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The blaring sounds of trumpeting fanfare was mild compared to the festive atmosphere of the venue, what was supposed to be a sparring ground to hone the skills while the mad engineers of both the Alliance and Horde attempted to devise a way that could break through the stronghold of Ice Crown Citadel. Word had gotten out and almost immediately it had turned from a serious endeavor to a festive occasion, it would have been considered quite odd with the context of fighting back an undead catastrophe that was looming towards the destruction of Azeroth but people were desperate for any kind of respite possible. Funny enough most had a sort of nostalgia when they arrived, funnel cakes, toys for younger attendees, valorous displays of will and might between clashing combatants. 

Sherri herself tried to not be reminded of the fact that it looked like the celebrations back home in the city of Stormwind and that any day now they could be summoned to the front lines to help with the assault on the undead citadel. Only one of the spies that had managed to infiltrate the maddening saronite plated walls had returned and their words were so preposterous that it was dismissed as demented ramblings of a tormented soul.  It was hard to be at peace given all the circumstances even as she stood near the vendor bazaar nervously chewing on a frosted bit of funnel cake. 

ā€œCopper for your thoughts?ā€ It was a gentle voice, soft, one that made Sherriā€™s ears twitch as she quickly turned her head to see the slender female panda girl standing in her field of view. Her hand deftly reaching out to catch some of the frosting that hung off Sherriā€™s lip upon her thumb, taking it to her own lips with a soft smile. 

A nervous smile turned to an exhaling chuckle as Sherri leaned back against the pillar, ā€œOh, nothing just trying to make sure everything is ready for when we assault the face of death itself. Figure out some ideas, come up with a plan.. strategy maybe?ā€ Sherri offered a gentle smile trying to subvert her own tension with humor.

ā€œMhmm.ā€ Amiā€™s fingers touched gently upon Sherriā€™s shoulder, dexterous digits easily teasing their way into the softness of Sherriā€™s furred skin by finding the small gaps in her cloth armor. ā€œYouā€™re definitely tense, overworked.. stressed.ā€ 

A gentle smile formed on Sherriā€™s lips, her head turning slightly aside, hair falling in front of her face as she tried to not think about Amiā€™s observations. ā€œYeah I suppose..ā€ Hands touched her shoulders, holding her still, a nose leaned in, touching to her own, eyes met together, Ami offered a smile. 

ā€œI know exactly what you need.ā€ She said with a tone of sincerity that made Sherri curious, and then their lips met. Ami was far from the usual instigator of their affairs, often it was Sherri that had pinned her to some sort of lurid encounter, but today Ami was more than happy to offer the more dominant touch. Ami always had a sweet taste to her tongue, one that Sherri was eager to play with using her own, her fingers teased along the sides of Amiā€™s hips as their bodies pressed together, her tail sweeping around, touching softly to Amiā€™s fluffed ringtail. Smoothing fingers, tender touches, all coupled with gentle sensual moans and whispers, secret pleasures known to one another. 

Sherri huffed, her heart racing as Amiā€™s clear intent pressed against the inside of her thigh, the smaller panda girl pushed against her body and a moment later Sherri was up against the pillar. Her eyes glancing over her shoulder as Ami pressed into her body from behind, ā€œHff.. Donā€™t make a scene..ā€ Sherri muttered under her breath, trying to ignore her own drooling pussy and the nectar that spilled down her thighs, something that Ami clearly didnā€™t miss in her estimations. Her hand was touching upon Sherriā€™s pussy mound, her lockpicking fingertips easily found a covert way to tease Sherriā€™s quim without dismantling the entirety of her dress! 

ā€œThatā€™s up to you,ā€ Ami crooned sweetly, deviously, into the corner of Sherriā€™s ear as her rock hard cock pressed up against the in-between of Sherriā€™s thighs, tucked warmly between her cuntlips the wah began to smooth her hips back and forth, watching as Sherri covered her own mouth and moaned helplessly into her fingers. ā€œJust tell me when..ā€ A further tease! 

The girth smeared against her twatlips, the drooling juices spilling against the veiny shaft that throbbed against her inner folds. ā€œHff.. Oh..fuhh..ā€ Sherriā€™s knees felt like they were going to melt out from underneath her, Amiā€™s cock wasnā€™t just twitching, it felt like it was vibrating against her lower lips. Like it was shaking against her, trembling constantly, it wasnā€™t until she glanced down that she understood it wasnā€™t just like it was vibrating.. it literally WAS vibrating! At the tip of Amiā€™s cock was a small orb looking device that made her length and head shake against Sherriā€™s vulnerable middle. ā€œWh.. whatā€™s that?!ā€ 

ā€œThat..?ā€ Ami crooned knowing deviously well what Sherri referred to, but the tip of her cock was starting to push up against the doggirlā€™s glistening blue entrance. Sherri let out a sharp gasp as it pushed inside, the additional bump of girth that strummed against Sherriā€™s interior walls made her body contract and tightening the squeeze on Amiā€™s length. Inch after inch filled into Sherriā€™s body with her canine figure squirming and writhing against Amiā€™s pinning position, ā€œI like to call it my Trick of the Trade..ā€ She whispered hotly into Sherriā€™s ear, the tip of her hilted cock deep into Sherriā€™s body with the bullet twitching tip quavering against her cervix.

