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As a Paladin the world had set rules of right and wrong, the sinners must be judged accordingly and their souls would hopefully be purified by the weight of his hammer. Atonement would be reserved for the angels of the afterlife, his job was to send them there. In the case of Sir Thomas, a once proud knight of the Silver Hand, his corruption and madness was something that could not be overlooked. What had become a moral conundrum was what to do with the steed that stood solemn after the body of its master was committed to the earth. At first Nallis had paid it no mind as she stood there, her glowing eyes staring solemnly at the corpse of her former compatriot.

Nallis could not justify putting her to the same judgment that her master had succumbed to, she bore no responsibility for the work of her master. She had been a loyal and noble steed, and while she no longer wore the gleaming plate armor of a Paladin she had no less served as the steed for one. Nallis stood there in the once beautiful courtyard that had succumbed to death and decay. The flowers that grew in their beds darkened black with the undead corpses that they had feasted upon, Nallis had purified this monastery and in the years it would return to nature and cleanse itself of the undead rot. His eyes rest upon hers, wondering that like the monastery she too could be purified from the deeds of her master.

“Come.” The depths of his voice sent a visible shudder through her spine, her equine ears perking. He resolved that if she followed his command and be led by him, that maybe his presence would slowly reverse the darkness of The Headless Horseman’s deeds. If she chose to stay, he would abide by it, but he wouldn’t simply walk away leaving her to her fate without offering the safety of his wing. 

She stepped forward, her hand cautiously lifting, pausing as if to decide, her eyes meeting his with a vulnerable look upon her face. It was clear that she would follow her new master to the ends of the earth, to Ice Crown and back if needbe, she had made this choice before and this time she hoped that it was the right choice. With a look of renewed determination she reached out, her fingers touching to his hand as he warmly wrapped around her palm, just in time too because the magic he was generating with his other hand had finished and the pair vanished from the once holy graveyard in a wisp of smoke.

Returning home garnered him some odd glances, the naked mare with her body on display was swiftly brought up to the room he had rented at the inn. He wasn’t sure exactly how he was going to explain her continued presence there but with the way her body trotting proudly behind him in a way that he couldn’t help but notice. He noticed that she followed him rather than taking the route towards the stables, but didn’t say anything of yet, it wasn’t until he began to remove the massive plate pauldrons that adorned his shoulders that he finally made mention of her curious behavior.

“Are you planning to sleep in here?” He asked as she stepped to his side, the glowing aura of her fingertips lighting the gleaming buckles of his chestplate as she began to remove it for him. 

“Yes, Master.” Her voice was gentle even if there was a reverberation to it, as if she were speaking in echoes. It was the first time she’d spoken, although their return trip to Dalaran offered little need for conversation he was intrigued by the official tone in her voice. “I shall bed where my master lays.” She made motion to set the massive chestplate of armor to the side, then gave pause, “Unless.. he wishes I lay somewhere else?” 

Her pupiless glowing eyes made him, he carefully appraised her body. The lithe muscular frame accompanied by juicy abundantly full breasts, his ears gave a twitch of interest as he breathed in. “No, I think having you share my bed would be fine indeed..” He noticed that she didn’t avert her gaze completely as his slacks were peeled from his body, her cheeks grew brighter with her aura as he let his manhood rest freely upon his thigh with his masculinity on full display. The striations and musculature of his toned physique held her gaze. His voice broke her from her gaze and he slid his body atop of the bed. Her eyes shamelessly gawked at his slowly engorging length, his cock slowly swelling with anticipation as his hand raised, two fingers crooking in her direction beckoning her closer.

She followed, dutifully, if not eagerly. Her body arriving at the foot of his bed as her feminine assets displayed themselves as she straddled atop of the bed. A deep breath poured through his snout as he saw her hand reaching towards him, his thick throbbing cock growing fatter and harder at the touch of her palm. Her fingertips wrapped around it, gently squeezing at the shaft as her eyes met his, she seemed shy for the first moment. “Have you done this before?” Nallis spoke casually, his sturdy demeanor catching her off guard as her fingertips raised along his shaft.

“Yes.. yes master..” She gulped down her throat, “I.. was provided with males to mate with before-“ She paused and her hand slid down along his shaft as she looked at his length appraising it in the same manner that he had admired her body earlier. “It is different than.. the males I had seen before.” 

“Does it displease you?” His hand came to rest upon her pitch black mane, fingers carefully dragging along the side of her cheek with a tenderness that made her body tingle. It must have been ages since she had been treated with such a gentle touch, with such admiration, he noted her silence as her hand stroked along his manhood. Her fingers noting at the surface of his cockmeat and the bumps and grooves that came with it. “If it does, arrangements can be made of course.”

