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The depths of the evening were always a quiet time for any twenty four hour restaurant. Sometimes there would be a small rush of post drinking festivities but for the most part it was a quiet evening. So quiet that there was only a lone chef inside the humble ramen bar. At two in the morning there was hardly a need for a wait staff for someone to run the register like during the busy lunch rush and but it didn’t make the bottom line worthwhile. Not in the eyes of the fiscally astute business woman Yuki, she was a young woman with flowing auburn hair that almost looked dark orange in the right light. Her slender frame hugged tightly by her feminine yet domineering suit was impeccably smooth and crisp even after an entire day of work that had gone late into the night.

The Glory Bowl wasn’t Yuki’s only responsibility, she handled quite a few restaurants as part of her firm which like the part owner and manager of the restaurant, made the dating scene a little more difficult than she wanted. It was on this evening that Yuki strutted in the humble ramen bar with her heels clicking against the wooden floor that she felt more agitated than nights previous. It was that confident strut of a woman in charge that allowed her to saunter through the ramen bar and approach the chef who was quietly prepping vegetables. “Busy night?” Yuki questioned almost condescendingly but with just a hint of respect.

It was something that the large moose-antlered woman did not return as she continued to chop through various veggies. Her eyes not even lifting from the cutting board to return the stare of the woman who helped finance the place. “Mm-mm. Quiet.”

An expected answer and one that made Yuki feel justified in her retort. “Exactly, that’s why we need to close this place after midnight. Who’s going to come in here for ramen at two in the morning of all things?” She scoffed and folded her arms as if winning an argument. 

“Hunger doesn’t know time.” Keskileene spoke gently yet carefully, her words chosen specifically like the root vegetables she used for her ramen. “But you’re here and it’s much later than midnight. How was your date?” 

Yuki pursed her lips tightly, the rounded mephit ears folding back. “That’s not important tour discussion, we’re talking about this business wasting money by staying open when there’s not any customers in here.”

Finally the antlers lifted and Keskileene turned her gaze towards the side counter where there sat a single customer. A female with brown hair and light skin, wearing headphones and carefully slurping from a bowl while looking over her phone. “She’s a customer. The Glory Bowl is meant for all those to come and eat, people who are neglected because their schedule demands something different from them than what is normal.” She smiled in Yuki’s direction, “Would you care for a bowl? My treat.”

Fingers clenched tightly and she glared to the side. “..Fine.” She begrudgingly sat in front of the counter with her arms folded over her chest and a leg lifting over resting a knee upon the other. After a moment of pause she glanced to the side. “..Tonkotsu. Extra egg.”

“Date went that well, hm?” Keskileene sent the vegetables into their appropriate bin with a swift motion of the knife. “You sound like you need plenty of healthy protein.” It wasn’t a secret that Yuki had a reputation as a ballbuster and an ambition hungry career woman known for standing up dates more often than not because of some important work. 

“You could say that again..” She muttered and quickly checked her phone to see the previous text messages. She’d sent numerous messages and called the same number more than a few times. Her lower lip tugged between her teeth as she felt a painful wrenching in her heart. She’d been stood up, which was clearly an uncommon occurrence for gorgeous young woman. Especially when she had been particularly interested in having her date upstairs for dessert that evening.

She hadn’t begun to boil the ramen when her eyes glanced towards Yuki noticing how flustered she seemed. “You know I could prepare something a little more filling if you want..” Keskileene’s voice soft yet lustful, it was highly unprofessional and completely inappropriate but the pair had enjoyed a tryst together more than a few times in the past. “I don’t think a couple slices of tonkotsu meat is going to sate what you’re craving.

Yuki sat there flustered with her hands slightly unable to hold the phone so she set it face down upon the counter while trying to ignore what Keskileene had said. The woman was a little older than she and while there was a mutual attraction she never considered it more than a release of stress, a fuck for the sake of fucking. Keskileene was gorgeous and the tall woman had a massive cock with the knowledge of how to use it as well, it wasn’t any coincidence that the ramen shop was particularly popular with other girls similar to the manager. A momentary glance into Keskileene’s addictive gaze made her recall the moment she first witnessed the dark meaty cock and the pungent scent that caused it to linger in the back of her mind as an option whenever her dates had ended with a poor result.

