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Late in the evening in the darkest of the night under the starry skies, the floating city of Dalaran was still alight with activity. A city that had been literally crumbled to rubble by the infernal demons that sought its destruction, rebuilt and now floating in the northernmost cap of the world to confront the resurgence of the scourge menace. Alone in the luxurious room that had been bought and paid for with shy of a decade of adventuring, a panthress was slowly packing away her most important of belongings. Her eyes drifted along the items that she had collected, trinkets, gemstones, expertly crafted robes and other articles of clothing. She couldn’t help but wonder what it all meant after so long, all these collected items that would be stowed away in her bags during the long trip back home to Stormwind.

As she packed away the items that had meant so much at the time she couldn’t help but recall those that she had ventured with. With friends she had explored the underground mausoleums filled with spiked insects to the external world of Outland and the demon haunted tyranny it contained. Those places meant nothing without the friends she had made and explored the world with. She thought of the recent events that had led her to the decision where she wanted to retire from her role as an adventurer. The Tournament near Icecrown Citadel proven to be little more than a nuisance to the Lich King, a far cry from the intent of a display of power and intimidation. 

The moments still haunted Daphelli, the way the wooden floor and the ground fell out from underneath them, the massive beetle like creature that ambushed their party. How she had felt the surge of fear straining her protective magics against the onslaught of enemies to keep her friends alive. Thinking about it, even in the recesses of her mind, made her hand tremble with the reflexive desire to wrap a loved one around a glowing shield made of light. 

A knock on the door brought her back to the world where her off hand clutched  at her wrist, eyes towards the wooden door of her lavish room. “..Come in.” She said with trepidation.

“It’s us!” Sherri opened the door almost immediately, Daph wasn’t sure if she had waited for the acceptance of her intrusion or simply barged in and it was coincidentally timed. It wasn’t only Sherri, the doggirl mage that had been a close partner to Daph on their adventures, but an entourage of those she considered friends to the point of family in their time together.  â€œAre you sure this is what you want?” 

That felt like a loaded question, is it what she wanted? No
 She wanted to be with everyone, she wanted to face down the Lich King, “I..” Her voice stopped, caught in her throat, almost afraid that she might answer no, that she might let herself be talked back into the fray where she would be surrounded by those she cared about. She didn’t want to do this, “I don’t..” Daphelli whispered in confession, “But I need to.” Her eyes looked up to the faces of those who had come to visit, Sherri in an uncharacteristically somber expression, Mia nodding in understanding, and Ami holding a hand over her lips. “You guys will be fine, there’s going to be someone else who is going to seize the wealth with you and jump into the fray and protect you.” Daphelli spoke almost as if she was trying to reassure herself as much them, “But those back home need someone with experience to take care of the less exciting needs.”

“Mmf..” Sherri pouted as she sat on the bed beside the panthress she’d gotten so used to having around that she daresay took it for granted, “Sucks cause, that same selfless caring attitude that is dragging you away is the same thing that made it so nice to be around you.”

Daph smiled, Sherri, selfish as ever but in such a sweet way. The kind of girl that would go out of her way to help you, even if it benefit her interests as well she wasn’t shy about saying so. Too honest to really be manipulative, “I know, you’ll just have to find someone to keep up with all that puppy enthusiasm huh?” 

“We’ll visit all the time,” Mia tried to offer a comforting smile, putting on a brave face despite the sadness she felt. “She’s going to have to make time for us one way or another.”

“I pray that everything goes well and you have success in your endeavors.” The smallest of the trio, Ami was the most polite and well behaved, a stark contrast to the boisterous group that had been together for so long. Daph took a moment looking to each of them, taking a deep breath and exhaling, nodding before she felt something tugging against her casual nightgown. 

“Mm?” The panthress blinked, it was Sherri causing a stir, the magegirl wriggling her fingers while looking up with those bright puppy brown eyes, “Yes- Sherri!?”

Clothes melted off Daphelli’s body revealing the naked form that had been underneath the silken garb, her dark ebony fur and rounded breasts suddenly covered by her arms as she saw Sherri’s body mirroring her own. Casual nudity was something that Daph had sworn she’d gotten used to but after all this time she wasn’t as accustomed to Sherri’s magical trickery as she thought she was. Although in all fairness Sherri was adept and devising new ways to go beyond the pale! “We all talked it over,” Sherri began, her body leaning in closer with her swishy tail flittering behind her as if chasing at an errant invisible butterfly. “We decided we wanted to get you something, a going away present..” Sherri’s voice was soft and low, barely above a sultry whisper as the canine closed the gap between them.

