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Set during Christmas 2022

On the coldest night of the year in a home warmed by hearth and a myriad of space heaters, Hope was freshly tucked in bed with her phone in hand and sleepy eyes slowly fogging her vision. It was the eve of Christmas and while she was excited for what presents would await her under the tree in the morning the main task to receive them was to first let sleep claim her so that Santa might visit the home she shared with her family. At least that was the claim, she didn’t necessarily believe in the old legends of Santa, not anymore, but she wouldn’t dare speak against it even if she had her own doubts. There was truly no harm in lending a little bit of faith to the fantastical unsolved mysteries of the world.

The thought of Santa Clause and her reindeer was the last thing that Hope had in her mind as her eyes began to close and the cushioned softness of her pillow pressed against her in just the right way as restful sleep entwined its silken grasp around her sense of self.. slowly pulling her into unconsciousness.


Sleep was pulled from her, much too soon, Hope’s eyes opening under slightly watery eyes and batting lashes as the form started to take shape in front of her. It was a stranger for sure and the more her body came into view the more of a beautiful stranger it turned out to be, a curvaceous form with thick hips and a bountiful bosom, plump luscious lips with tawny fur covering her frame. It was the prominent antlers that made Hope question the reality of this moment, after all the woman sitting on her bed holding an ancient leather bound book with pages that seemed moments from crumbling to dust, “..Who are you?” Hope said with a touch of hesitation in her voice, obviously this women wasn’t one she’d expected in her room but given her figure and the bright golden bells decorating her body she wasn’t about to call the police and report a break-in from Santa’s Reindeer.

“I’m here to deliver your present,” her silken voice said calmly as her eyes fluttered in Hope’s direction. “Santa’s been quite busy this year so we’re helping deliver presents after the initial flight. So, what would you like for Christmas?”

“..Wait, what?” her furred pawlm rose to her face, quickly brushing the sand out of her eyes before looking to the clock radio on her nightstand, it was still early in the morning just after midnight meaning she hadn’t slept more than an hour or so. Part of her still believed she was in a fever dream, “Aren’t you supposed to go with Santa.. to deliver presents?”

“Yes,” the reindeer woman said, a little flustered at having to reiterate, “Santa’s overwhelmed so after we go to all the good little boys and girls, we have to make extra stops for the good adult boys and girls.” Her hand waved slightly, “Not as many adults are put on the nice list anymore so for the few and far between we have to make special arrangements for. Now what would you like for your Christmas Present.”

Almost starstruck Hope suddenly clutched at her bedsheets, part of her astounded that she still made the nice list the other part somewhat terrified that her excitement would be for an imposter. She had to be sure, and there was only one way. “Okay.. If you’re actually one of Santa’s Reindeer, which one are you..”

“If it’s really that important, I’m Vixen.” She rolled her eyes and snapped her hooftipped fingers, “But that’s beside the point I need to know what you want.”

Her heart skipped a beat, partially from knowing that there truly was a Santa and of course Santa’s Reindeer, the other part shaken from being put on the spot for what she wanted for Christmas. “I.. I want an Armored Core White Glint Model from Armored Core 4 Answer.”

Hope stared on with her heart pounding in anticipation, watching as the reindeer woman looked down at the pages in her mysterious book and slowly brushed her golden blonde locks out of the way. “Well.. that’s quite different than what you put down,” she was trying not to look dumbfounded but clearly had the face of someone trying to discern translated gibberish, “It says here, you wanted a ‘Fat Horsecock with extra large balls’?” The book closed with a loud thump, “I was wondering if that meant you wanted to get fucked by one or wanted to have one in place of your current equipment.”

Shame and shyness suddenly bubbled up on Hope’s cheeks, “I.. I thought that was a joke..”

