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Slithering through the mostly empty catacombs of a once prosperous castle Mizuki had found what she believed to be quite the little nest. Unfortunately slime girls were unable to reproduce with one another, they often had to find one of another species that would act as a breeding host for their progeny. It was an impressive form of evolution, the offspring of each copulation taking on the characteristics of the mother or father opposite the slime-creature. Mizuki was approaching her first century and she had grown quite fond of breeding with those who had interesting traits. 

Human females were by far one of her most favored breeders, their little squealing moans and how eager they were for more once their bodies were secured and properly bred by her gooey tentacle cocks. It had been a little while since she’d entertained a guest and with the curious steps against the stone floor overhead, Mizuki had cautious excitement that they might wander into her little abode of a stone storage cellar. It usually wasn’t too difficult to lure them in, those that wandered the derelict halls were often tempted by curiosity alone or the glimmer of treasure coins near the doorway. 

The winged female that peeked through the doorway was clearly oblivious to Mizuki’s presence by the way she quickly flicked on the torch. She peeked through the mostly empty crates of boxes, a bored look on her face. Mizuki was patient, watching her quarry to make sure that no other companions would be arriving to interrupt her important work. All the while Mizuki licked her lips, wings, scales, soft lime green eyes, she would make a wonderful mother to Mizuki’s fantasized draconic slimedaughters. Mizuki’s body was pressed up against the wall so tightly she could feel every tremor of vibration throughout the abandoned castle. 

There was naught a soul but this adventurous dragongirl nearby, Mizuki felt the perfect moment, and she let a drop of her silken blue essence fall from her body. It was part of her sentience and yet at the same time seeped into the bright purple scales of the woman, her attention diverted Mizuki let herself trail down, surrounding her body almost instantly while her slimy sticky composition became a warm blanket. “Who’s there?!” The dragongirl cried out moments later drenched with slickness, Mizuki’s elemental compound that formed her slime had grown over the years in its ability to change texture and effect, a master of concoctions she found that her aphrodisiac presence made for much more suitable breeding partners. 

The shape and form of the dragon girl’s body was instantly smothered in slickness, the googirl licking her lips as she tasted the texture of her scales. “I’m Mizuki,” her voice calm and gentle, tender even. A matronly attitude was exactly what the dragongirl desired from the way her heart skipped a beat by Mizuki’s tone, “Simply relax, that will be most enjoyable for all of us.” The warmth emanating from her quarry’s body told her that the aphrodisiac nectar that was seeping into her veins was working.

“Hahh.. Wh.. What are you .. doing?” She gulped down her throat but her cheeks were blushing brightly, Mizuki knew such reactions, confusion, a mixture of excitement, she loved the initial spasms that accompanied her new breeding partners when they were encountered with her adoring slimebody. Legs were eased apart revealing the juicy dragongirl quim between her thighs that now dripped with anticipation for Mizuki’s touch, one that she happily applied firmly between her labia lips smearing the center of her exposed twat with the heated smooth touch of her body. The expectations for her partners rarely varied, they wall desired a thick veiny cock that shared a mixture of exoticism with their known preconceptions for inseminating appendages.

Mizuki’s tendrildick began to shape itself accordingly, growing thick veins around the circumference of what would be known as her shaft, the head rounding to a point with a dilated slit and large bulbous nodes forming down the underside of her shaft, the dragongirl gazed in wonder and excitement, a small gasp of her lips as she saw it take shape in real time while her hands and body were properly secured into Mizuki’s cushioning body. Her body gave a jolt as the slimy length jousted inside, plunging deep into her body with the rounded bumps of flesh dragging against her inner walls, the slime length not stopping until it met against her cervix, and even then it adjusted its posture and began to cum.

“Silly girl, I’m breeding you.” Mizuki said tenderly while her tendrils whipped around from the other side, “Now shush, I need to concentrate.” The slickness of her tendrils suddenly plunged their way deep into the dragon girl’s mouth, twirling in her lips and giving her an oral dose of the pleasurable concoction her gooey body was secreting, it only took a few moments but the effect was clear by the way her pussy was swelling and spasming upon the writhing tendril. Her body was eager to be bred even if she didn’t know it yet, her pussy completely drenched, a flavor that Mizuki could taste throughout her entire self. Her senses were more acute than any other she’d experienced, she had all of them, taste, scent, sight, touch, hearing, magnetic, in a way that most mortals could not comprehend. It was like her fingers were also her tongue at the same time, so every aspect of the female’s body that she wrapped and secured in her grasp, she tasted.

She tasted the depths of her womb, she heard that yearning flow of her internal desires as her ovaries sped into overdrive with her biological response to the aphrodisiacs that Mizuki was smearing into her pussy with her grinding tendrilcock. While to the inexperienced eye it looked like Mizuki was thrusting her tentacle appendages it was actually filling up her breeding mate. The winding motions endlessly depositing droplets of slime into her womb and letting it pool there while her tendril drilled inwards. The hot slickness of goocum filling into her body like an endless pouring trickle.

The winding girth of the tendril that occupied the girl’s mouth was met with an appreciative wriggling and writhing tongue, one Mizuki found curious to the touch. It wasn’t unlike a human’s but its shape and curvature were unique in their own way, slightly pointed, endlessly flittering, Mizuki took note of this peculiar aspect as her tendril twirled and occupied her mouth. Not dipping into her throat, it had no need to insert further with the way she was gulping down the slimy nectar that dripped from her tendrils. The girl eagerly drinking, she must have known the effects on a subconscious level if not consciously, her body becoming more adapted to the inseminating pleasure of her lower length. “Hungry girl aren’t you?” Mizuki crooned almost deviously, watching her bright lime green eyes spinning with pleasure inundating thoughts that only considered the ecstasy she felt in the moment.

Every droplet that entered the girl’s body from above and below would fuel her addiction to come, her writhing squirming body easily twitching and wriggling within the sticky confines of Mizuki’s adjustable goo-body. All that was above her slimeself was the girl’s pussy mound, her slowly stretching and filling belly, her neck, and her head, and even that was sinking further into her frame with each passing second. Mizuki’s body operated like a squishy orgasmic quicksand, pulling her breeding mates deeper into her body until they were fully submerged in her slime where she would breed and claim them until they were ready to surface.

The female she claimed spasmed as the fullness of her womb brought her to climax, orgasmic squirming inside the depths of Mizuki’s goo brought pleasurable tremors to the goofemme’s body. She closed her eyes relishing in her orgasmic spasms, her lower lip tucked between her teeth as she swelled the girth of her endlessly cumming tendril. Her body was so full that Mizuki was astounded that she didn’t pop, another peculiar aspect that she decided to take note to further her study of breeding partners. Her rounded inflated belly looked like she was about to give birth at any minute, a thought that Mizuki personally adored. 

Mizuki felt her slick body bursting with pride as she gazed down at the exhausted and trembling girl that had so eagerly accepted her breeding. “You’re going to be a wonderful mother..” Mizuki whispered mostly to herself, her gooey tendril tresses moving and brushing the fiery orange locks from the dragon’s face as the glimmering lime green eyes began to close. Mizuki loved the little trembling motions she made and the way Shaz’s heartbeat began to slow down to a restful beat, the slime of her body coiling around her as the composition changed from potent breeding pheromone to that of comforting rest. The secluded cellar slowly became the scent of chamomile as her new pet drifted to restful sleep and Mizuki cuddle-cocooned her new mate. 



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