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Hello everyone!~

So, I wanted to make a little announcement that some of you may be aware of if you follow my public socials.

Due to certain circumstances, I had to actively recreate my avatar and persona online recently. Without giving too many details, my page was discovered by certain people in my real life circles. While it was not too much of a big deal, it was definitely a wake up call that my page DOES get around the circles I have in real life, the ones I don't want involved with my artist side here.

For security reasons, and to ensure I don't run the risk of endangering my job, I had to disconnect my real life appearance a little bit with my online persona. I rewrote my lore and crafted some fantasy around my persona. Now I'm reborn online as a warlock with a patron~ XD

Why I went to these lengths is that I don't want to sacrifice the already well-established rapport and interactions I have with you guys and other artists, especially when we have collabs involving ourselves and not our OCs. This will be me without actually being me, in a way.  

Now, this won't mean much except that I'll be replacing some of my page assets that involve my old avatar, and will also deviate the name a little bit without changing the tag.

The good thing though, is that this allows me ANOTHER creative way to express myself, and I've actually made some comics already around this idea! Will be sharing you all exclusive material about this later on. For now, I hope you all don't mind the slight change.

This will also mean you'll be seeing more of myself and these characters in some casual art. Hope you have fun with this idea as much as I do!~




That’s totally understandable and I’m sure everyone will respect what you’ve done and tbh it looks like it worked out for the best XD you’ve gotten some amazing designs here while keeping it true to your old self which I really do like

Kam Kam

The way I see it, you turned lemons into lemonade. Keep doing what you do king😁