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Heyo everyone!

The year is about to end, and I couldn't be more grateful to you for sticking around  for the first months of my Patreon. From the bottom of my heart, thank you all!

It hasn't even been a year since I started Patreon and yet, we've accomplished a lot of art together. At this point, I'd like to ask everyone if you have any feedback on this page so far?

Anything at all! Good points you like about my releases, work schedule, etc. Points for improvement, etc. Or even just things you'd like me to know in general. Please, I'd appreciate anything you have to say.

P.S. To the OC Draw winners, I'm working on your draws, don't worry. :3 




You haven’t been here for even a year yet??? I didn’t even know that I think you’re doing great tho! I love how you do your polls and how many draws you post on here for the community


More Saffiya and Janaan please And also what's you're favorite hobby? Assuming drawing isn't your favorite or your hobby


You'll get more of that next year actually :3 And favorite hobby? Movies, video games, jogging, cooking, reading :3


I'd love to see either some comic pages or comic strips from you. They don't have to be part of a series, but one-offs are always nice, and can be built into something larger if/when you feel like it!


I have been enjoying being a subscriber so far. As for suggestions - I think it would be fun to have some themes for the OC raffles? Like, one month can be your OC tying up the winner, and the next month can be the reverse. One month can be you giving the OC a makeover design that would fit with your setting. Etc etc. As someone with more OCs than I can count, I'd have fun picking out who to submit based on the theme :)


Came for the oc and lore drops and I’ve been happy with what I see. I don’t know what to add as a suggestion, I just love your style and the girls getting tied in it is a perfect bonus


Oooh I've got a few ideas for these :D Cheers man! Thank you for this :D


Huh, interesting! :D I'll def take note of these! Can def add some variety to the OC Draws for sure. Thank you Seki! :D


Thank you Minori! :D Cheers! Hope you enjoy the continuous stream of stuff to come!