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Ok ya'll, good news for you!   

I don't think I'll be able to make draw the fanart by April 30 exactly, especially since, SPOILER: I'm adding a bonus Byleth along with Laegjarn!  

So good new to all of you and your wallets: I'm taking a paycut for May! Happy Free May!!   

May will be proceeding as usual. Like I mentioned before, I want to continue the practice of making up for time when I can't deliver when Im expected. As much as I may need the money, I want to remain professional to you all without withholding you to pay for something you don't get something out of.

On top of that, my master studies will be starting in May and will continue within the next few years, so expect some of my pace to slow down a bit. But don't worry too much about that! I still promise to keep you all updated for anything and everything! And I will continue to do my best to deliver quality content, AND to improve on my art as well as the months and years go by.

I would definitely still appreciate your continued support, as I could definitely use all the financial support I could get to complete my masters.

Thank you all for sticking around for the journey. Despite the rougher road ahead for me, cheers to more continued successes and creative endeavors! 


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