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Howdy ya'll! :D

So I know this Patreon is young, and to be frank with ya'll, it's not the easiest thing managing a Patreon while having a teaching day job. XD

However, I do wanna hear of all your thoughts on possible ideas on how I can make this Patreon more active and something more exciting for ya'll!

Now, I really can't guarantee to take all of your ideas, as I need to take into consideration possible months where teaching may get a lot busier (probably January to April) or lighter (probably Summer break months; May to August).

With that in mind, I hope ya'll really don't mind my schedule as a daytime teacher/night owling artist.

Regardless, I want to know your ideas! :3 You have anything to suggest regarding new features, or changes/additions to existing features? Any particular features you would like to see more of or have more consistently aside from the Monthly Fanart and OC Draws?

Please let me know your thoughts, especially regarding what features you can suggest based on the tiers you've chosen.

Cheers ya'll! 




What about a mini stories (1 or 2 pages) about Aerie and her friends? :3 Something simple to know more about their personalities and lives. applying something funny or horny.

LustDiD Harem

Honestly, anything involving your OCs will be fantastic regardless of what it is :) I admit I'm strongly biased in favor of more voiced clips like the last one, but I understand those aren't exactly easy to produce.


Sounds like a good thing to practice with :3 I could try that with the first 2 weeks of a month :)


Oh don't you worry, I have some voicelines already ready! :D It's just a matter of producing the video :D I guess I should get around to them soon