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Nothing good was ever on late at night. Especially at 3am. Even though it was Netflix nothing felt ‘good enough’ to watch and Sherri had spent the past twenty minutes flipping through everything that didn’t seem interesting. She was almost tempted to try Prime.. or even worse. Hulu! With blankets wrapped around herself and a mug of almost soothing hot chocolate Sherri sat upon the sofa torn between two equally horrible outcomes. Unable to sleep and staring at a screen that offered nothing to sate her thirst for entertainment. 

“Babe.. You coming to bed soon?” Sherri glanced over, it was Jessica rubbing her eyes against the punishing glare of light that came off the screen. Even in dark mode it was still blinding and the otter had to continuously adjust her vision with closing her eyes. “It’s gotta be late.. why you still up?”

The doggirl slumped defeatedly into her blankets and sipped her drink solemnly. “Can’t sleep.” Sherri murmured half shamed as she flicked on another potential show to alleviate her boredom.

“Uh huh.” Webbed fingertips clicked upon the paddle switch bringing up the light and revealing Sherri’s state, the doggirl huddled up and pouty with her phone in her lap, remote in one hand, and cradling her drink with the other. “Well it’s awfully hard for you to go to sleep if you’re sitting here with the TV on.” She gave a sleepy rub at her eyes then as if in one motion she slipped beside her bestest pei, firmly wrapping around her sleepy doggirl body, nussling her nose against the blanket to find her ear, and finally delivering a gentle kiss upon it. “So, what’s up sugar pup?”  

At the very least it broke the bored look upon Sherri’s face, the expression quickly turning to a squirmy giggle as her ear was followed with repeated kisses. “Nnnothing, just can’t sleeeep!” 

“Mhmmm..” Jessica nodded thoughtfully. “Well I guess you got a lot on your mind. So I think we should get you to bed.” 

“I know..” Sherri groaned and leaned back against the dense tawny fur. “I just can’t, like.. I think about it, and then I think about all these other things and .. I just can’t. ..You know?”

This time it was Jessica’s turn to chuckle as she tossed. “Frankly I don’t think I do. But I guess that comes with responsibilities like, having to be up for work on time, and having to be places.” Her fingertips gave ticklish pokes, never wanting to see Sherri anything but a giggly mess. “But I guess you got your responsibilities figured out as well so I won’t judge your flagrant disregard for sleep schedules too harshly!”

Sherri’s body squirmed and then she paused, “But..?” Her eyes looking up towards the otter that always had something up her sleeve as she gave a fanged grin down towards Sherri.

“Doesn’t mean I’m going to not try my best to get you all tuckered out so we can get some sleep..” Sherri’s eyebrows raised and the otter leaned her head forwards, their lips touching together as Sherri’s heart skipped a beat. Jessica tightened her grip, holding Sherri in place as their kiss firmed and her tongue teased a lick against Sherri’s lips. The doggirl returning it, and quickly their tongues wound together as Jessica’s grip loosened and her fingertips trailed down her hip. “Let’s get you ready for bed..” 

Sherri nodded slightly as their kiss broke and Jessica’s body teased along Sherri’s, tugging up the top and revealing those plump supple breasts that each deserved a kiss of their own. The tender touch of otter lips against Sherri’s nipples made her breathe in tightly, further kisses trailing down her abdomen.. and then.. Finally. “J.. Jeshs..” Sherri’s words fumbled from her lips as her pawtoes clenched and her undies tugged downwards for Jessica to breathe in the sweet flavor of pussy.

Such passion started with a simple breath but it truly began when the soft pink tongue extended and pressed against Sherri’s pussy cleft. The warm wet otter tongue sliding carefully upwards with eyes focused upon the squirming doggirl that let out a chewed lip whimper while her muzzle pressed in deeper allowing her tongue further depth to slurp along that trembling quim. Hand guided along Sherri’s thighs up to her waist, holding her in place as her tongue danced carefully along her entrance. Trailing her languid moistened muscle against the pathways of Sherri’s pussy. It trailed between her puffening labia and ended with a slight flick against Sherri’s bubbly blue clit that sent the doggirl reeling with her head tossed back and her breasts pushing forwards. “Hahhh.. Honneyyy..” Sherri’s voice cracked and her legs lifted uncontrollably. Her muscles endlessly trembling as her lover’s otter assault upon her blue clam continued unabated. “Ghhahh.. Ouhhh.. Hoouhh..” 

