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It was late. The wind blew fiercely against the frozen wastes so hard that Ami could hear the clattering of wooden shutters against the frame of the structure. She was alone and even though the candles were lit and the hearth was still burning warmly keeping the presence free of the frigid temperatures outside, she still felt the chill of the lonesome inn. 

Even in the coldest recesses of Ice Crown the festive soul of Azeroth’s Holiday Spirit was still alive and well. The frozen wasteland of Dragonblight had begun its reclamation by the combined forces of the Alliance, the Horde, and the Eternal Dragonflights. The undead forces of the Lich King had been beaten back to Ice Crown and it had allowed a brief respite against the horrors of the world. Wintergarde Keep was once a forlon outpost against the scourge, but with the undead menace now pulverized into mulch and the citadel of Naxxramas crumbled to ruin and flung to Ice Crown with the help of Dalaran Mages, it had become a center of commerce in the region. Tuskarr, Wolvar, and Taunka that were native to the area came there to trade wares and of course heat up with the warmest of ale before making the trip home in the morning. 

Funny enough, the festival of Hallow’s End was a mocking celebration considering the atmosphere of the world. The youthful souls that had become civilians of Northrend still expected to wander from house to house and have their visage of terrifying costumes appeased by sweets. Even the youngsters native to Northrend that had never heard of the Hallow’s End Festival beamed with excitement at the tradition that had been brought by the local children. Mothers of youngsters from various tribes were beginning traditions of making costumes for their youngest. Decorations had become a contest between the locals of the keep, the Magi having conjured moving ghost illusions that swirled around their tower.

For most it was a festive celebration, for Ami, it was simply more work to be done. The rogue had purchased a partnership at the Inn during their invasion of Naxxramas as a simple means of convenience and to hide some of her amassing wealth from prying eyes. She hadn’t expected it to result in responsibilities that demanded her attention. Never one to shy from responsibility, Ami capitulated and set about the tasks expected of her as an ‘Inn Mother.’ Decorating the inn with spooky adornments that reminded her of her youth in Azeroth, activities that would make it comfortable enough for newcomers and familiar enough for youngsters far from home.

Ami was pleased with herself, her knack with a dagger had uses outside of the brutality of her work, she felt a sort of joy when she carved up the pumpkins for decoration at the inn. The dagger that she had used to slay restless dead was now cutting perfect triangles into orange pumpkins leaving their designs almost crystalline in appearance. As much as she had felt pressured into taking on the duties of decorating the inn she couldn’t help but feel pleased with herself at the results. She felt especially proud of herself when others took notice, like her friend Sherri who had just appeared from out of nowhere and was admiring the various spooky ornaments. “What do you think?” Ami smiled softly, breaking the doggirl’s concentration, Ami biting her lower lip with a shy smile, “I hope the kids will like it.”

Sherri’s eyes visibly brightened and a smile perked at the corners of her lips, “They better.” She teased as she slid her hips atop of the corner of the table that Ami had just finished prepping a Jack-o’-Lantern for. “I’d make it a point to not give kids candy if they’re rude.” 

“I.. I couldn’t do that!” Ami protested, “They’re just kids after all..” Her eyes looked down at the pumpkin that had been carved to the best of her ability. “It’s been a rough year for everyone, I’m hoping this will brighten everyone’s spirits for a bit.” There was a flutter of excitement in her heart as she looked over to Sherri, “We’ll take out the Lich King right? Then there can finally be peace..?” 

Sherri gave a brief pause, stood up, and approached Ami with a body embracing hug. Sherri felt nice, her soft full breasts pressing against Ami’s shoulders from behind, the panda girl took a deep breath, relaxing her body with a sweet exhale. Ami breathed in Sherri’s sweet canine scent, something about her had that kind of eternal warm scent to her body, like Sherri always had that flavor of autumn on her fur that reminded Ami of pumpkin pies. “Of course, hon.” Ami’s ear gave a reflexive twitch, Sherri’s lips had kissed upon it firmly while her arms squeezed tighter, “You need to relax though, everything is going to be okay just trust it all to work out.” 

The words felt more real than the situation, but Ami still had a bit of a pout on her face. Something that Sherri had rarely let alone, the doggirl’s fingertips were trailing down her exposed abdomen. The glittering blue texture of her nail polish disappearing underneath Ami’s fur as she touched against the softness of her tummy, “Mmm, you always know what to say to make me feel better.” Ami crooned sweetly, her shoulders raising as she took in a deeper breath. She was suddenly grateful that they were completely alone that evening.

Sherri’s hand carefully danced along the outside of Ami’s bulge, her fingertips then touched, carefully so against the front of her inseam. Ami gave a tremble but didn’t move away, her hand shifting upwards and clutching at the neck in her blouse with her fingers as Sherri leaned in close, “I try my best.” Sherri replied sweetly, her sapphire polished digits landing at the edge of her concealed length. Sherri’s hand stroking along it the same as she would entice another female, Ami’s veiny appendage simply an outlet for shared pleasure. Her fingers teased along the swelling length that responded so eagerly to her touch, the doggirl leaning closer their cheeks together, “You’re worth the effort.” Sherri’s words barely left her lips, the quiet of the frigid evening stealing the sounds away from them, but nothing needed to be truly said between them for their understanding to be crystal clear. Ami leaned close, her eyes closing as her and Sherri’s lips met in a passionate kiss.