“..A.. All of you?” Her heart fluttered, eyes suddenly widening as she saw that their clothes had dissipated as well, even the shy sweet little polite Ami with her blush on her red panda cheeks had her cock twitching to attention. “Sherri I’m not sure if-“ A finger touched to her lips, Sherri leaned inwards eyes matching her own, the softness of the doggirl’s touch contrasting against the excitable puppy like aura she exuded. Of course Daph could say no and refute the doggirl’s affections, but the sweetness of her bright brown eyes tempted her heart. Could Daph say no? Of course, but she didn’t want to decline, and as such she let herself be coaxed into a tender kiss that let their lips touch.

A soft kiss, one that left a breath of air between them after the initial touch had completed, Sherri’s hands teased along her shoulders, touching to either side of her cheek, Daph felt her body rise slightly, their breasts suddenly touching. The tips of her tits stroking against Sherri’s, their nipples touching together, soft, silken, in a manner that made Daphelli moan even louder into their kiss. Sherri’s tongue tasted sweet, a flavor that the panthress was sure that Sherri conjured amidst her myriad of little mage tricks to make sex an even more exotic affair! 

Hot peppered kisses that left Daph’s lips tingling and her fingers trembling made her eyes flutter shut, when the kisses ceased she was more surprised by fingertips that touched upon her thighs. Daph was laying prone upon her back so it made sense that the other two would join in shortly. The panthress crooned as lips kissed trailing up her thighs to her on display plump pussy, her nethers warmth with her natural tasting flavors that had lured her stealthier companion closer. In between the moments of a kiss Daph let out a moan, her tongue halfway in between Sherri’s lips, sucked tightly while at the same time she felt a kiss pressing against her lower lips. 

Daphelli knew the touch of Ami’s tongue by the way she was so gentle and delicate, not the way that Sherri’s slobbering wet tongue excitably danced with her own, or how Mia would have been a little more adventurous to start while submitting easily a moment later. Ami’s tongue was gentle, probing at the lips of Daph’s velvet pussy as the feline strained with excitement, her heels digging into the bedsheets and her scrunched toes suddenly splaying as her thighs twisted with her body laying back. Sherri’s hands greedily gripped upon Daph’s wrists, pinning her to the bed as their breasts squished together, “Are you ready for your present?” Sherri said deviously, her lower lip tucking between her teeth.

Curiosity bubbled in Daph’s mind that was distracted by the probing tongue between her folds, Ami’s wriggling muscle slurping and delving ever deeper into her quim. “Mhh.. What.. What could you possibly get me.. more than this?” Daph breathed out with a sharp inhale catching a distinctly musky flavor on the backswing when she realized that Sherri was moving her hips downwards, over her breasts she glanced at the sight of a brimming blue canine cock. The thick twitching tip having a droplet of perfectly positioned pre-cum that was now sliding down the pointed length and along the stem of her dick, “O.. Oh..” Daph gasped when she felt Sherri’s newly acquired prick sliding against her abdomen, Ami retreating further so that Sherri could position herself above Daph’s drooling box. 

Sherri maneuvered herself quite carefully, Daph noticed that the doggirl was holding her cock with the sort of consideration that a blacksmith would utilize when dealing with their craft. “Alright..” Sherri gave a slight grunt, her tip smearing between Daph’s pussy lips coating her length in that slickening nectar, the cock felt so hot against her plumpening lower lips that Daph found herself clutching at the bedsheets, writhing in anticipation. Sherri’s cock thrumming against her mound with the promise of entry but each second was teasing hell, “I know.. I know..” Sherri whispered deceptively empathetic to Daph’s plight, “Don’t you just want them to start.. to not..” Her cock trailed a small oval around Daph’s pussy lips, dangerously close to the entrance yet not filling inside, “Tease so much..” Daph gasped, beads of sweat filling her brow as she mewled cutely raising her hips trying to trick the steady trailing cock into slipping into her eagerly awaiting cunt. 

