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Thanksgiving weekend was finally over for Baye and now she was ready for Friendsgiving, the day where he’d be able to escape from family and obligations. Baye was happy to be part of a large family that did a meaningful thanksgiving, one with plenty of fanfare and excitement, plenty of cousins, nieces, nephews, uncles, grandparents, but it could be overwhelming day in and day out and after a Black Friday shopping spree, Baye was ready to simply take a break from the overbearing conversations and excitement that came from such a large family. Audi was lucky in that regard, she’d come over for Thanksgiving dinner and was able to sneak away at the end of it to the comfort of her own home. Thankfully it meant that there was a proper reprieve for Baye, a hangout that he could retreat to and he was planning on making good on it.

Baye didn’t find it odd that he had a key to what he considered a best friend’s apartment, he and Audi were practically family even. They were close enough that Audi didn’t even bother cleaning up when he was supposed to come over, something he noticed as he walked in the front hallway of her modest one bedroom apartment, the other thing he noticed was that Sherri was already there, which meant that Baye was extra late for the impromptu hangout. The doggirl sporting a fresh coat of glossy of nail polish on her toes as Audi finished rolling a joint among many that had been lined up.

Audi was quite the interesting stoner, when she got high she got productive and Baye noticed that her eyes were already lit up, her tail excitedly flickering back and forth as she tightly rolled up another joint. Audi was practically famous for how tight her papers could be. Packing a blunt so full with a paper so thin that you couldn’t even tell that it was anything but the bud Audi had packed it with. “Wow, not even going to say hi?” Baye snickered as he settled upon the bed beside Audi who glanced up at his arrival. 

“Ohey!” Audi wore a silly grin on her lips, “Sherri was just saying you should be here in a few minutes.. That was quick!” 

“It’s been about an hour!” Sherri protested, falling back against the side of the bed with a giggle, legs stretching out and pressing her pawtoes against Baye’s cute little floral skirt. “You’re kind of late to the party!” Baye instantly twitched, his eyes darting to the not so subtle movements of Sherri’s creeping pawtoes that touched along his furred thighs while her eyes looked up at him oh so innocently as if her scheming pawtoes were simply acting of their own accord. 

“Hay you,” Audi said with a slight authoritative tone in her voice as she slid against Sherri, pulling the doggirl firmly into her arms. “What did I tell you about teasing Baye like that?” Her manner was gentle, sultry even, but her grip was more serious. Her fingers squeezing tightly upon Sherri’s frame and subsequently pulling those obnoxious tempting pawtoes from Baye’s thighs as he already began to sport the shifting maneuvers to keep his cock from tenting his skirt and exposing his cotton panty covered dick, but it was clearly too late. Sherri’s paws had created an avalanche of excitement that couldn’t be stemmed once unleashed, Baye’s cock was already starting to rise when he saw those brilliant glossy pearls wiggling in his direction even after Audi had forced her retreat. 

“It.. it’s okay,” Baye stammered, broken out of the hypnotic trance of Sherri’s wriggling pawtoes as he caught himself. “I don’t mind it all the time..” He bit on his lower lip, as his hands gripped at his skirt, the raccoonboy often treading the fine line of arousal and embarrassment that made his fur stand on end. Sherri often teased him in all the right ways, even if it left him in a precarious situation or even worse.. left him blue without release! He gulped hard down his throat glancing to the side, not wanting to admit that he loved it when she teased him with her paws, the act of being subservient to her so totally, so completely, that even the petals of her pawpads were worth his every admiration. “..I kinda like it sometimes..”

“See?” Sherri lifted her legs stretching them out all the way with little wriggles in her toes as if she were making grabby hands at him with her feet, “Besides his dick feels so warm!” Audi simply rolled her eyes and squeezed Sherri tighter until she made an involuntary squeak from her lips.

“Why don’t you pick on someone your own size?” The normally chipper voice turned deep and sultry as her hands maneuvered Sherri’s body around, the larger doggo leaning inwards with the corners of her lips pulled up in a smirk revealing those pointed canines. The only thing Sherri saw in the briefest of a glimpse before their lips met in a kiss. Baye’s heart stopped briefly as he could almost feel the doggirl’s blissful perspective even from leg’s length. The way her cheeks blushed and her tail made the most adorable little flutter, her eyes slowly closing as Audi’s tongue extended and both canines enjoyed the sweetening flavor of tongues that wriggled together. 