Their bodies move rhythmically against one another, but Ami’s cock was being pressured by the tightness of her pants, and the pumpkin that blocked her dick’s trajectory. Sherri’s fingers dipped into the small of her front, sliding her pawpads over the flesh of her veiny swelling cockmeat. “Mmhh..” Ami’s voice gave a muffled groan as their tongues met, Sherri’s wriggling blue muscle suckled by her lips as her own tongue teased the front. Her shoulders raised, her body ached with longing desire, Sherri’s hand still dragging up and down her shaft, endlessly teasing it with the most subtle of touches. “Mayb.. we.. we should.. stop..” Ami whimpered, her dick clearly contradicting her words.

“Stop?” Sherri’s voice teased against Ami’s lips, her hand peeling itself out from the tightness of Ami’s bulging shorts, “Why would we do that?” Sherri leaned in closer grinding her breasts against the pandagirl’s shoulders as she trembled with excitement. “Or maybe you like the idea of someone watching..” Sherri whispered salaciously in her ear while her hand touched against the back side of the pumpkin, a sizzling scent suddenly caught Ami’s nostrils as she felt her cock spring freely forwards, no longer was it pinned against the pumpkin, instead her dick throbbed forwards inside the hollow gourd with Sherri’s hand quickly coming to meet it from above. 

Ami felt her shoes digging into the wooden floors, her ears folding back as she gave out a high pitched whine, “Sherriiii.. Tha.. that’s so naughty..” She bit on her lower lip even tighter, her cock growing to its fullest girth and twitching against Sherri’s stroking digits. “I’m not kinky like that..” She huffed hotly, trying to deny that being caught in the open was so.. so.. so taboo! Especially as a rogue who was known for their stealth! 

“Oh, I think you’re kinky in other ways,” she mused as her hand gripped even tighter, “Maybe something like..” Ami’s body lurching and her fingertips gripping onto the fabric of her crimson dress. “Just imagine this, Ami,” Sherri whispered hotly into her ear, a thin trail of saliva seeping into the shell as her tongue dragged against it. “If you get me pregnant..” Ami swallowed hard, Sherri had such a knack for saying the most salacious dirty things and making them seem so nonchalant! 

“Get you..” Sherri’s finger was edging against the tip of her cock, sliding against her cumslit, Ami’s heart was pounding fiercely now the conjuration of Sherri pregnant, her rounded tummy, flooding the imagination of her mind. “Pregnant..?” Her voice practically a gasp as Sherri’s fingers now wet with Ami’s pre-cum, gripped tightly on her cock. “Sh.. Sherri..” 

“Oh my yes,” Sherri’s hand was stroking a little faster now, her thumb nudging against the engorged crown of her swelling penishead. “You’ll get to see me all full.. heavy..” Sherri tried to ignore that her own words were making her thighs shuffle with excitement, “All with your panda pups..” She punctuated her words with a firm kiss against Ami’s cheek. “And then.. a few years later we’ll take them trick or treating with us.. in a world free of the Lich King..” The last part made Sherri stifle a giggle, Ami was so cute when she fantasized about wholesome thoughts! 

Her hand was moving faster, gripping tighter, Ami’s poor throbbing hard cock aching for release after what had been a drought of orgasm for days! So many thing shad taken up the poor panda girl’s attention that she didn’t even make time for herself, and now Sherri was there, behind her, grinding against her and stroking her dick like it was her favorite thing in the world. Sherri’s lips kissed tenderly against Ami’s cheek and the words of doting affection spilled out so freely, “Go on, Ami, you’re such a good girl.. Cum for me..” Sherri whispered her teeth gently nipping at the corner of her chin. “Let out all that hot creamy cum.. I promise I’ll clean up the mess..” Ami’s body jolted at those last words that dangled along her ears. “Next time..” Sherri whispered, her hand wrapping around Ami’s abdomen from behind. “You can cum in me..” Ami’s eyes opened wide, “And not pull out.. not even for a second.” 

Her stomach tightened, her toes scrunched, her balls felt like they were filling and swelling by  the second. “And..” Sherri’s hand stroked harder, faster, tighter the grip with only her pinky finger freely extended as her slickened palms jerked her length, “Get me nice.. and.. preg-“ Ami felt the world fall out from underneath her. “Nant..”

Ami came. 

Like no one else in the world, she came. Her cumslit dilated open and the hissing sound of her spurting ejaculation shooting directly against the basin of the pumpkin. Her thick hot seed that had been roiling in her body for days coming forth without a drop of hesitation left in her, it utterly plastered the base of the pumpkin with her frothy spunk. Ami didn’t know how much she’d been holding back but it was coming out without showing any signs of stopping, her hips pushing forwards while thankfully Sherri kept her spasming cum-spigot aimed into the pumpkin bowl. “Hnnhhh.. Hahhhh .. hahhh!” Ami gasped out with each spurt of roiling hot spunk that sprayed from her unrestrained length. 

Ami’s body slumped from Sherri’s grasp, her half hard cock flopping free from cum bloated pumpkin that was now dribbling her spunky cumjuices down the front. Ami looked up seeing hearts and stars as Sherri gazed down at her, the doggirl licking at her fingertips catching some of the strands of Ami’s spunk with her tongue. “H.. Hey Sherri..?” Ami whispered with her cheeks still blushing brightly, “Did you.. did you mean all that stuff.. ab.. about  uhm.. you know..” She tried not to look so emotional but her heart was pounding as well as her length. “Getting you.. pregnant?”

Sherri practically beamed a smile down at her, and leaning forwards she met Ami’s forehead with a gentle kiss while stroking along her cheek. “Of course I did.. Now let’s get to bed. We have a big day of fun coming up in the morning.” 



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