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Hello everyone!

Welcome to the Monthly Fanart Polls Guide!

I'm sure some of you are familiar with this kind of system from other pages. Every month, I will be creating a piece of shibari-themed fanart based on your pick!

It starts with the Connoisseurs submitting a character they'd like to have on the poll. Only one character submission per patron each month, so choose wisely.

Polls every month will alternate between being tied to specific themes (e.g. 80's anime ladies, video game heroines, etc.) and being free-for-all. This is to keep the polls more interesting, to give more chances for other character types to be included, and to prevent the same characters from being repeatedly submitted too much.

Character submissions can be any character from media (e.g. anime, cartoons, video games, etc.) as long as they stick within the Character Submission Boundaries, and they follow the theme for specifically-themed months.

If there are 10 or less character submissions within the month, every character will be included in the poll. If there are more than 10 character submissions, 10 characters will be randomly picked to be part of the poll, with the screencaps of the results to be included in the designated post.

When the poll is completed, Connoisseurs and Critics will be given a week to vote for the character they want to see drawn for the piece.

When the voting is up, the winning character will be announced and the piece will be in the works! All tiers will be able to see the final piece when it is finished, with Connoisseurs and Critics having access to more variants.

If you have any questions regarding these guidelines, feel free to comment below or send me a PM.




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