She gave a sudden jolt, her cheeks flushing brightly up at him as she shook her head. “N-No! It’s.. it’s not that I mean.” She gulped, “I.. I mean, I wasn’t sure if.. you would find me compatible.” 

Instantaneously he smirked, “I’m sure that I’ll manage.” He said whilst leaning back he let his body rest against the pillows keeping him at an upright angle and able to view her comfortably while her fingers serenaded his now fully erect penis. “But just in case, how about you take the lead?” It was a gentle suggestion to be sure, but one that she obeyed happily. Her body rose to meet his, her powerful thighs on display as she rest her hooves onto the bed, her eyes meeting his for a brief moment until she glanced down guiding his cock in her hand as her hips began to slide downwards. The warmth of her mare pussy was surprising, Nallis had been with women before, and while the touch of a hot pussy was always a blissful sensation hers was hotter than any other he had sampled before! 

His length slowly began to disappear inside her quim, her heated twat sliding down his shaft as he began to grip the sheets of the bed underneath, “Hff..” Her thighs touched against his, her hoof feet balancing the rest of her body as he gave a strained grunt, “Keep going..” He commanded with as gentle a tone as he could manage, she was born and bred to receive his orders but he could detect the glimmer of excitement at his stern and gentle approach. 

He gave a hot groan from his lips as she released her hands, the scent of the mare’s pussy caught by his astute nostrils causing a rumble of excitement to bubble in his chest. “If you are to be my steed,” He said with a luring depth in his voice, his hand raised in her direction, slowly and with the sort of glamour that came with a grand prize won in a fair, “You ought to wear this.” The mare blinked, her cheeks blushing brightly as the bridle came into view. 

With his cock fully hilted inside her, he adjusted the bridle, securing it tightly to her muzzle and face. Her cheeks glowing as he gave an approving nod of his head, “Do.. Does it look okay..?” She murmured with her words half jumbled by the contraption in her mouth. To her visible delight he nodded once more, his hand taking hold of the leather harness and holding it as he leaned back against the cushioned pillows.

“Go on.. You’ll know when I want you to go faster.” Her heart fluttered slightly, and he simply chuckled, nudging her along back to her motions with a slight tug of the bridle. Her hips raised up and once more his cock became visible but this time slathered in her mare juices that had drenched his length, watching her body move, her breasts jiggle, and her hips connected down against his cock taking every inch to the hilt, he felt a sense of pride in his new mare. Holding onto the bridle tightly guiding her motions with slight twitches of his wrist as if he were taking her on a morning trot. “Atta girl..”

Something felt different when her body hilted on him this time, a shiver of excitement that he had known when he branded his first steed.. their pact had been sealed, her soul connected to his. “Yes.. Master..” She moaned breathily and began to bounce on his cock once more, eagerly riding him up and down as his hand lifted and fell in time with her rhythm, the mare eager to please her master anticipating the movements of the bridle within milliseconds of his touch. Her twat squeezed on his length, moaning out to him in a sort of haunted way that made his spine tingle. “Master.. Master..” She called to him, sweat dripping down her body from every pore as she bounced on his cock.


Her movements sent vibrations all throughout her body, her dancing mane and tail fluttering as she rode his length, her breasts jiggling and her thighs quivering as each hilting thrust threatened to knock her off her balance and collapse upon him. “Master.. I’m.. So..” She felt the bliss of carnal pleasures that had been a long lost treasure. The absence of pleasure had become such a constant that now it felt like her first time again, like a newly taken virgin, she couldn’t contain her orgasmic pleasures while riding his length. Her insatiable desire for his cock evident by the way she slammed herself down upon him, grinding her mareclit against his bulge for the briefest moment before hoisting back up, she clenched on the metal bridle in her mouth, eyes watering at either side of her cheeks as her spasming pussy slammed on his cock.

His body lurched upwards, rearing his cock deep inside her pussy to the hilt, his hands gripping onto her thighs as she tried to move herself upwards, “Gonnahh..” He snarled, his fanged teeth showing with drool spilling own either side of his jaw as his nostrils flared outwards and his cock began to swell inside her spasming cunt. His cock ejaculated deep inside her body, his clawtips sinking into her skin, scratching at the flesh until little glimmers of her glowing emerald tint became visible. His cum flooded inside her, pouring directly into her womb as he suddenly exhaled, seething spittle as he did so while the mare moaned out with her reverberated haunted moans. 

He lay there, eyes resting upon her as she panted for air with her eyes closed and her mane flowing over her cheek and shoulder. Her hand holding onto his chest as he took in a deep breath, brushing the mane from her cheek to take in her features more closely he gave a small smile at the corners of his lips. He only hoped that she would get along with the other girls in his stable.. 




yup, thats a nallis lol