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Hey ya'll!

I know I promised ya'll Kinktober entries and I intend to deliver.

However, what I didn't expect to get a speed bump with were last month's One-Sketch Winners I intended to get delivered this week. Grad School dropped some major requirements again this week so, there's no guarantee I'll be able to finish those sketches this week.

I've also been feeling terrible lately. I didn't announce this anywhere but, it's becoming more relevant nowadays that I think it's time to come out of the woods with it. My doctor revealed in my last check up that my liver's gotten a little worse with the fat content due to September being a bad month mentally and physically for me. So I've been on very strict diet and exercise as of late to lose weight. All of that has made me very sluggish and low energy since I'm consuming less than 1500 calories a day while working and drawing.

I'm hoping next week I'll be able to push for them. Again, apologies~ I hope you enjoy the Kinktober releases for now!



I’m sorry. Please don’t push yourself too hard, your health is important.


Take your time hinew! We'll be here, don't overwork yourself. Have a hug!