Their tongues moved in tandem, whether Audi was purposefully teasing Baye with her display or if she was simply enjoying her stoned horny self he’d never know. What he did know was that his erection was becoming painfully strong, pushing against his cotton panties and against the interior fabric of the skirt as it rose to full mast. The soft fabric of his skirt sliding down his shaft as he breathed deep, hands trained to not touch upon his dick until called for. His hands twitched uncomfortably so, Sherri wasn’t watching, keeping an eye on him, whispering musings of potential punishment and teasing torture that would follow by disobeying her. In fact what he noticed was Sherri being submissive, sweet, cute, demure, in Audi’s grasp Sherri looked positively obedient. Baye watched as Audi’s fingers clawed along the doggirl’s lower back while their tongues caressed along one another.

God his dick was so hard, it was almost painful as he slowly stroked his length with his dollop of pre-cum forming at the tip. “You’re always teasing him with those little toes of yours,” Audi’s voice broke the moaning orchestra between them, her eyes glancing briefly in his direction before following to Sherri once more. “Such a horny puppy” she began, her clawtips smoothing along Sherri’s lower back, peeling up the late night tanktop and revealing the crack of her puppy dog ass, her hands sinking deeper underneath the fleece pants until she could grip those juicy cheeks. “Does puppy want her bone?”

“Mhhhmnnh..” Sherri pleaded hotly as Audi’s fingers trailed between her thighs from behind, the loose fitting waistband falling down her thighs and pooling upon her knees as Audi kneaded her ass for Baye’s stroking amusement. “I’ll be a good girl,” bright brown eyes gazed up, dilated in Audi’s view as her wiggly butt began to dance back and forth. A shy blushing smile appearing on Sherri’s lips as Audi snickered in response, only for her expression to turn one of more lurid detail, Audi’s finger teased between Sherri’s pussy mound, a single digit smoothing along her slit gathering juices into her fur. “Hhahh.. mhhh..”

Baye was captivated by the way Audi was able to wrap Sherri around her little finger, the wild doggo eagerly teasing at the smaller canine’s pussy with only a single fingertip pushing inside Audi was able to make Sherri squeal in delight. “You know,” Audi murmured hotly, her finger pushing in.. then retreating, as if she was idly teasing Sherri’s cunt out of mere boredom. “You’ve been such a tease to Baye, always getting him worked up with those cute little paws of yours..” Baye’s ears twitched at being mentioned, he'd almost forgotten he was even in the room with how fixated he was on the sapphic scene in front of him. His hand idly stroking along his shaft as he took a deep breath, “I think.. It’s his turn.” She then spread Sherri’s cheeks fully, showing off that prepped cunny that drooled down ebony furred thighs, “Come here Baye, Sherri wants a treat..”

Audi began to move, her hips shifting slightly as Sherri glanced upwards like a spurned pup at having Audi’s palm leave her heated quim. Baye took a step forwards with his throbbing length guiding him closer, Sherri glanced back eyebrows lifting with intrigue, if she had shown disdain or repulsion he’d have backed off of course.. but she was clearly aroused with the way her tail lifted into the air showing off her juicy assets to the enamored boy that she’d so often teased with her soft padded paws. 

The scent of her pussy was practically intoxicating, a flavor that he’d known with his lips and tongue on numerous occasions but he had yet to actually feel the warmth of Sherri’s pussy around his cock. Baye breathed deep, his mouth watering in an almost Pavlovian manner, having been trained to worship the source of her pheromone laden scent with his tongue, his already fully erect cock touched tenderly against the heat emanating slit. Her juices that trickled upon his length being a dream come true as Baye bit upon his lower lip, unable to constrain himself any longer his hips pushed in. Her velvet cunt that he’d seen up close with every facet of his muzzle and tongue, was submitting to the pleasures his cock longed for, if he wasn’t already on his knees he would have buckled at the warm twat canal that sucked his length inside. “Ghuhahhh.. Haaaahhhh.. hhuhh..” His hands grasped onto her hips for support as much as a show of him mounting her, not that he didn’t enjoy that secondary aspect as well.. 