“Excuse me?” Vixen’s book disappeared in a puff of wintery smoke and dissipating snowflakes. “At the North Pole Corporation, we don’t take Christmas Presents as a joke. You’ve been good this year you’re getting what you asked for.” Her skimpy Christmas outfit turned transparent showing off her bare naked assets as she tugged at Hope’s body with a twirl of her fingers summoning leathery straps that tugged her free of the night time clothing she had on, leaving the graphic t-shirt and boy shorts on the floor and exposing her softened cock and balls on display. “But that’s why they sent me..” Her voice suddenly breathy and seductive, making Hope gulp down her throat.

The softness of her furred palm touched upon the base of Hope’s almost immediately hardening cock, her smooth textured hooftip fingers cradling underneath her balls almost possessively as their eyes locked on one another. Hope felt a shortness of breath slip through her as she immediately tried to compensate with a gasp of air as those digits curled upon her sac, “W..Well I wanted a .. horse dick,” she breathed out, “To.. To use.. I guess if you’re asking.”

“That’s what I thought,” Hope started to feel her cock twitching, it was getting hard to be sure but it felt like more than a simple erection. It felt like her cock was swelling and almost uncomfortably so as the Christmas Visitor, Vixen stroked her hand upwards along her rising cockmeat. “So let me bless you with the Christmas Present you deserve..”

Hope watched almost helpless as Vixen’s pure emerald eyes lowered, her mouth carefully kissing upon her cock and leaving the slightest tint of ruby lipstick upon it. The raccoon girl shuddering with lust and excitement as her fur bristled on end, her heart giving a sudden thump against her chest as the tongue began to wind along her shaft almost casually so in the beginnings of what might be considered an ordinary blowjob. Her tongue was certainly wet, squishy, spongy to the touch and left Hope trembling as the heat of her mouth touched upon her shaft. “S.. So.. how.. how does this..” Hope swallowed hard, her curiosity getting the best of her as she spoke once more, “How does this.. give me a Christmas.. present..?”

Vixen only offered a wink, but Hope started to notice that after each swipe of her tongue her penis had changed. The reindeer working her tongue like a paintbrush that slurped along her length and in its wake left her cock shifting in shape. The former pink tint of her length growing dull and dark with mottled spotted texture and heady scented veins bulging against the now expanding penis as Vixen’s lips kissed further down the base of her cock where the outline of a medial ring was beginning to form. Her mouth finding its way upon those balls, Hope heaving a deep breath as a single one was suckled upon at the skin but began to swell and grow, before being deviously slurped into the heated slick cavern of Vixen’s mouth where it suddenly filled with a mixture of her new equine cum load and nerve endings that made her mouth strain to keep it inside before finally popping free like a wet golf ball that continued to grow into a massive orb that hung asymmetrically across its left hanging partner.

Her left ball was then assailed by Vixen’s tongue, the pleasure so intense that Hope almost gagged upon her own gasp of air, then it strolled upwards, her meandering languid muscle leaving a trail of drool along the shaft as her cock became more and more equine in shape, taste, and texture. “Mmm.. good choice by the way,” Vixen crooned as her lips came to the tip that was beginning to form the iconic flared shape as her tongue rolled around it. “I’m quite fond of the horsey girls up North.” Her hot breath touched upon Hope’s length as her body pressed in closer now that the equine shaft twitched with its completion.

The inauguration of Hope’s equine dick was met with soft pillowy reindeer tits adjoining it from either side, squishing against the shaft as Hope’s mouth greedily let her tongue hang free watching the woman work her juicy tits into her length that was leaking globules of pre-cum that was quickly accompanied by her slurping tongue. Drool spilled down her shaft and was quickly soaked into the softness of Vixen’s fluffed tits, the woman groaning as their bodies met together pushing in to one another as her tongue licked along the cocktip. “It tastes.. so.. so good too..” Vixen moaned hotly into Hope’s twitching hossdick like a microphone, her lips kissing onto the cumbubbling cockhole while her tits smeared into the shaft causing little jingling sounds as they worked into it.

