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For the creature of the night Azzan had a favored hobby that often conflicted with her work times. She may have been a bat but it was her work schedule that had her living the life of a night owl and the days off she had meant her days would coincide with most people’s early evenings. It was fortunate in this way that Sherri had started running tabletop RPG campaigns at the game store she frequented, sessions that would start at closing and go late into the night and conclude in the early morning. For Azzan it would be like getting to play D&D while having breakfast! 

She had missed the first session but she had something in mind of what she wanted to play, something exotic, a Draconic Fighter that was raised a noble in the city, like a suave galivanting adventurer, and she was so excited to present her character to Sherri while they talked at the gaming table from where she would conduct her journey in the following days. Sitting comfortably she could practically contain her excitement as Sherri sat beside her, “Okay so we got the basis of your character right?” Sherri sipped from her drink, pinky out Azzan noticed.

“Mhmm! I’ve been wanting to play this Draconic Fighter forever now and I’m finally going to be able to!“ Her hands quickly took hold of her special new dice she’d purchased for her new tabletop campaign, green and blue swirled together matching the dragongirl’s eyes she’d imagined for her.

The doggirl saw Azzan’s double cupped hands, shaking as plastic clicked inside the makeshift container that held them rolling around. “Uh, wouldn’t you rather do a point buy method to roll your stats instead?”

“No way!” Her lips broadened showing her mouth in a full flash of excitement, “I haven’t played in so long I’m going to do it classic style!” Fully ignoring Sherri’s disapproving look on her face Azzan released her hands and the dice landed upon the table, clicking against each other her perceptive eyes caught the numbers coming up and notably not one of them held a six on the face. “..We.. Well we get a few rolls right?” Sherri nodded and sipped her drink as Azzan quickly retrieved her dice repeating her lucky cupping palm and wistfully releasing them once more onto the table. Once again she scooped up the dice and gave another roll, but this one hardly seemed an improvement compared to the others, and like the first time there wasn’t a six in sight. “Hrm..” Azzan folded her ears before giving an invigorated huff, “I’ll just incorporate it into my character!”

“Mhmm,” the doggirl gave a condescending giggle as she began to jot down little scribbles in a notepad that made Azzan curiously lean over to take a peek at. “Uh uh!” Sherri quickly covered the paper, eyes glaring daggers in her direction, “No cheating and looking at the DM’s materials.” Sherri softened her gaze and instead poked out her little blue tongue. “Don’t worry though we’ll figure out a way for you to earn a couple stat points I think.” 

“Ooohkay,” Azzan responded with a slight whine in her voice as Sherri went back to her notepad but Azzan wasn’t defeated. Not yet. She leaned in close and with her extraordinarily long tongue gave a light flick against Sherri’s floppy earlobe, “But maybe I could.. bribe the DM?” Her voice a breathy whisper and at Sherri’s shuddering response Azzan leaned in close, watching how Sherri’s fingers clenched on her pen, “Bring her some drinks.. yummy snacks.. of course I’m not being favored.. Just showing how much I care for the Dungeon Mistress..” Her voice a sultry coo as their bodies met together, Sherri swallowing hard as Azzan’s hand wormed its way around her hip. “Giving her lots of cuddles and snacks.. little nudges under the table too.”

“Azzy..” Sherri’s voice shuddered as Azzan wielded her tongue so expertly, her tongue flicking gently against her ear and with the prehensile languid muscle she was able to tease and toy at the soft lobe causing Sherri to let out a solicited moan. “Nnfh.. I can’t show favoritism to a player.. that wouldn’t be.. hahh.. hh.. fair..” Sherri bit upon her lower lip, trying to shy herself away from the eager affections but Azzan simply pressed closer, hand carefully guiding along Sherri’s neck. 

“Is that so?” Azzan breathed hotly, watching intently as Sherri’s body trembled in her touch the softness of her fingers mingling with the doggirl’s as their hands clasped together. Azzy took a chance, she leaned inwards, their lips met in a kiss that made Sherri’s eyes flutter shut and quiver in the moment as their bodies met. Azzan’s lips slowly parted and in their moment coaxing Sherri’s lips to do the same so that her wriggling tongue could extend, pushing in between them and warmly delving into Sherri’s mouth. 

Azzan’s hands maneuvered skillfully, while her tongue teased and wriggled against Sherri’s her hand began to peel up that denim skirt revealing her plump pussy wrapped in those soft cotton panties. The thinnest trail of her juices staining the fabric as her hand caressed along her mound, “Hhhah..” Sherri gave a sudden open mouthed moan, her own tongue hanging free as the hand tugged her panties further down. “This nnfh.. doesn’t count.. towards helping your rolls..” Sherri moaned but Azzan seemed unperturbed instead her body came even closer until Sherri was leaning back against the table, a single palm bracing herself as Azzan’s hand coaxed the doggirl to lean forwards instead. 

