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The shipping facility near a dairy processing plant wasn’t the worst place in the world. Various milfy moogirls and studly bulls to enjoy the company of while work was being done. It was the unexpectedly perfect job for a medium built foxboy with just a little bit of tone to his muscles from lifting boxes and overseeing catwalks above. It was where Joltie worked. Joltie, as he was nicknamed around the workplace, was a name he’d garnered for an unfortunate little mishap that left him electrocuted and his fur sparking at the tips that day. It had been when he was in his most junior of years and now he was getting a bit up there, ever working towards that penultimate job where he’d be running his own shipping facility.

It wasn’t an easy job and after a tough day of work nothing made a lustful foxboy as excited as seeing a text message from a girl he happened to enjoy a bit of a fling with. The message on his phone was simple when he read it, ‘Wanna hang after work?’ but he held on to it in his heart and soul like the sunshine and pot of gold at the end of his workday rainbow. His tail swished excitedly as he slowly pulled open the door to Sherri’s modest apartment, snickering slightly at how messy it was as he made his way dodging the numerous pairs of shoes that lay in the entryway by an overfilled shoe shelf. 

He happened to love the sensation his bare pawpads made on the hardwood floors as he stepped along the way, hearing the clicking noise from Sherri’s bedroom it meant that she must have still been on her game. “Hmmm..” He hummed slightly as he peeked his dark nose in through her doorway to see her focused face staring at the screen, “Still playing?” he said just loud enough to break over the music and her clicking keyboard.

“Yah..” She said somewhat exasperated, her tail flickering behind her, the little magical girl on the screen running around dodging and shooting what looked to be fireballs, “Last boss.. then loot..” but he was already pulling his head back from the doorway and chuckling. Maybe he’d gone over too early, but that meant he could tidy up her place a little bit too.

Doing dishes never really bothered Joltie, he lived alone for the most part so it was simply rinsing a dish and putting it in the washer, how hard could that truly be? Yet rather than being annoyed he couldn’t help but enjoy the idea that he was helping out Sherri, that spunky little doggirl that always seemed to be rushing back and forth doing various tasks and errands. If it meant that he could help her simply by scrubbing off some dishes that had been soaking in the sink for.. well he didn’t want to think about how long, but he was happy to do it. Each dish wiped off, tossed in that fancy little box washer filled with various soaps and essentials that helped get them perfectly clean. He was actually a little surprised at how many soapy accessories that she had available to put in.

“Wow..” A sultry voice crooned from behind as he put a dish inside the washer, he blinked a moment slightly turning his head to see her with her hands wrapped around his waist, “I never knew how sexy it could be to watch a guy doing dishes.. Bravo.” She mused pressing her cheek against the small of his midback making him chuckle, “Maybe next time do it naked, shake that juicy butt for me.. rawr.” 

He couldn’t help but flush when she praised him, being flirted with wasn’t uncommon for him but normally he was either flirting with the moogirls or being flirted with by the studbulls. A wriggly doggirl holding on to him from behind with her fingers creeping along his slightly toned abdomen made his body tingle at her touch, “Just doing dishes huh?” He smirked watching as her hands smoothed along his frame, her pinky finger touching narrowly close near his belt buckle that made him twitch. “Jeeze I guess I could put on a little strip-show in front of the sink sometime..” 

Her body pressed against his, her hand slowly creeping along his frame with her clawtips dragging along his fur covered flesh until she began to slide it near the front of his jeans. He twitched, his eyes widening slightly, her fingers pushing against the belt of his jeans until they fit in the slight gap between his abdomen and denim. His silk covered boxers were warm against her fingers, delightfully warm, her hand running along his sheath as she breathed deep his scent with her cheek still pressed into his back. “Nnnhh.. I think we’re way beyond the show now..” His cock began to push out from his sheath like slick lipstick slowly extending, her hand catching the heated throbbing meat against her padded palm as it continued to grow along her hand. 

He started to turn, disrupting her movements and his lips held a flushing smirk with his ears perked and alert, his hands reaching up taking hold of her shoulders while both hands carefully stroked along the underside of his shaft. He noticed that she was devoid of clothes, her bouncy tits on display as accessible as her perfectly juicy cuntcleft that had the thin layer of blue lips peeking from between. “Rrrrhh..” His hot breath glowered out, bushy tail flickering behind him as he took hold as pre-cum started to leak from the tip. “Guess I know how to turn you on for next time huh?” 

“Someone’s awful frisky,” Jolty remarked as her hands teased at his now tightening jeans, his own hands meeting along the small of her back and teasing against her juicy asscheeks. “I’m glad I can oblige.” He whispered breathily to her as he suddenly hoisted her by her thighs, pulling her up easily until his shoulder leveraged her waist and he trotted her off to her bedroom with his tail swishing behind him. “All aboard the pounding express..” He chuckled and glanced back. 