The selfish raccoongirl slowly trailed her fingers into the back of Vixen’s head, pushing more of those supple lips around the head of her cock. The small push of her hips and the grip of her fingers filling more of the sultry reindeer’s mouth with equine shaft, “Hhahh.. Take.. Take it all..” Hope moaned with a hint of desperation in her breathy voice, her tongue curling upwards against the front of her teeth as her pawtoes curled watching and feeling the massive length disappear into the depths of Vixen’s mouth until her throat bulged with the fullness of her equine shaft.

Her bright red tinted lips smeared so perfectly against Hope’s cock that she wanted to see it again, her eyes almost glinting with selfish desire as her hands wound into the curvature of her antlers and pulled that sexy blonde Vixen fully back onto her cock until her nostrils were embedded into the fur of her crotchmound making her breathe in the deep scent of her new hosscrotch. “Hfff!” Hope grunted, her nostrils flaring as her mouth gaped open with deep exhales misty with her hot breath and droplets of spittle that touched upon Vixen’s face as it fell upon her muzzle. “Yes.. huuhhh..” Her groans hotter and heavier as she started to move her hips and hands in tandem, forcing that mottled cock so deep into Vixen’s mouth that the medial ring tingled from the sensation of coming into contact with her plush lips from every rounding thrust.

The good girl that had earned a personal visit from one of Santa’s prized reindeer had melted away into the naughty girl that was subsumed by pure list. Vixen could see it in her crazed eyes as she was dizzily throatfucked and pumped full of cock, those swollen grapefruit sized balls clapping incessantly against the underside of her chin, she felt like she was going to withstand a concussion from how vigorously Hope slammed her cock into her throat. Any restraint had fallen to the wayside as the girl was now completely controlled by lust and the desire to cum with her new hosscock, the culmination of which was seen in her eyes as she suddenly let out a heady grunt, her cock spasming inside the depths of Vixen’s mouth as she felt the load of cum spraying against her stomach walls as Hope spasmed with her writhing fingers clenching at her antlers and her face nestled firmly into her crotchmound.

She had never cum like this, she felt completely exhausted as she fell upon her back with her cock still high in the air and twitching with little slick bubbles of post-ejaculate sliding down her flared tip and down the shaft like a decorative cock-statue. Her hands had not yet stopped gripping the bedsheets as she lay there whimpering, huffing, gasping for air when suddenly she felt a second twinge of pleasure rushing through her body that made her hips rise upwards and her lower lip become instantly caught by her upper teeth. “Hynhhh.. Wh.. what now?” Hope squinted through instinctively shutting eyelids that offered little vision to see Vixen’s body straddling her frame keeping her pinned under her if the pleasure assailing her pussy wasn’t enough.

“We’re not done yet,” Vixen crooned, her hand moving those heavy equine balls to the side and as the freshly cummed cock flopped to the side. Her pussy tingled, the pink of Vixen’s tongue dragging against her clit before licking further downwards, much like the trail left by her tongue earlier upon Vixen’s cock, so too did Hope’s pussy react in kind to each delving slurp.

Each consecutive lick felt more wonderful than the one before it, her heels digging into the sheets of the bed as her claws extended holding onto bedspread for dear life as her hips swayed up and down of their own accord. “Hnnhh.. Oh.. OHfuck..” She felt her words spilling from her lips and immediately regret cursing lest it might put her on the naughty list midway through this encounter, “S.. Sorry.. Sorry..” She bleated while her head shifted back and to the side, her neck exposed as her mouth opened and closed a pretty little ‘o’ shape on her lips as she gasped for air.

Vixen’s tongue dipped between the labia eagerly slurping against her entrance as her drool spilled along the swelling outer lips, her tongue finally disappearing inside as Hope let out a shocked yip of ecstasy. “Easy girl,” Vixen teased the same way as if she were wrangling a loose mare, her hands massaging those continuously filling outer petals as her inner cavern became more muscular, denser to the touch, her walls squeezing tighter until they pressed together along Vixen’s dripping wet tongue.

