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Deep within the moonlit forest up north of Lodeshire the rustle of branches had erupted. Chase was given and the target was a silver furred vixen who scampered upon all fours through the brush. While bipedal naturally the vixen was much faster and more nimble upon her fours as she darted from side to side, casually tripping up the trio that was behind her. Shade as she was known as a human knew the three females that were constantly on her tail. Even though they didn’t know it was her that they were after. Shade was a werevixen and unlike her wolven counterparts she was completely cognizant while in her transformed state. 

The vixen was a legend of sorts evading capture and appearing sporadically in various villages across the northern continent. The three alchemist wizard girls followed clues and attempted to track her by the moonlit skies but rarely had they ever even seen a glimpse. This was the third time in as many years that her presence had coincided with their travels and by far this was the furthest extent of their view of her. Often they travelled following rumors of local girls who had given birth to kits instead of regular human, dwarven, or even elven children! Of course the furred kits would lose their fluff as they aged but would retain features like golden eyes or exceptionally large incisors. As of late though the features had become more prominent and the kits had kept their tails.. even their ears!

Of course Shade was the culprit. Appearing in windowsills and bedding the local girls, breeding them with her seed and disappearing like a lurid dream in the night with the only proof of her copulation being a noticeable belly bump a few short weeks later. The farmers were eagerly putting up a bounty for their bedded daughters but no one had yet even come to suspect the whimsical mage girl in a hooded cloak that passed by town practicing spells and saving the locals from ogres and trolls.

“Marei!” A voice called out that caught Shade’s triangular foxen ears, “She’s headed west! I just saw her! Watch for the moon her silhouette follows it!” 

Damn. They were getting good, Shade thought to herself as she quickly darted to the side bypassing an obvious rope trap that had been set earlier and particularly stank of one of the girl’s scent. “I just saw her!” Another voice rose from the brush as Shade darted to the side tripping up the trap by using her footpaw to send brush knocking into the rope as one of the females began to chase upon her tail.

“Use your spells Nyara!” Shade’s body instinctively ducked as she felt the fur upon her naked fur bristle in anticipation of some kind of cold magic or heat to blast her form. But there was nothing.

“Nyara?” The second voice called out. 

A third voice shouted out angrily, “I’m Collette!”

“Oh.” The second voice responded and Shade blinked as she finally realized who her pursuers were. She always had inclinations but never proof. Her vixen lips curled into a cocky smirk as she rounded back skittering with her massive frame on all fours taller than most human females and even rivaling some of the taller men! “There she is-“ The woman’s voice startled as Shade arrogantly leapt overhead from her position just higher than one of the tree-stumps. “She’s beautiful..”

“Stop gawking and get her!” Shade’s ear twitched, it was Marei and her eyes glanced over her shoulder just in time to feel the brisk of vine suddenly snatch around her hind leg threatening to faceplant her into the craggy forest floor.. but another fine rose to catch her.. then a third, fourth. 

“I got her!” A voice of exhilaration brimmed through the moonlit night. “Did you see that?! I got her!” It was Nyara the youngest of the three cheering as her hands outstretched with each fingertip representing a curled vine around Shade’s body. “She’s strong though. Come help!”

Shade’s body writhed and her jaws snapped with fanged intensity as she tried to snag the vines that wriggled away and tugged her body just before she could crunch the foliage between her teeth. “After all these years..” Marei stepped closer with her boots upon the forest floor, followed by the middle sister, and the eldest. “We’ve finally got her.”

“She’s so beautiful.. do we have to do this.. truly?” A look of gentle concern welled up in the eyes of the youngest as she glanced towards her elder sisters while her heartstings threatened to tug upon her unwavering fingertips. 

“I’m right here you know!” Shade made an irritated scowl with her face as she paused her yank and pull upon the vines that had proved fruitless. “What do you even want with me anyways?”

Sudden shock had overwhelmed the three. They weren’t sure of what to expect after all this time but what they weren’t prepared for was their quarry to be one that spoke. As the elder sisters began to prattle between each other Nyara seemed more interested in the brilliant ivory furred fox woman who continued to make eye contact with her. “Well we were told that your species was fairly laden with potent magics and we were planning to .. well, harvest it from you. We’re alchemists that specialize in mythical creatures and their essences.” 

“Harvest?!” The hackles suddenly rose upon Shade’s spine and her eyes wide with a mixture of fear and vigor. “And how exactly are you going to harvest it from me?!” Fanged concern was borne upon Shade’s muzzle as the pearly white incisors bared themselves violently towards the suddenly uncomfortable Nyara.