The slow treading probing of cock against her pussy lips without even the slightest hint of entry was driving Daph insane as if she was back in the depths of Ulduar and subject to the abyssal mental teasing of Yogg-Saron once again! “Sherr- Hnhhh!” Then it slipped in, that sort of pleasure that made her pawtoes curl and her hips twist as it began to push inside, her inner walls gripping onto the shaft as her body was penetrated. “Ghhahh.. Hahh.. Sherri.. Sherri..” Daph called out, her ears folding back as more of that pulsating hot cock filled her depths, the tip pushing against her cervix but still insistently pressing deeper, “Sherri too big too big- Ouhhh!” Her eyes rolled into the back of her head, Sherri’s body filling in her slick warm cunt suddenly braced by adoring hands upon her wrists from Mia. “Ohhfuuhhghhh..” 

Her words were suddenly muffled as the vixen dipped her hips, lowering those warm fluffy foxballs right onto her face trapping Daph’s moans between her thighs as her cock glided against her face. Daph would have been insulted if she wasn’t so turned on by the idea of being used in such a manner, her soppy wet pussy convulsing as from both ends she felt the duality of cocks smearing their lust against her. The flavor of Mia’s thick balls teased against her feline tongue that extended to stroke eagerly against the center of those warm orbs. “Ohmrrr..” The corner of Mia’s lips curled upwards as she rolled her hips slowly, smearing her heft nuts and cock tenderly through the softness of Daph’s fur.

A swirl of her tongue brought Mia’s cock to its full girth, the heady length dribbling pre-cum as it twitched above Daph’s head. Her arms clinging to Mia’s thighs, holding onto her for dear life as Sherri’s body pumped into her. Hips clapping together, when suddenly she felt something more, something like a reverberation, Ami had climbed into the fray, the world was such a blur to Daph she didn’t even hear the moaning lurid voices, she only felt. Her priestly nature which was as natural as breathing, simply felt the presence of those around her, with her eyes closed and her body alight in bliss she could make out the glowing auras of Ami, Mia, and Sherri, all of them partaking in the pleasures of her body. 

Adrenaline poured through Daph’s veins, every joust inside made her nerve endings spasm, her twat walls clenching violently as the tip smeared against her cervix threatening to fill her fertile womb at any second! Her mouth mirrored her frantic pleasures, sloppily slurping onto Mia’s cock and teasing at her balls with swiping licks of her tongue. Sherri’s body, bouncing Daph against the bed and further onto Mia’s cock where the vixen’s length twitched excitedly at the frantic motions. 

Sherri’s eyes fluttered, her body trembling as she jut her hips forwards, but Ami’s thrusting from behind kept her clapping forwards, Daph locked her legs around Sherri’s thighs, toes pressing into the back of her calves with her heels pushing into Sherri’s lower thighs. The sensation of that knotted doggy cock unloading inside her body sent Daph to the brink, her entire body clenching and gripping at everything around her. Her mouth sucking tighter upon Mia’s cock as pleasure roiled through her body and the flavor of dick soaked into her palate. 

Sherri unceremoniously rolled off to the side of the massive bed, panting and gasping as her slowly limpening cock rest against her thigh, “Wo.. Wow..” Sherri huffed before glancing over at Daph who’s lips were still sucking tightly upon Mia’s cock, her mouth drinking down that girthy shaft almost greedily with the way her head was bobbing upon it. She didn’t even notice when Ami had taken Sherri’s place, tenderly spreading the panthress’ thighs and letting her cock touch against that cream filled quim. “Mmfh.. nothing slows you down huh?” Sherri teased as Ami started to let her dick get pulled inside, the already cum drenched entrance allowing for Ami to slide inside much easier.

Ami’s eyes lit up as she began to move her hips, her lower lip quivering as she rolled her body in, the extraordinarily girthy and veiny cock she wielded pumping in deep until their pelvises connected. Daph moaned onto Mia’s cock, groaning with excitement as she took in the full heft of length, the vixen petting fingers through Daphelli’s golden locks and began to move her own hips in unison. “Hey, don’t forget, you need to creampie her!” Sherri’s voice broke through the moans, Mia seemed to be the only one that actually heard her though, and the vixen suddenly wore a delighted smirk.

“Good point!” Mia was just about to examine the potential of fitting inside Daph but a subtle touch from Sherri’s hand and the vixen had suddenly been transported through the space of the world. Her body settled right underneath Daph like a burgeoning volcano, her cock twitching upwards against Daph’s thighs as Ami pulled her hips back. “Uhm..sh.. should I wait?”

