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Defeat was one of the most difficult things for a girl like Sherri to experience. After all she was a planeswalker, almost a deity in the multiverse. Yet here she was being escorted down a winding hallway of artifice and gore. 

The hallways held the distant hum of machines and progress being devised by these monstrosities. Sherri had heard the tales of their exploits, The Thran Empire and its fall was introductory reading to those of her kind. It had been many years since Sherri had ventured toward her favored plane Mirrodin, she had heard the rumors of course, that Phyrexians had usurped the native population and the corruption of world was under a process of compleation. Yet for a mage like her that specialized in artifice magic and control she figured it would be difficult to overwhelm her defenses. 

She was terribly wrong. 

The pair of creatures that held a grip upon her wrists almost pierced her sensitive furred flesh, they warbled between one another, as if speaking in their rigid language. Sherri try as she might to understand but the syllables seemed like a mixture of garbled tongues and the crunching sound of lettuce between teeth. 

Sherri’s sensitive nose caught the scent of thick oil from out of the shadows and her eyes turned towards it as well as the creatures that held her captive. A higher pitched, almost melodic tone came from the shadowed creature and instantly and with synchronized movements their grip upon Sherri fell away. 

“Ah, my special guest has arrived.” To Sherri’s shock it was the first common tongue that she had heard in what felt like days. “Welcome little one, to New Phyrexia.” The creature had a feminine voice, although feminine was a stretch for these artifice mangled creatures. Yet Sherri definitely could tell a female presence when the speaker stepped into the dim light.

Her crest was almost like a crown, adorning her frame with such weight that it would rival the Pharaoh’s of old Amonkhet. Yet she walked with grace and when Sherri caught the bright white of her mix of artifice and flesh she knew to whom she was in the presence of. 

Elesh Norn.

If there was a queen of this unholy plane Elesh Norn was it. “Follow me.” The queen spoke with a tone that didn’t offer a choice of resistance, she began to walk along the hallway with her elongated legs tapping against the stone floor. Sherri found herself unable to disobey, mainly due to the fact that she had expended so much energy in her previous bout that even planeswalking away was a difficult task. She followed reluctantly, in an attempted silence. Yet the subtle sounds of crunching bone or shrieks of terror from afar crept into her ears.

For better or worse, Elesh Norn broke the silence. “Jin-Gitaxis has been quite a useful ally, assisting our priests in The Great Work, but some of his scientists have spoken of other worlds and ways to cross between them.” She turned the corner which led into a large room.

The room suddenly lit up and Sherri witnessed horrors that sent a chill along her spine. She saw numerous vats lining the walls, each of them filled with someone that she recognized, she started to take a step back with something slick pressed against her hip. “You
 You are monsters! Absolute monsters!” Sherri shuddered under her breath and the Queen of New Phyrexia slowly tipped her head down to look upon her prey, flashing an insidious smile.

“You will be our newest subject for The Great Work, little one.” 

Long slimy tendrils wrapped firmly around Sherri’s body, gripping at her frame. “No!” Sherri cried out in defiance but the cables began to rip the clothes from her body and pinned her firmly against the examination table as the Phyrexian Queen sauntered over. 

Elesh Norn slowly disrobed her ceremonial clothes revealing her supple breasts and a thick bulging cock that swung back and forth against her thighs. “Do you like it?” She crooned as she caught Sherri glancing at her appendage. “I had Jin-Gitaxis compleat my body with this” She purposefully clenched her hips causing the cock to jolt slightly. “I find it more enjoyable for distributing the glistening oil of my people.” She licked her lips, the crimson flesh turning glossy from her saliva as she stared at the small girl that lay before her. 

“Oh dear Urza what fresh hell have I gotten into..” Sherri muttered as she stared at that bestial dick that glistened with pre-cum sliding down the length.  The moment Elesh Norn stepped forwards to claim her prize Sherri responded by turning and trying to drag herself over the counter. It was a futile attempt but maybe she could get a moment to herself to escape. Unfortunately the split second that her muscles attempted to exercise her freedom the cables under her control squeezed against her. It was a tighter pressure than an overgrown python from Zendikar. “AUGH!” Sherri screamed out, the pressure of the cables having squeezed the air out from her as she was slammed into the operating table. 

“Oh my, a feisty one.” Elesh Norn spoke with genuine curiosity as she admired the girls form and the cables slowly turned her around to reveal that soft pussy cleft. She raised a single sharp digit, one that could rip through flesh and sinew, could carve the blessed language into steel, and with it she gently caressed Sherri’s body. “I often wondered how creatures like you could survive without metal.” It was like she was toying with a pet, her digit grazing over Sherri’s body with care that one would take for a newborn pup. “Yet, in your imperfect form you have a blessing that eludes my ability, how can this be? For we are perfection.” Her words came out gently, she held no ire towards the girl. She offered a rare smile before taking a deep exhale. “It matters not, we shall learn from you in time.” 

Sherri trembled as the large claw gently caressed along her cheek, she though that some of her skin would have been ripped free as the fingertips slid along her fur. “What.. What are you going to do to me?” As soon as Sherri said it, she wished she hadn’t. 

“Mm that is a good question. Perhaps the lack of metal hasn’t completely made your mind devoid of logic after all.” She slowly pressed her hips forwards and let her cock glide against those tight pussy folds, the warmth of her body was so enticing. “I simply want to breed you.” Elesh Norn said with a terrifyingly casual manner, as if she were only asking Sherri for a cup of sugar. “Relax, little one, you will only feel a slight pinch.” 