“.. By your.” She blushed and curiously turned her head to the side, eyes averting Shade’s malevolent stare as she pointed downwards. A single hand held beside her lips to prevent the words from escaping in any trajectory but towards the vixen woman. “..Your thinger.”

“Excuse you!” A voice overhead stern and almost whiplike in how it made Nyara jolt and nervously glance up to the second older sister Collette. 

“Shame on you, Nyara, how could you tell her our plan?” It was the eldest sister Marei who’s voice now beside the other sister, both women with hands angrily folded and resting upon hips respectively. 

Nyara’s voice quivered as she tried to keep her tightened grasp upon the magic vines that ensnared the captured vixen lest she be chastised further. “Well, don’t you think that maybe, she could, you know..” Her voice trembled as she tried to convince increasingly angered siblings. “Do it as a favor.. Like.. maybe we could just ask her nicely and she’ll .. do it?”

“Fat chance!” A sultry voice called out from behind gathering the trio of female’s attention, Shade no longer struggled with her restraints but instead had posed with them. Her legs spread and the dark length of her bulbous cock rising upwards and swelling to an engorged state as she wore a lurid grin. “If you want it you have to work for it..” 

There was a pregnant pause and the eyes upon Shade’s dick only made it throb harder with excitement as the knowing victor of this game of cat and mouse. “Well.” A voice rose from behind Nyara, “You heard her. You ruined the surprise so you’ll have to do it her way, Nyara.” The youngest sister made an adorable little squeak as her cheeks blushed brightly, her eyes staring at the fully swollen cock as she swallowed hard. “It’s not that different than like what we planned..” 

Shade was curious about their methodology but it became quite clear when one of the vines released its grasp upon her thigh and the foliage of green and petals shifted in shape. A blue hue overtook the vine as it spread and reshaped itself, the vixen was actually impressed when she saw the tubelike creation shape itself into what she considered a delectable looking pussy. The plump folds and the little button hidden near the seam top center made her nostrils twitch as it even smelled like a juicy twat. It was almost hard to hide her excitement when the tubelike appendage slid along her length and the vixen let out a pleasured murrwhimper from her lips. “Ooouhh..” Her spine tingled and her cock twitched as her hips pushed slightly forwards while the limb coincided to slid along her shaft as the honey nectar spilled down her length. “Really pulling out all the stops huh..” 

The look on Nyara’s face was one of mixed emotion as she tried to clear her mind and focus while trying not to be tempted by the pleasured look upon Shade’s face. Thighs clenched tightly as the tubepussy slid up along the dark veiny shaft and slowly encapsulated the tip. Shade let out a feral moan from her lips as her body tensed with pleasure and her hips pushed up against the artificial pussy crafted underneath the moonlight. It felt real to Shade’s dick the way the strands of nectar clung to her cock as it rode along her length, the contracting inner workings of a vagina gripping onto her shaft and the sudden tensing the walls would create as it hilted to the base of her cock. Shade could even feel her twitching length grinding up against a rounded bulb that elicited a squeal from Nyara’s lips when she dragged her tip against it.

The warmth soaking around Shade’s cock made the vixen moan even louder as the shifting tubepussy began to gyrate. Shade glanced over to Nyara with squinting eyes and a wriggling tongue of excitement as Nyara quickly blushed at the lewd gesture. “Is that all you got..?” Shade’s sultry voice made the human woman suddenly squirm with excitement and Shade noticed that her thighs were squirming and those tights were suddenly more cramped than before. “This isn’t enough for me..”

The once gentle expression of the magegirl turned feisty when insulted! Her methods of pleasure being called insufficient? Well that was just plain rude! “Huff! Okay!” The green foliage began to recede slightly and a glowing blue quickly took their place hands that resembled Nyara’s wound their way upon Shade’s body replacing a rope like grip with a softer touch that gripped as tightly onto her wrists as the vines did. “Well maybe you’d like that pussy stuffed?” As Nyara poured more humanoid traits into the magics that bound Shade’s body a penis began to take the place of one of the vines that had once been a superfluous grip upon Shade’s body. It had a length to it that made Shade’s brow lift, even though her own cock was a bit bigger and of a fuller girth she could definitely say that the dick that began to drag against her cuntlips was not half bad at all. “Hfff..” Nyara bit down upon her lower lip as she strained to keep her vision upon the werefox. 