Her body was on the precipice of orgasm once more but then the licking stopped, she thought it might simply be Vixen’s way of teasing but as her eyes opened she saw the woman sitting opposite her on the bed, legs spread slightly with a mirror her newly acquired horsecock twitching in her direction. “Let’s see what your mare pussy can do..” Vixen wore a sneer while lightly trailing the tip of her equine cock as her tongue slicked along her lips. “Fancy a ride?”

Lord help her she did, her pussy was quivering and her body was aching like never before, her hands and knees crawling closer and her drooling maretrim was especially excited for the shape compatible cock. Her thighs lifted as her eyes focused up the cock, a reassuring touch from Vixen’s hand caressing along her fur as Hope began to position herself. “O.. Okay..” She breathed out as her hips descended, her eyes fluttering closed as the flared cocktip kissed against her body and with her muscles tightening she began to let it fill her newly deflowered mare twat.

It wasn’t only her pussy that enjoyed bouncing upon Vixen’s cock, every time her hips dipped lower her cock would slide along the smooth bunny soft fur of Vixen’s abdomen, it felt almost lurid like she was revisiting those juicy jingling tits upon Vixen’s chest. “That’s right, ride ‘em cowgirl..” Vixen’s reassuring voice encouraging the motions of Hope’s body, her hips moving, lured back down Vixen’s massive length with the present of pleasures that trickled against her nethers. Every time she landed and hilted Vixen’s cock her swollen mare-clit was stimulated by the pressure of Vixen’s pubic mound, her cock tip slid through the fur with her heady pre-cum staining the softness and making her dick slick with her own nectar, and of course the inner walls of her body were massaged from the inside by Vixen’s almost incessantly twitching length that tickled her cervix.

Every downward thrust her hips made sent that throbbing cum dribbling cock pushing against the bunny soft fur of Vixen’s tummy, smearing slick stains into her fur as Hope groaned hotly following the rhythm that Vixen was guiding her with her hands. Vixen’s massive length twitching inside Hope’s pussy to the hilt, the shaft visible with a slight indentation of Hope’s body. “Oh.. Fuck.. Fuck..” Hope pleaded, her body so overwhelmed with pleasure she didn’t even care if cursing put her on the naughty list anymore!

Vixen’s body was mirroring Hope’s movements, her hips thrusting upwards while her hands pulled her body further down, the summation being that the length would be speedfucking Hope’s cunt to where it almost felt like a vibrating sensation in her body with the massive tremors of Hope’s clit landing against the base of her crotchmound. Hope’s cock throbbing impatiently, pre-cum bubbling at the tip as Hope moaned out with her body roiling with pleasure, about to burst at any second.. when suddenly Vixen’s body suddenly thrust deeper upwards, mashing the tip of her cock so firmly against Hope’s cervix that she could have sworn she’d felt the cock tingling at the base of her throat when cum spurted past that little spasming entrance and rained upwards into her womb.

The endless gush of cum felt like it was flooding past her womb and drowning out her mind as her eyes rolled into the back of her head. Hope’s face contorted in a way that left her mouth gaping and her body spasming upon the cum sputtering cock. Her hands gripped onto the fur of Vixen’s abdomen, her body tightening as her dick began to release as well, her hard length sputtering a load that rivaled Vixen’s Christmas blessed sperm, the world felt pure, at peace.. and the moment before Hope succumbed to blissful darkness she swore she heard sleighbells ringing in the snowy night.

Hope had never had such an amazingly explicit wet dream, the moment she’d woken up her thighs felt drenched and heavy from orgasm. She couldn’t believe how vivid it was, her crush of one of the reindeers visiting her in the middle of the night and bringing her fantasies to life. She almost wanted to keep her eyes closed in hopes that she might yet fall back asleep and live out more of the sexual debauchery that was too explicit for the real world.. but it was Christmas morning and she had to get up and open presents with the family, heaving a sigh she pulled off the comforter only to find a massive equine cock laying in her lap with bulbous orange sized testicles resting underneath.

Hope swallowed hard, a tingling rising along her spine and making her fur stand on end, “Well.. I’m definitely going to need to wear more than a robe in the mornings from now on..”



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