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It was one of those serene evenings, autumn was quickly upon them and the chilly winds had been encouraging indoor activities. Spiced cider drinks to sip while enjoying Halloween Themed streamed entertainment was the focus of that evening’s itinerary. Sherri and Jada comfortably nestled in her room with the door closed to keep them safe from being bothered by the guests that would come and go from the infamous Mommaphant’s home. Sherri with her back against the bedframe, Jada comfortably seated on the large mattress that sank underneath her considerable weighted frame. Her legs kicking back and forth fondly as she scrolled through her phone, Sherri did the same as the streaming service binge series played in the background.

“Sherri,” Jada said breaking the peaceful quiet, but when Sherri didn’t respond Jada peeked over curiously. The bear wondering what could be more important than her attention, eyes spied Sherri’s phone and a text that she was sending with her rapidly tapping thumbs. “Sheeeerri~” Jada crooned sweetly, this time punctuating her voice by pressing the tips of her padded bear toes against the side of Sherri’s face and nudging with a sinister voice. 

‘Yes?” Sherri peeked up with slightly amused grin, Jada’s paw nudging against her cheek still and halfway interrupting the movement of her mouth. “What can I do for you?” She chuckled and Jada grinned back down, her other paw cushioning the opposite side of Sherri’s face, squishing her between either side of her pudgy bear paws.

“Sherri, this is very important.” Jada said with an air of royal dignity in her voice, “I must get a custom fitted gaming seat for my streams.” Her paws began to fidget on either side of Sherri’s face, her toes flexing as she smushed them into Sherri’s brightly blushing cheeks. “But the people on my stream want me to try another a seat first.”

“Wait.. like my chair?” Sherri glanced to her chair near her desk, then looked up, Jada’s paws had moved away and before Sherri could react she saw those thick matronly thighs with the lacey green nightgown quickly descending, “-MMFGH!” Sherri moaned out, her body sliding back, further and further she was pushed down until those thighs locked around her arms, paws squishing her close, Sherri’s muzzle saw the dripping wet pink pussy lips that inched closer to her muzzle.

“Like you, sweetheart!” Jada crooned sweetly as the weight of her body pinned Sherri underneath, the doggirl’s squirming legs and thighs grinding together as she nestled the softness of Sherri’s smooth furred muzzle against her plump pussy mound. “Hey Big-Girl-Jada fans!” The bear crooned sweetly to her phone, “I’m going to do a live review on this amazing new seat I just got! So be sure to hit that like button and share with everyone because.. Here. We. Go!” Suddenly Sherri’s face was smushed underneath the heft of her pussy mound, the pink lips drooling along her muzzle as the doggirl let out a muffled cry.

“So far, it’s pretty comfy I think,” Jada’s cheeks began to redden as her hips moved against Sherri’s furred face, dragging the softness of her lips hungrily against the crest of her muzzle, her vulva parting as it slid between and touched against the chill of her blue nose that made the bear woman shiver! “The face seating is quite nice, a little bit of a tingle.” She bit on her lower lip as the camera watched, her moans coming from an exhale as she arched her shoulders up. “Mhhmmh..”

A gentle lick smoothed against her pink lips, underneath Sherri was trapped in the cavern of Jada’s comfortable thighs, the heat of her breath and the way she exhaled combining with the heat that emanated from Jada’s cunt. Sherri began to sweat, and so too did Jada’s cushiony body as it smothered against her face, another lick, this time a broad open tongue slurp from underneath that smeared drool achingly against Jada’s entrance. “Oooh.. and now that it’s turned on.. the real fun begins!” Jada giggled sweetly to her audience, biting on her lower lip as Sherri’s tongue delivered another naughty slurp that made her black padded toes curl against the back of Sherri’s head. Her delicate pearl clawtips catching into her brunette tresses as Jada’s back rose from the affections, fully raised she gulped down her throat as the camera was provided with another angle, gazing down at Jada from above and at her emerald green nightgown with the lower half of Sherri’s body writhing and squirming underneath her bear-trap. 

