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You heard it right, folks!~

Hello everyone! So to give you all context, my graduate studies is getting VERY hectic this time of year so, I really need to give more time to my research and paper writing WITHOUT compromising my work for you all on Patreon~ :3

For the sake of practicality and fairness, while balancing all my duties, October will NOT be charged to you all~! However, that also means October will not have any active polls. Instead, I will be participating in Kinktober, and as a free treat to you all for your patience and patronage, all Kinktober entries will be posted and limited to Patreon!

I hope that this is a fair take.  I will take advantage of the free month to start building up on my lore and bondage art for my original ideas like Red Sand, Violet Penumbra, and my recently newly introduced lore for myself and my DnD OCs!

However, I also have commissions and collaborations to take part in. Please, feel free to DM me if you ever wanna share some ideas for a drawing you'd like to see but, no guarantees I'm afraid.

I will do my best to deliver the best content I can give to you. Once again, THANK YOU for your continued support. If you want to partake in the free month and all its benefits, please stick around the Patreon. ;3 



Hehehe -writes down a bunch of stuff for aerie x rosey- prepare your cheeks!