July Projects & Looking for Assistant! (Patreon)
First off, Summer is here and I'm already feeling like I'm being cooked alive! BLEH! I have some really interesting commissions that I'll be releasing for this month that I think you guys are going to like. I'm also going to start doing the Ask Me Anythings again!
I have also been hard at work on a couple projects that have been taking up a lot of my time and I'm getting going to start putting them out more often, I hope! On one project I'm working on I'm using a program called RPG Maker and it's been a slog trying to learn all the ins and outs of it and I have so many more ideas and plans than what I can handle on my own.
If any of you are familiar with that program and are looking to help, I'm more than happy to pay for assistance, I need someone that has the program RPG Maker MZ, and has some developer experience working in that program. If you're interested please send me a message on Discord and we can talk :D
That's all for now! I'm hoping to have another update here soon this week, hopefully with something ready to play!