“That’s something I can live with,” Azzan whispered hotly as she pressed in against Sherri, letting her exposed pussy feel the hardening girth that was slowly pushing out from her jeans. The thick girthy pink cock smearing against her juicy blue cuntlips, nectar trickling against her veiny shaft until the tip carefully poked against her entrance. “What about you..?” Her hand reached out, palm covering the top of Sherri’s as their fingers entwined together in a gentle clasping grip. Sherri’s soft little moan of pleasure the signal Azzan was waiting for, and then her hips pushed forwards. The slow piercing fullness that stretched Sherri’s pussy walls around her invading length causing Sherri to tremble underneath with her knees quivering as inch after inch filled her depths. 

Her hips steered carefully as her length began to move back and forth inside those tempting blue walls, angling the tip upwards along her spasming depths. Her cocktip bubbling with pre-cum smeared along the upper dripping depths of Sherri’s cunt-chasm slowly Azzan had begun to build herself up into a proper rhythm, hips joining together in a lurid clap against Sherri’s asscheeks as her too-full balls echoed the motion like a delayed pendulum slapping against Sherri’s cuntmound from underneath. “Hhhff.. Ahhzz..” Sherri moaned half muffled as she lay there, her leg in the air twitching and squirming as the other leg firmly planted itself into the floor even with her heel lifted. Azzan’s hips diving in harder, making Sherri’s free hanging ankle twitch as she let out a sharpened moan of pleasure, “Nnhh.. Keep.. Keep going..” Sherri panted, her tongue hanging free as her hand not currently pinned by Azzan’s grasp began to tease upon her own breast, squeezing against her tit and letting her nipple glide against the smoothness of the hardwood table. 

Pleasure rolled through Azzan’s frame she always liked to pace herself but Sherri’s contracting pussy walls simply made that a challenge that she was not interested in continuing. Her hips began to pound, her hand gripping tighter into Sherri’s more for leverage than affection as her body raced forwards, inch after inch of girthy batcock plumbing Sherri’s walls, stimulating her pussy insides so those slick nectar strands would soak into her length making every consecutive thrust easier to push inside. Sherri’s body shook underneath her weight and Azzan began to peel her hands back down along her waist, holding the girl and using the fullness of her muscles to penetrate Sherri. She stood upon the balls of her feet, tipping her heels upwards and using her thighs and hips to slam in as hard and thoroughly as possible with resounding smacks echoing across the room hidden underneath Sherri’s gagging cries of ecstasy. 

Azzy felt like her cock was going to explode, both of their bodies wound together in a heated moment that left them squirming together. The heavy clapping of Azzan’s hips accompanied by a sudden thump of Sherri’s high heel falling from her dangling footpaw and landing upon the floor, a brief distraction that was quickly forgotten by the throes of pleasure both shared in with one another. Azzan’s hips deepened their thrusts, pounding harder, faster, without relent as her brow dampened with sweat. Sherri’s body rocking back and forth against the smooth table dragging her breasts in an exaggerated manner as the heat of their passions was contrasted by the chilling sensation of the table itself, leaving her nipples firm and sensitive to the touch. “Sherri.. I’m.. I’m gonna..” but Sherri’s moans cut off Azzan’s declaration, the doggirl spasming as her cunt desperately squeezed upon the invading batcock that was suddenly assailed by a massagegrip of ecstasy.

The pair convulsed at the same time, Azzan’s cock suddenly unloading every drop her bulging balls had to offer, cum billowing out freely and dousing Sherri’s inner walls with the heft of her spunky torrent. Sherri’s hand grasped into Azzan’s once pristine and carefully constructed character sheet as her leg trembled with orgasmic bliss. Her body grasping onto the brimming hot length that continued to cum inside her as Sherri’s open mouth moans came out as a huffing series of breathy whimpers. Azzan’s clawed fingertips pinching into the softness of Sherri’s thigh, both of their frames trembling as the culmination of their little interview continued to sputter and squirt inside Sherri’s waiting womb.

With Sherri thoroughly exasperated, her body held up only by the comforting press of Azzan’s thighs meeting her ass and that still bubbling sputtering cock leaving trickling remnants of warm cum trailing her womb walls. “You know.. now that I think about it,” Azzan murmured softly, her body leaning closer into Sherri’s so that her breasts touched against her shoulders and allowed Azzan to whisper into her ear. “I think I’ll go for that point buy. I’m going to need a bit of extra Charisma if I’m going to be seducing the DM after our sessions.” 



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