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Hello everyone!

I know I promised a LOT of art by the end of this month! Rest assured, I'm really doing my best to try to get all the art I promised out by the end of this month. That's also partly the reason I made next month free, actually! In case I can't get everything out by this month, next month is on me, so that I can also give myself more time to complete the October promises SHOULD I be late.

Apologies for the lack of progress updates these past few days. For those still waiting for the promised art and are worried they won't get it soon, rest assured they WILL come out in time. :) If not this week, then sometime next week.

The last leg of this month has been super hectic unexpectedly. Teaching has been taking a LOT out of me this month since it's finals month for the students, and I still have one more contract to finish with my sfw freelance art. All of these just kinda came outta left field with the deadlines, hence I've been juggling so much stuff.

I'm not stressed out or feeling burned out, don't worry. :) I'm a strong little pup. XD I've been getting very little sleep though, hence the slowed down pace. this won't last long though, rest assured. It's really just been this week that's been...HOOOO BOI~

Anyway, that's enough spouting out excuse from me today, haha. XD Thank you all for your continued patience and support! I really appreciate ya'll! Please bare with me for a little while as I try to get these promises out. :)

I won't let you down, folks! Happy Halloween! 


Kam Kam

Shoot, finals already😓? In any case, no worries, and best of luck (they’ve got this in the bag👍)!


Take it easy and handle your IRL stuff as it comes. Us weird perverts will still be here when you're ready. Appreciate the open communication either way.


Thanks man! :D I'll do my best to catch up if not before November, early November :)