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Hello everyone!

I will still be drawing the One-Sketch winners of last month first, so please expect those to be released prior to the Two-Sketch winners of this month. This month is becoming looser with my schedule slowly, so I will make time.

Now then, onto this month's winners~!

I would like to congratulate the FIVE winners of this month's Monthly OC Sketch!

The first two winners will have TWO sketches, while three winners will be able to receive ONE sketch.

Winners of the TWO-Sketch Draw
Goblin Maya, submitted by Danny Schlepers
Abby, submitted by SaunterWing!

Winners of the ONE-Sketch Draw
Priscilla Wintertail, submitted by GenericAfrican
Crimm, submitted by Gabbers
Tabitha, submitted by Bubonic

Please take note that the One-Sketch Draw winners might get their sketches next month if I end up having to postpone their art for a certain reason (busy month, health reasons, etc.) But the Two-Sketch Draw winners, I will make sure to draw your sketches by this month.

I will be messaging the winners individually and asking for details on their sketches. The sketches will be available for viewing on Patreon for everyone!

Thank you to all those who participated! If you didn't get your OC chosen this month, don't fret! There's always next month! I look forward to drawing more of your OCs in time!