“This model happens to have a hand massager believe it or not,” Jada spoke into the camera matter of factly, her hand reaching in and smoothing her palm against Sherri’s juicy twat. The camera focused on her fingers as she started to dip inwards slowly stroking against Sherri’s blue lips her fingers curled, pushing aside Sherri’s lower lips as she moaned hotly. “Such a tight fit too..” Jada whispered to her audience as her digits dug inside wiggling against Sherri’s clenching inner walls. “My hands are pretty thick though but with enough use you could probably get your whole hand inside..” 

The twitching dragging fingers plunged deeper into Sherri’s pussy, and the doggirl moaning underneath was more than happy to return the favor. Her fingers clenching into Jada’s ebony thick thighs her mouth slurping desperately against her pussy mound, her tongue working wildly by instinct alone her eyes in the midst of fluttering open and closed as she drank in the sweet nectar of Jada’s ursine honey pot. The little moans Sherri offered were muffled by those heavy thick thighs, but the vibrations were felt by the plump momma bear who squeezed Sherri’s head underneath her bearpaws, toes dragging against her tresses as Jada moaned in return, “Hhhf.. and the vibration function.. can’t ignore that!” She crooned sweetly, half drooling along her own jaw as her eyes stared down at Sherri’s swollen pussy mound, eagerly jabbing her fingers inside and letting the pawlm of her hand clap lewdly against Sherri’s clit.

Her hackles raised, body trembling, Jada’s hips continued to grind as Sherri’s tongue slurped eagerly against her plump pussy. Her own fingers digging almost violently into Sherri’s quim pushing deeper and raising up against those sensitive inner walls that grip and squeezed upon her plump fingers. “Nnhh
 And just look..” Jada turned the phone back to herself, her moaning open mouthed gaping maw panting as she rode Sherri’s face harder with her thighs, “The massager..” She punctuated by revealing her pawlm now sticky and dripping with juices as she spread her fingers allowing the strands of pussy nectar to trail between them. “Even comes with.. a syrupy sweet.. treat dispenser..” She gulped hotly, licking at her fingers while the stream continued to play, “Perfect.. for in between matches..” She moaned out, her eyes watering slightly, Sherri’s fingers clutched into the skin of her thighs squeezing and threatening to puncture her skin as her nose dug into her pussy fully now, the doggirl snuffling and flaring her nostrils, breathing in the scent of her soppy snatch and letting her mouth slurp messily against her clit, not even caring about the sloppy manner of which her mouth spread their mixture of juices as Jada’s body convulsed overhead. 

Jada’s body churned hotly, her mouth gaping open as she felt the juices of her ursine body melting sloppily upon Sherri’s eagerly slurping muzzle and tongue. Her thighs quivered, body lurching upwards as she trembled while attempting to keep the phone streaming upon her body. Her body was melting second by second as deeper guttural breaths of pleasure escaped her lips, “Hauhhh.. Mhhhnnn yeahhh. Yeahhh..” It all came at once, flooding down her back and along her spine while simultaneously rushing up from her scrunching toes and spasming thighs. 

With breathy moans, Jada had finally allowed Sherri to crawl free, the doggirl’s small body sinking into the warmth of Jada’s breasts as she clutched her close, “I hope this review gives you all a better idea of what kind of seat I’m looking for.. Be sure to donate so I can pick out a permanent addition to my game room.” Jada breathed hotly down at Sherri, eyes gazing deep into the doggirl’s pretty brown puppy hues, “Say goodnight, Sherri.”

Turning to the camera with a smirky blush, “Goodnight, Sherri!” 

Suddenly Jada had an open mouth, Sherri’s little smart alecky quip somewhat surprising even though Jada shouldn’t have been. “You little!” Jada growled hotly, “You’re lucky you’re so cute!” She remarked before snatching the doggirl close, their visages still on camera, Jada seized her around the waist as their lips met. A tangy twirl of tongues as Sherri moaned into the kiss was the perfect way for Jada to sign off the stream..



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