Eyes closed happily as her own twat was penetrated with thick spectral cock, it felt as real as the pussy that continuously gripped and stroked up and down her shaft. The length was slightly hollow like a trick of the moonlight, the trio of sisters were able to catch a glimpse of the depths of werefox pussy as the cockmeat fully plunged inside. The tip teasing at Shade’s cervix the same way her own prick had done before, “Ooouuuhhh hssshhyessss.. Hawwuhhhh..” Shade’s eyes briefly glazed over as her maw dipped open and tongue flopped freely from her lips. 

It was now clear that Nyara had a much more personal sensation connected to the wispy ghostly appendages that grasped and handled Shade’s body. The way she’d tremble and begun to moan while the fat cock had penetrated deep into Shade’s pussy was a dead giveaway. “Mhhh.. Yeah.. That’s it..” Shade’s lips curled tightly into themselves as she let out a sharp yip of delight, her padded toes scrunching and her tail winding into itself as her hips bucked into the fleshy sexpussy tube while the thick length began to vigorously stuff her puss. 

Nyara felt the pleasure of her length and pussy being satisfied by this creature who to their knowledge was fully comprehensive in their transformed state compared to the more feral and vicious creatures they had met in their travels. “Mhhh..” The werefox moaned and brought Nyara’s attention toward her moaning lips. “Still not enough..” Nyara’s face turned into a scowl. “This really can’t be the extent of your abilities..” Flame engulfed Nyara’s vision as her cheeks blushed with pleasure filled rage and suddenly Shade’s pucker would feel a third appendage dragging between her asscheeks. The tightness of her foxhole suddenly tested when the barely lubed second penis began to push against the indent of her ass. 

Maybe, just maybe, Shade thought as the thick cock pushed into her tight little asshole making her feel the depths of both entrances suddenly cramped with cock from both ends, she had taunted the little sex mage a bit more than she planned! Her eyes bulged at the intense pressure of twin cocks filling her holes and the way the front dragged against her sensitive inner walls while the other pushed those walls further upon the pussy cramming cock from the opposite angle. “How about that?! Is that enough for you now?!” The human mage cried out with tears welling up in her eyes, her cheeks fully flushed as her own cock throbbed against her once stain free tights halfway pushing its way free. “Like that slut fox?!”

“Yes! Yes oh fuck me yes!” Shade’s eyes had begun to roll in the back of her head as pleasure overwhelming filled her every nerve ending. Her body now resisted the wispy handlike constraints that gripped at her body but not to pull free, her figure was simply wrought to the edge of bliss and her muscles were contracting and squeezing of their own accord as orgasm bubbled against the base of her cock. Yet it was like their cat and mouse game and simply preventing her own orgasm was the new game they could share together. 

But the mage girl was more determined to make Shade cum than Shade was determined not to! The vixen’s eyes began to glow white and her fingertips clenched tightly as her hips jut forwards deep into the simulacunt of Nyara’s body and for a brief moment Nyara felt more than the simple pleasures that came from her duplicated pussy. She could have sworn she felt the warmth of cum gushing inside her body and that simple bliss made her return the favor as her twin cocks released their spectral essence in an orgasmic throb. Creamy magical jizz flooded inside Shade’s body with impotent filling but a glossy sheen that sparkled like the stars above. Shade’s pussy contracted and squeezed as her pawtoes clenched showing off the glossy pink polish as her mouth shut tightly. “Yesssshaouuhh Yess fuck!” Her glowing bright eyes that hid her pupils flashing like a star in supernova for a brief moment as her hips jut forwards releasing rope after rope of her pure foxen spunk into the squishy twat tube.

Of course Shade wasn’t completely helpless as she lay there with her body spent with pleasure. She saw Nyara’s fingertips retract and the werefox gave a slight wink to the human girl. “Good. You got it?” Marei placed a hand upon the youngest sister’s shoulder. “Don’t spill
" Marei sniffed the air, "a
 drop.” snff snff.

“What’s that smell?” Collette paused and their eyes focused on Nyara who was blushing shamefully. “Nyara?” Their eyes caught the source of the scent and while the pussy tube that had harvested Shade’s cum was held firmly in Nyara’s grasp. The werefox must have done something
 something that connected it to her body as deeply as her cocks because the precious cum was not cupped in spectral twat that had helped Shade orgasm; instead it was deep inside Nyara’s body
 and the remnants of glowing pink fox-jizz was spilling down her thighs. In that moment of brief realization that Nyara would become ‘blessed’ with a litter of fox-kits like all the other village girls that the werefox had visited, the two elder sisters snapped their attention to where Shade lay upon the forest floor.

Except she was gone and with a slight glimmer of smoke where her body had been.

“See you soon.” A hauntingly sultry voice carried above a whisper by the breeze that passed through the tree leaves. “And next time.. ask nicely!”



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