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Hey folks!

I've been thinking over the future of the OC Sketch feature on this platform, considering it is the page's most popular feature. Firstly, I wanted to thank you for your participation on this page through this.

With that said, I want to make sure that I can continue to keep it as something that we can all enjoy going forward! So, I was debating whether or not to continue keeping it a random spin system, or to transform it into a voting system.

Proposed Voting system:
- Winners are decided by number of votes
- Audience bias may be a factor
- Connoisseurs can continue to submit TWO OCs a month
- Critics can continue to submit ONE OC a month

Current Spin system
- Winners are decided by wheel spin
- No audience bias
- Connoisseurs can continue to submit TWO OCs a month
- Critics can continue to submit ONE OC a month

If the Voting system wins this poll, my plan is to do a trial run next month and then take a feedback poll after as to whether you would like to transform this feature to voting system entirely, or transition back to the spin system, depending on your thoughts.

Please let me know your thoughts, folks. I hope you don't mind me hearing you out so I can continue to produce content that everyone here can enjoy.




I like the idea without audience bias. It’s the main reason I don’t submit my OC to a lot of these polls across multiple patreons; why submit when you know your OC is never going to be popular enough to win?


I say give the voting system a try for one month, and if it is unpopular can go back to the old one.


Honestly spinning is fine. Although that may change if someone ends up gets it like 10 times in a row XD


I like spinning, I think it's far fairer and gives OCs that might otherwise not be as popular/well-known a spotlight.

Purple Paradox

I like spinning to be honest! Means super popular OCs aren't dominating it. However, it can mean someone might go a while without winning... perhaps, the winners of the spin cannot enter the next spin with any OCs?


I prefer the spinning option that way we can have more variations of characters without audience bias