She’d bounce as he tossed her upon her bed with her bare naked form lay there awaiting his touch. He quickly shuffled his clothes free, mirroring her naked body that she’d assailed him with in the kitchen. His massive palms caressing along her leg touching up to her thigh as he began to loom overhead, his body was sweltering with heat that she greedily soaked up with her smaller figure. Her leg touched against his calf as his hand raised along her hip, his fully engorged and slickened black cock aiming inwards. His cock began to penetrate, the pointed tip pushing slowly at first when suddenly he felt her hand grip tightly upon his wrist giving him pause. “Hhh.. Go.. Go slow okay..?” She whined, biting upon her lower lip tightly as his full length continued to push his hips, entering her deeper as she cried out hotly with her head tipping back. His dick smoothing along her inner depths as her wet snatch gripped upon his shaft and her body clenched in pleasure. 

“Nngoohhh..” He glowered through clenched teeth, his hips pushing upwards as his cock dug deeper hoisting her body inwards and curving her hips, his hands gripping at her wrists pinning her to her bed as his body began to move. Driven by primal lust his footpaws pressed firmly into the bedsheets with his heels lifted slightly he began to pump his hips, digging deep into her pussy with powerful downward thrusts that shuffled her body back against the cushioned bed, her hair tossing in front of her face as she panted and moaned with his palms gripped atop of her wrists partly to keep her in place and also to keep his leverage as he moved. 

Part of her wanted him to slow down, part of her wanted him to take a moment so she could catch her breath and recuperate from being filled to the brim with his cock, but the other part of her loved how he was taking charge, dropping himself deep inside her and pounding her pussy with his fully erect length until his cocktip pressed against her cervix. The pressure was overwhelming, her body churning with lust and excitement as she bit down upon the middle of her tongue and let her hips push upwards into his deepening thrusts. She could hear the clapping of his hips against her own in the depths of her ears, she could feel his hot breath huffing against her face, she coiled at the trickle of his drool tapping along her maw as she moaned out in return. 

His heaving chest brimmed to life, nostrils flared, jaw clenched with drool sputtering from his teeth as he gazed down at her and her pleasured face. His eyes dilated and focused upon her expressions every time he shunt his hips inwards letting her feel the slowly swelling knot that was closing in on her, “Gonna..” he glowered under his breath, “Gonna cum.. soon..” He felt her hands clenching and her legs twitch with her heels trying to tug around his thighs, “Get ready.. I’m gonna..” he gulped at the idea, the simple thought made him want to cum right then and there! “I’m.. Gonna knot you!” he snarled through his teeth as much of a declaration as it was a goal for himself, to fit inside her tight pussy with every inch and made her squirm around his swelling knot.

She felt like her body was tightening at every nerve ending, the girth of his cock filling up her pussy and making her muscles contract. Her eyes were watering from the pressure building up in her and her pussy was spasming at the intense pleasure that felt overwhelming, she would have said something but it felt like her throat was simply too busy gasping breaths of air to do anything but moan and huff. “In…hhhmeee..” Her moans echoed softly as his cock continued to pelt her depths, his knot swelling against her lips when suddenly her eyes widened fully bloodshot, her mouth agape, his cock had thrust in all the way and he was holding it there as his knot began to rapidly inflate against her inner walls.

She could feel his cum washing inside her almost suddenly, the tingling warmth startling her body and making her ankles lock around his lower back just above his tail with her toes curling as she moaned her pleasures in ecstasy. Her walls stretched around to accommodate his massive knot with the base of his cock pushing deeper until her cuntlips slipped along the edges, trapping them both there while his cum relentlessly flooded her soaked womb. “Ohffhughh.. I’m.. I’m gonna burst..” She whimpered as waves of resounding orgasm splashed throughout her body in time with his ejaculating cocktip, his load was endless in a way that satisfied her craven womb which drank it all up even as her abdomen began to swell with his virile vulpine jizz. Her teeth clenched and her eyes shut tightly, her body trembling underneath his sweat dripping form. 

She was at the mercy of her body’s orgasms, each one electrifying her nerve endings as his continuously cumming cockmeat offered another released load of cum inside her. Like a revolver that ticked back before unloading so too did his cock have that momentary pause that gave her body a brief respite before it twitched violently inside her as the harbinger of another shot of cum. Each rope that spurt directly into her womb with his strategically placed cocktip a promissory note to breed her with his litter while her body convulsed in lust at such a prospect.. 

“Hhf..” He grunted overhead, his jaw lowering and letting his meaty massive broad tongue, coated with slobber, drag along the bridge of her snout and along her face as he gave a flushed but heated grin. “So, what do you wanna do next?”

Her hands were still pinned by him, but her asscheeks were certainly damp from the juices of her own pussy that had squelched out from his feverish thrusts creating a moist spot just underneath her. “Well you turned me on by doing the dishes, if you want you can get me really hot n’ bothered by doing the laundry next..” 



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