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Hello everyone! Here are the winners for this month~!

Winners of the TWO-Sketch Draw
Fubuki, submitted by CeruleanSurge

Winners of the ONE-Sketch Draw
Ami, submitted by Notebook
Celia, submitted by GamePire

Please take note that I aim to finish at least the TWO One-Sketch Draw winner this month so, there is a possibility that the second and third winners will get their sketch by the start of next month.

I will be messaging the winners individually and asking for details on their sketches. The sketches will be available for viewing on Patreon for everyone!

Thank you to all those who participated! If you didn't get your OC chosen this month, don't fret! There's always next month! I look forward to drawing more of your OCs in time!




Kam Kam

Oo, that bottom right one looks familiar! One of my moots showed me a similar design, so I wonder if she is related😆


I really can’t wait to see what is made with these cuties >:3