“Of course not!” Sherri spoke out excitedly, leaning over Daph and giving the cautiously curious panthress a full view of her cock, balls, and that drooling blue pussy that Ami had just been fucking earlier. “Isn’t that right Daph? You can handle them both!” Fingers touched upon her bright pink pussy and spread her lips in a manner that felt like she was being peeled apart! Daph had never considered herself that sexually adventurous but she couldn’t help but consider the idea, something about being filled that fully made her eager enough to maybe.. maybe try it.. Sherri must have been reading her mind, “Go on.. I know you two can fit.”

Ami swallowed hard and gave a submissive nod as Mia lifted her hips, suddenly Daph’s pussy had a pair of guests when she was only prepared for a single visitor. Her eyes squinted closed, “Hfff.. Fuh.. Fuh..” She wanted to curse and scream and beg for the light, but as the tips of both cocks began to push against her slickened twat her trepidation was replaced by delight, “Haaaa.. Sherri.. Sherri.. Sherri!” She screamed out as inchs of double cocks pushed inside of her body, stretching her walls as she seethed and groaned her head tilting back into Mia’s comforting body, mouth gaping and tongue pushing out in the middle as she gagged on her own straining pleasure, “You bitch I’m.. never going to.. To.. Forgiv- Haaahhh.. nngfffh!” Her pussy squeezed at both cocks, suddenly squirting out a thin trickle of juices from the intense pressure that her quim was under from both of the lengths filling her up more than she ever thought physically possible! 

There was no end to the pleasure Daphelli felt, so much stimulation she could hardly acknowledge it all, Mia’s hands groping against her tits, cocks pumping into her body, Ami’s balls clapping against her cuntfolds, and then, Sherri’s fingers starting to tease against her clit! “You don’t have to forgive me,” Sherri crooned sweetly towards Daph, her fingers rubbing faster, grinding that bright pink bulb in a circular motion, “Just don’t forget me!”

The pair of cocks grinding together inside Daph’s pussy was visibly stretching her depths, a bulge in her abdomen from their combined girlcock girths filling her body each of them nudging against the furthest depths of her walls. “I’m.. I’m so close..” Ami squeaked excitedly, her lower lip tucked between her teeth, holding tightly as she jackhammered her hips along with Mia’s cock, their bodies on the verge when suddenly, Ami’s lip dipped from between her teeth and gave a hearty lunge of her hips.

A pair of twitching cocks grinding into one another, filling into her pussy, Ami’s cock gushing forth her sperm into the already filled crevice of Daph’s womb, yet her body tingled all the same. Her body tightened and contorted as the pair came inside her and their moans surrounding her signaling their shared bliss. Their convulsions grinding into Daph’s body at the same moment, smothering her with ecstasy in a manner that left her gasping as their communal cum slicked and sloshed around her overly flooded womb.

The world felt like it was spinning as Daph clutched the bedsheets in climax, her eyes shutting tightly as her hips rose, sinking down atop of Mia’s body Daph felt the warmth flowing through her in a way that left her truly at peace. The last thing she could recall that night was the sensation of arms slowly enveloping around her, Daph peeked an eye open through blurry exhaustion seeing Sherri, Mia, and Ami, all cuddling to her and providing that warmth and safety that she had done for them so many times over the years.


Months had come and gone and Daph had situated herself quite comfortably not far from the hustle and bustle of Stormwind, the capital city of the Alliance. Near Westfall where the absence of the Defias nuisance had finally allowed for the community to rebuild. She had come as a healer, offering the aid of the light to those in need, bandaging up wounds from the dangers of farming with harvester automatons and curing sickness brought on by pests. Daphelli the Healer as she had quickly become known around the growing village, her tales of valor from the far flung reaches of the world impressive to the young souls and old hearts alike. 

In that afternoon she was tending to the youngest of her flock, kits that were spending one of the rare warm days of autumn playing as heroes amidst the open plains. Daphelli was often brought ‘wounded warriors’ who had been injured in glorious combat with scrapes, the happily accommodating panthress curing their injury and leaving a temporary scar so that they might be like the veteran heroes she knew back home. She watched them run back into the fray, once more brandishing their sticks as mighty weapons of legend, Thunderfury crashing against Sulfuras, waving staves that each had taken on the form of Atiesh in the minds of their imagination. 

Her eyes watched happily knowing that someday soon her own cubs would be joining in with the games of her neighbors. The thought made her hand rest carefully atop her pregnant belly curiously feeling the bumping kicks of cubs inside of her body at her touch. A full litter that was the result of her farewell from her companions back home was the gift she’d been given, and as Sherri had promised, a gift she would never be able to forget. 



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