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Hey ya'll!

It's a long weekend so, I took the extra time to draw something I've been wanting to catch up on!

First is a side character named Mira, a collab OC with Minori and a childhood friend of Halla from Red Sand. Unlike Halla, who has a learned the way of water magic, Mira has learned the way of nature.

Second is some concept art for a new fantasy world I want to keep under wraps via Patreon first until I have a solid concept story-wise. Essentially, it's a fantasy world where the world was split into four after a magical war, resulting in four floating minor shattered worlds that are trapped in eternal seasons. So there's a world island trapped in eternal winter, eternal autumn, etc. And these are some concept pieces on the inhabitants.

Anyway, I will now get to the One-Sketch OC Draws from January while waiting for submissions to this month's polls.

Cheers and look forward to hearing your thoughts!



Kam Kam

I never get tired seeing your art style. No matter what you draw, it’s so signature🤩


Vine Whip... I think I can guess what kind of shenanigans ensues...