For being such a cute femmie boy, Baye’s hips were absolutely savage in the way he used them to pound into Sherri’s quim. Audi bit upon her lower lip, with her cock gripped between her pinky extended palm, watching eagerly as the doggirl was jousted forwards, her breasts bouncing and her face contorted with pleasure. Her hot breath panted out from her lips, cascading forwards where Audi’s throbbing cock rested in her grasp. “He’s such a cutie hm..?” Audi let out a low huffing moan, “But those thick femboi thighs are really doing work aren’t they..?” She bit on her lower lip, watching Sherri’s wincing visage as she was pumped forwards by Baye’s forceful thrusts, “Bet you weren’t expecting his dick to kiss your womb, were you

The closer Sherri’s face got to Audi’s thighs the less she could resist the temptation, her dick was already exposed and Sherri’s plump lips looked so warm and inviting with the droplets of saliva making them glisten underneath the cheap one bedroom apartment lighting. Sherri must have been surprised to be plugged with cock from the front because her eyes widened as the tip of Audi’s length pressed against her soft tiers, the hand quickly taking hold of the back of Sherri’s head and only allowing for some retreat when Baye pulled her back onto his dick. “Mgghh!” Sherri’s moaning mouth was gagged with cock, just the way Audi had envisioned, eyes squinting closed as the wild dog began to roll her hips in rhythm with Baye’s. 

Twin cocks pushed into Sherri’s body, each end seizing her at the same time and stretching her back, “Nnnh, get her some leverage dear make her head lift up properly.” Audi mused biting on her lower lip and wiggling her eyebrows in Baye’s direction. Such a command wouldn’t be above his head normally but with his dick being squeezed and massaged by Sherri’s frequently contracting inner walls he would be lucky to be able to say his own name! Fortune favored him for the briefest moment and his hands took hold of her wrists as he lurched forwards, pulling them back in time with his hips and making her head tilt upwards allowing for Audi’s dick to have better depth in fucking the girl’s face. 

Focusing was impossible, Baye had been trained to hold out and last with the most demanding of toys and utensils that had been applied to his dick. Cockrings, riding crops, the threat of even longer durations of teasing before being allowed to have a reprieve and even then orgasm wasn’t guaranteed! However this felt completely new to him, his cock was throbbing in defiance of all he had trained himself in and he could feel the heat of her pussy soaking in his length with the way she let out muffled moans upon Audi’s dick. Sherri was such a different animal than he’d ever met before, his erect length throbbing in her submitting pussy was a twist he had never thought plausible. Even now as his veiny bulging member pumped into her body, his hips clapping against her asscheeks, his fat swollen balls smacking directly against her clit, part of him wondered if maybe this was too much of a dream come true.. His eyes squinting tightly closed at the idea of trading spots with her, submitting to Sherri and Audi, something that made his cock give an excitable twitch. 

Sherri’s body suddenly spasmed, the pair pinning her into pleasure from both ends working their hips in tandem over and over again Sherri almost felt like the world was disappearing around her. Her hands clenched into balled fists as she moaned onto the constantly throbbing cock that pushed against the back of her throat, sealing her away from oxygen at intervals that made her eyes start to roll in the back of her head. The consistent pounding pleasure from behind knocking the wind out of her and making each breath of air a bliss of its own, Baye could feel her walls closing in around his cock grasping and squeezing desperate to keep him inside for each and every second without pause. Both Audi and Baye felt the bliss of orgasm pushing at the base of their cocks, somehow they were able to communicate their tension with a simple glance as Sherri gave a muffled moan upon Audi’s dick and her entire body writhed upon Baye’s length as her orgasm clearly rippled through her frame.

Sherri wasn’t sure exactly what was happening when the pair released her from their mind numbing grip, her pussy was still tingling with orgasm as she lay upon her back panting for air. The world still spinning around her as for the briefest of moments she was able to catch her breath, then she saw it, a pair cocks overhead vigorously twitching in front of her face. “Huh.. wuh..?” She said, almost dazed from ecstasy when suddenly a thick stream of viscous cum trailed upon her facial features like wayward confetti. While being cummed on wasn’t Sherri’s first expectation of how to enjoy that day she certainly wasn’t going to throw a fit, simply closing her eyes and relaxing as the showering of spunk drizzled upon her form. 

Baye breathed heavy, his eyes focusing on Sherri’s body as she so sweetly rubbed in the donated cum that Audi and he had applied to her body. Her breasts slick with their shared spunk and her nipples almost shining with the way the creamy nectar made them stand out in contrast. His dick continued to dribble little bubbles of cock, but his gaze was locked on Sherri not simply with admiration but with envy. He swallowed hard, his cock still glistening with the mixture of her pussy juices on his shaft, “Okay,” Baye murmured before glancing towards Audi with a hopeful yet exhausted smile. “I had my turn, next time I get to be the bitch right?” 



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