Sherri could feel the indent of Amiā€™s cock and the accessory attached to it, her heart feeling like it was going to stop the whole time! ā€œGod.. Have.. you been keeping.. that up your sleeve.. this whole time?ā€ Sherri gasped, Amiā€™s hips slowly stirring around inside her, teasing her drooling mess of a pussy with the head of her cock and letting the addition spur against her inner depths in a manner that made her body weak. Amiā€™s fingers began to stroke along her pussy at the same moment, the heat of her length combined with the tender cautious twirling fingers that began to touch against her stiffening clit.

ā€œMaybe,ā€ Ami whispered as she began to move her hips, ā€œBut itā€™s my little secret, Iā€™ll never tell you for free.ā€ She punctuated her words with a teasing nip against Sherriā€™s floppy doggirl ear, her hips pulling back smearing her walls with her own slick pussy juices. Her motions started slow, letting every rivulet of Sherriā€™s pussy canal feel the tip of Amiā€™s contraption augmented cock as it slid along the wet crevasse. The endless buzzing sensation was driving Sherri mad, the interiors of her body contracting as it encountered the silicone bulb that smoothed against her walls with the additional nectar that seeped from them, a vicious pleasure cycle that Amiā€™s cock was happy to exploit, not that the doggirl seemed to mind. She was practically reveling in her own pleasured weakness, submitting to Amiā€™s motions without a hint of restraint with the way her eyes melted and her cheeks flushed.

The passion was building and Sherri couldnā€™t contain it any longer, her mouth gaping open and tongue hanging out she freely moaned as the front of her body was pushed up deeper into the pillar. The combined pressures constraining her form between Amiā€™s hand alternating between gripping her breasts and dipping down between her thighs to strum her clit, ā€œAmiii.. Iā€™m..ā€ Her eyes shut tightly, her thighs tensing as her toes scrunched, her heels raising. She gulped down her throat with a fresh exhale as her orgasm rolled throughout her frame in tune with Amiā€™s still feverishly gyrating hips. ā€œNyahhh.. hahhh.. hahhh!ā€ 

ā€œShhh..ā€ Ami growled down at the simpering bitchgirl, her hand reaching up and with her fingertips she decided to lockpick Sherriā€™s mouth. The softness of Sherriā€™s wriggling tongue was teased by her pussy flavored fingers that muffled Sherriā€™s moans. This did nothing to stop the vigor of Amiā€™s thrusts, their sweat dripping bodies grinding together in unison as Ami pumped her hips. The lurid wah-girl licking her lips eagerly, watching as Sherriā€™s body roiled for another orgasm that was impending with her still beating hips, fat bloated balls pounding directly into Sherriā€™s clit as the doggirl fell further forwards, bent over fully as Ami charged her body and released her mouth, hands gripping tightly onto Sherriā€™s hips as the quivering bitch clung to the pillar with her arms for dear life.

Rearing her hips back Ami lunged forwards a split second after, adrenaline suddenly surging through her veins as she saw the world in slow motion while her body moved on pure instinct. ā€œMine! Mine! Mine!ā€ Ami huffed and sputtered from her lips, seething with ecstasy as her body rounded the corner of bliss, she could feel it, any second that she lost control sheā€™d cum. 

ā€œitā€™s yours!ā€ Sherri moaned back at Ami, her knees bending and her ankles raising off the ground, her eyes welling up with pleasured tears that, ā€œOhfuck.. fuck.. fuck Ami!ā€ Sherri gasped, the speed of Amiā€™s cock and the weight of her balls clapping against her clit, all combined with the endlessly spurring device that seemed intent on breaking any aspect of Sherriā€™s senses that were left unshattered prior to this moment. 

Amiā€™s nostrils flared, biting down on her lower lip, practically chewing on it as she tried to extend her pleasure to the last second possible. Drool began to form at the corner of her mouth as she seethed with impending ecstasy that bubbled against the base of her cock like a volcano churning with its load. She wasnā€™t counting, but she knew just when that adrenaline rush would expire and her heart was pumping it throughout her body, oxygen flooding her veins and imbuing her with pleasure and energy. It felt like a weight suddenly dropped through her body, her hips pushed in as deep as possible pinning her still animated cocktoy directly into Sherriā€™s dilated cervix and with an exhaled gasp she let that hot spunky cum flood out from her cock pouring directly into Sherriā€™s womb, consequences be damned!

Sherriā€™s body felt like it was trapped in orgasmic bliss, Amiā€™s cock pinned into her cervix with cum endlessly pouring directly into her womb while Sherriā€™s body quivered with her knees struggling to keep her weight up. Her fingers clenching at the wall as she whimpered hotly, gulping down her throat as the warm seed collected inside her, ā€œSo.. hahh..ā€ Ami muttered overhead looking down at Sherri with a wry grin as the doggirl glanced up with her brown eyes and orgasm flushed cheeks. ā€œSo.. get any ideas?ā€ 

Exasperated, trembling, sweat dripping all over her body, Sherri smiled with her tongue floppily hanging off to the side. ā€œYeah.. I think I got a couple good ideas now..ā€



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