‘Slight’ was not the adjective that Sherri would have chosen when the cock thrust inside, the crimson meat skewering between the girl’s pussy lips and flooding forwards like a wave of pain and pleasure that practically stunned the small doggirl. “HRK!” Her eyes widened and she felt the cock inflate inside of her, the tiny little rivulets of her pussy flooded with the intensity of Elesh Norn’s flesh. It was as if her dick was stretching out her pussy to see just how much she could take! A slight bulge formed against her abdomen and her entire body began to tremble as the praetor’s cock started to peel back. 

“Fascinating!” Elesh Norn spoke softly, almost amazed by the squirming girl underneath. “For our kind, copulation can be a painful experience for the female.” She whispered under her breath. “I must let Jin-Gitaxis know of your breed, having proper females that enjoy the act will make for more blessed children.” Sherri’s eyes widened at this, she couldn’t have had a lewd look on her face that said she was enjoying it, that she felt pleasure
 Could she? Unfortunately her time of self reflection was minimal given that Elesh Norn began to forcefeed her dick inside that tight pussy once more. 

“Nnnhgh!” Sherri groaned, her ears folding back as Elesh Norn began to roll her hips, clapping against Sherri’s ass with those thick thighs. Every thrust of that powerful cock that caused her sensitive body to jolt with ecstasy brought her back to the grim reality. She was enjoying it. The slutty masochist that hid underneath a veil of manners was being revealed with each pump of Elesh Norn’s hips. “Ghhk.. Mgh.. Must.. Mnnhfh!” Sherri tried to gather her mana, maybe she could throw herself through the blind eternities and land somewhere else, anywhere else but here!

The sharp thrusts continued to distract her body from doing anything more than absorbing the force of Elesh Norn’s penetration. Her frame bounced forwards, trembling as Elesh Norn showed little to no compassion in her desire, her hips slamming forwards and pulling back as if she were playing with a cock-sleeve. “Yessss..” The woman hissed as she pinned Sherri with her clawed palm, her body jutting forwards and mashing the fat girth into Sherri’s snatch, pressing firmly against her cervix. “The Great Work! It desires the spark of a planeswalker..” Spittle began to dribble down the ornate woman’s chin.

“Nnghk! Hhghk!” Sherri practically gagged on her own tongue every time that cock rammed forwards, the intense pinching sensation she felt when it tapped against her cervix causing her walls to squeeze tightly on the dick that ravaged her. “I.. I..” Sherri panted, her fingertips began to glow as she managed to gather a touch of mana but suddenly one of the thick slimy tendrils shoved between her thighs pressing firmly against her clitoris. “Hhhyah! Hahh! Fffhah!” Sherri strained, her eyes closing halfway as her jaw clenched shut. All the mana that she had struggled to gather suddenly dissipated as she failed her concentration. 

“Yes!” Elesh Norn cried out, her hips mashing forwards and her body began to give into a lustful frenzy that sent her hips flying forwards. “That’s it! That ability to traverse the worlds!” Her claws began to dig into the sharp steel below, raking against it as she felt pleasure for her work and for this new breeding slut wrap around her like a holy blanket. “I shall breed you! Over! And over! And over again! Until your spark is one with New Phyrexia! I
 Shall be the Mother, of ALL Machines!” Her hips worked like a piston, smashing into Sherri’s frame with only wonton desire coursing through her veins. 


Try as she might to ignore the intense pleasure that was slowly wracking through her body Sherri couldn’t contain herself. She knew it was wrong, that whatever Elesh Norn was doing was somehow corrupting her from the inside out, but her body was wrought with the intensity of that fat cock plunging against her cervix. “Nngh
 Noh.. Noh.. Nnhoh!” Sherri groaned in between shrieks of pain and pleasure, her eyes slowly rolling up into the back of her head as she tried to hang onto her sanity. 

Sherri’s eyes began to roll in the back of her head, her body was refusing the commands of her mind and her frame started to twitch uncontrollably. Her pussy squeezing so tightly on Elesh Norn’s fat cock and the resulting throbs from it vibrating her insides. “Ggghnan.. Oh..ohfuck.. No.. No..” Her body suddenly felt as if it were a sensitive glass, her psyche shattering as the creature thrust forth. The swollen crimson cock pressing firmly against the small girl’s cervix as the tendrils held her in place. Sherri didn’t want to come, but her body demanded it, she felt the waves of pleasure washing over her, soaking into her nerve endings as bliss beyond measure overwhelmed her senses.

“Yessss!” Elesh Norn seethed through her clenched teeth, her clawtip digits seizing the girl and holding her in place as she released the heavy load of royal praetor cum! Torrid strings of cum began to erupt inside the small girl, flooding her womb and cervix with their potent essence. “Become, ONE.” It was as if this wasn’t merely sex but a ritual to induct the girl into the Phyrexian Cult! Elesh Norn’s cum almost singed at Sherri’s insides, leaving the poor girl whimpering as each viscous rope of glistening cum soaked into her body. 

The hot seed was almost hotter than the girl’s insides, each throb from the praetor’s dick let loose another rope of that corrupting seed. Sherri looked utterly devastated, her body twitching and trembling as she lay upon the table. Slowly Elesh Norn started to peel her cock free from that now gaping pussy, thick globs of pearlescent cum dribbling from that ungrateful twat. The Mother of Machines had a moment of pity for the uncompleated creature, her body simply was not yet accustomed to being her personal pet for release. “Soon little one.” The tall woman spoke in a soft hushed tone as Sherri felt her eyelids too heavy to support, darkness encroaching her vision until all went black.

The last thing she heard until she fell into an exhausted sleep was the almost maternal tone that teased her ears. “Soon you will come to know the joy of The Great Work.” 



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