Her tongue worked along Sherri’s snatch, every trail of saliva that was left behind multiplied by the droplets of nectar that spilled from her entrance. Her eyes focused upon Sherri’s and their gazes met as Sherri’s pleasure was synced with the repeated licks, the otter’s tongue carefully twirling around her juicy blue entrance with her chin mashed against her twat. Sherri’s hand lifted and carefully played with her own breast as she stared with open mouthed moans. “Hahhh.. Hff.. OhJehss..”  Jessica’s fingertips carefully massaging her hips while her shoulders pushed inwards, nudging against Sherri’s thighs so her face could be deeper between those luscious thighs while her drooling slurping tongue drank up her lover’s pleasure so freely. 

“Hahhh.. Like that.. like that..” Sherri pleaded helplessly as tears welled up in the corners of her eyes, it felt like her body was being pushed against her limit and her thighs in their squirming bliss wrapped around the back of Jessica’s neck. Her footpaws planting firmly against her shoulders and toes squeezing until the pajama fabric was pulled between her paws as the doggirl huffed and panted with her bright blue tongue hanging off the side. “Nnhh.. Nhhfhfh!” Her heart beating faster as those jewel like emerald eyes flashed up and met her own again and Jessica’s tongue licking against the underside of her clit while the upper lip teased against the hood had Sherri’s hips squirming upwards as her eyes warmed with pleasure tears. “Hahhh.. Hahhh..” 

Sherri’s legs tightened, her paws squeezing at the otter’s shoulders as her toes scrunched tightly into the fabric of Jessica’s pajamas. “Hfff.. Jehhsss.. Oourhhh!” Her fingertips teasing at her breasts, squeezing them and letting her puffy nipples stiffen against her digits as her hips rolled to the endless current of otter tongue that bathed her pussy with feverish slurps and careful licks. Jessica didn’t seem to mind at all, pressing her button black nose firmly against Sherri’s clit while squeezing onto her hips and holding her tightly as her flickering tongue tapped against her ever leaking indent. Her entrance dilating as it seemed to breathe with Sherri’s moaning huffs, her twathole clenching and parting briefly allowing Jessica’s tongue to dip inside before looping upwards and tapping against her clit like an incessant delivery boy! 

It was like the invisible wires that controlled her body were suddenly tugged, Sherri’s muscles at every nerve ending suddenly contracting at once when her pussy quivered its pleasure. Her hips lifted and her center arched, her eyes shut as tight as possible and her twitching twat let out a small little squirt of nectar but it was more than enough to signal the culmination of Sherri’s orgasm as she suddenly went from overflowing with tension to suddenly limp and huffing as Jessica messily licked at her chops. “Nnhh.. Haahh.. Jeehhss.. Honey..” Sherri swallowed a moment, “I.. I think I’m ready to go to bed now.”

“Really?” Jessica mused as she glanced toward Sherri’s blushing cheeks and her breasts rising and falling with her panting breaths. Jessica wore a proud smirk as she scooped up her now thoroughly exhausted loverpei. “Awhup!” She held Sherri in her arms easily with her legs draping off to the side and Sherri clinging to her frame. “Well now you’re plenty tired.” Sherri didn’t seem to mind being tucked into bed, and as late as it was Jessica certainly didn’t mind doing it. Especially since she could pull that sweet little pupper up nice and close into her arms, holding her tight with a final squeeze as she burrowed her heart shaped otter nose into the depths of Sherri’s brunette tresses. Taking in her scent and holding her dear as the doggirl made her little whisper whimpers of unconsciousness that brought a restful sleep to Jessica at last. 



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