in mind for, say the scenario or clothes of the character, just specify that it's open for interpretation.

Please refer to this post for more details on how the Monthly Fanart Poll works, and this post for what kind of OCs are allowed/not allowed, and limitations given to certain OC types.

Have at it, everyone! :3 Submissions are open for one week. After that, I'll be making a separate post for the results, where Connoisseurs and Critics can start voting.

Looking forward to seeing who you'll be submitting!





Noise from Nikke https://i.ytimg.com/vi/9iVhccpDx-E/maxresdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEoCIAKENAF8quKqQMcGADwAQH4Ac4FgAKACooCDAgAEAEYZSBUKFAwDw==&rs=AOn4CLCu3D-q05rzqnjW8hwcJEGlk6hzJQ


Maya Fey from Ace Attorney series https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/heros/images/c/c7/Maya_PXZ.png/revision/latest?cb=20210410004322&path-prefix=fr