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Hey hey hey, patrons!

'Tis the season to be creepy, and boy do I have a special offer for you. For this month, I'm offering all of you, regardless of tier, a chance to submit any female OC or CHARACTER FROM MEDIA to this thread.

Before the end of this month, TWO winners will be randomly picked out and drawn in the same style as my Monthly OC Sketch. To keep the Monthly OC Sketch special, the default sketch to be applied for the winners of this offer is a BONDAGE SKETCH.

You may only submit any of the following character types for this Spooktober special:

- Monster Girls
- Demon Girls
- Furries (Level 3 as the highest)
- Scalies (Level 3 as the highest)
- Witches and Necromancers

Yeahp, you heard it right, folks! I'm willing to draw in bondage some of the character archetypes I would normally not draw in this kind of scenario! However, before you get too excited, please take note of the following limitations:

- The character must still possess a somewhat humanoid form, so creatures that are full centaur or drider are out of the question; mermaid types and snake tail types ARE allowed however
- Out of personal taste, I still cannot bring myself to draw fully Undead females in the bondage sketch scenario, so please no zombies, ghouls or anything of the like involving rotting flesh
- No Insect Girls please
- Outside of witches and necromancers, regular human or humanoid racial (e.g. Elves, Dwarves, etc.) OC or Fanart entry types are not going to be entertained in this special offer; the monthly fanart and monthly OC sketch already exist for that purpose

Please also take note that any submission that doesn't follow these rules will be rejected. I will notify you in the comments if a submission is rejected. Otherwise, please assume that no comment saying otherwise means that submission is accepted!

If you are interested in availing of this special monthly offer, have at thee!

The random picking will commence in TWO WEEKS from now, so you have enough time to pick out who you want to submit.

Looking forward to seeing what you ya'll offer up! Cheers!

BUMP: Still 4 days left to avail of this special offer! 




I literally only have one girl to offer you 😂😭I haven’t had any art of my valkyrie oc drawn so I offer rosey again XD if that’s okay


Hmmm, I mayy have to ask you to submit someone else for this one, since she won last month's poll. XD Sorry. BUT if you have a character from a movie, series, game, or anime, that fits the bill here, you can offer her up. :)


Damnitttttt the cons of having only one Oc….I give mitsuri kanroji from demon slayer >:3


Ah fck sorry my brain is just waking up here I changed it to this girl https://twitter.com/gloomy_chuu/status/1575205648949981184?s=46&t=5Srvb7pvJlUh8-lBsqQzwg she is an actual demon


Welp this month I seem to be thriving in terms of chances to provide XD


Not sure if a fox girl counts as a monster girl, but my OC Millenia is also a witch! Here's art of her: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/267865243110211584/720351404488917052/Millenia_Epoch_Empress_Color.jpg https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/861688477267787787/861698693254217738/millenia_by_lordless-dbj2zim.jpg (slightly spicy bondage pic of her as well): https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/640777373683286017/720353347105849344/Millenia_Witch.png

Purple Paradox

If Elise from League of Legends counts, would like to go with her! For bindings, thinking leather bonds with runes in them to stop her from changing into her spider form, maybe an armbinder or lots of leather straps! https://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Elise_0.jpg


Issa Monkey! >:3 https://www.dropbox.com/s/i781qf6a80ql6u5/Issa%20Monkey.png?dl=0


Gideon Nav https://sta.sh/224kzz4tlefn?edit=1


Demon Miyuri: https://twitter.com/hojojutsutengu/status/1480199970644975624?s=46&t=dSlzDuSTjepQ1pq51g7kVg


I offer you Vel's goddess form as tribute. https://www.deviantart.com/manunuart/art/Clean-Commission-Vel-Reference-Sheet-916425383


Don’t worry you can hide a good majority of her scales with clothing XD

Kam Kam

Gotta go for Marceline. She’s my go-to🥰. https://www.deviantart.com/nasuki100/art/Sexy-Marceline-348830492