“I can serve it up just like how you like,” Keskileene felt the trembling of arousal building inside herself as well and her hand reached out covering the top of Yuki’s as their eyes locked Keskileene knew that every little inhibition in Yuki’s eyes was melting away. “Hot.. and thick,” Yuki gulped. “And extra creamy..” 

The moment of trepidation had passed and Yuki bit upon her lower lip as the large woman’s hand touched along her arm and cupped gently upon her chin. “O..Okay.. fine.” Yuki whimpered and before she knew it their lips had met together once more. 

A firm kiss had sealed their unspoken agreement and Kes quickly untied her apron before lifting the bar flap and quickly resuming the kiss with her hands wrapping around Yuki, her hands easily teasing at the skirt while simultaneously pulling down the woman’s panties as she muttered hotly in between tongue wriggling kisses. “They don’t know what they’re missing do they?” Keskileene let out a lustful purr from her lips as her slacks started to slip down her curvaceous thighs revealing the heft of her fat bulging cock that slowly pressed forwards to find the warmth of Yuki’s creamy thighs touching along the shaft until her pussy cleft rest atop of her cockmeat. 

“Not in the least..” Yuki groaned as her fingertips clutched into the cooking uniform that still rest upon Keskileene’s body, her toes scrunching tightly before their kiss ended abruptly and she was pushed forwards upon the countertop. Yuki craved more than a simple kiss and the promise of fleeting fun but when she felt the rough groping sensation of hands yanking at her thighs and the intense pressure of Keskileene’s cocktip pushing between her folds she hardly considered romance at all. Her eyes shut tightly as the tip probed along her moistened inner walls that constricted upon Keskileene’s fat cock.

Yuki’s entire body jolted as the heft of hips collided against her asscheeks with a deep penetrative thrust that hilted her pussy upon the entirety of Keskileene’s massive cock. A feat she had done before but never the less always made her feel like an inexperienced virgin fucktoy when they fucked. Part of her loved Keskileene’s cavalier attitude towards her pleasure, her comfort, while she was desperate for romance and passion beneath her three piece suit, something about her craved the way Keskileene would simply fuck her body raw. The heft of her cock jamming deep into her pussy and pushing against her cervix, as if claiming her to be her bitch, her fuckhole, deep inside
 Yuki almost fantasized about being marked as being her pet.. Her heart pounded at the mere imaginative thought of being nude with only a collar around her throat that marked her as under the eye and care of Keskileene and her fingertips clenched into the bar counter as she let out a high pitched moansqueak.

Hips continued to pound against Yuki’s asscheeks that responded with a loud clap at their collision, Yuki was already feeling out of breath and then the pressure winding through her inner depths was suddenly compounded by weight upon her back. It was Keskileene’s looming body pushing against her and the large woman kissed against those adorable white furred ears, “I want you to go over there.. To that customer.. and I want you to ask to suck her dick.” Keskileene muttered hotly with her damp breath connecting along the inner shell of her ear. “I want you to beg for it..” 

Cheeks flushed brightly, almost enraged at such a prospect and how she was not simply commanded, but expected to obey such a risquĂ© command! Yuki chewed on her lower lip trying to deny the smirking and thrusting moosewoman the pleasure of her obedience but in her defiance of giving an answer the deep penetrative thrusts and the mashing of their bodies together came to a sudden halt with the tip of Keskileene’s cock residing halfway inside. “Hff
 Fine!” Yuki conceded, “But we are having a talk after this!”

Her lips formed an arrogant sneer and her fingertips wound into the sides of her thighs as she began to pummel even harder. Her twatmound mashing against Yuki’s as her cock skewered deep inside cramming all the way in and making slutty girl’s cervix make room for her dick. “You can talk all you want..” Keskileene grunted hotly, “After you finish sucking her cock!” 

Caitlyn had stopped inside the local late night favorite simply as a necessity after a late evening. Her eyes had been locked on her phone browsing through the latest gaming news and her ears had been covered by headphones that played lofi beats that made the solitary slurping of noodles less noticeable. Yet the stirring motion of her broth quickly brought attention from her phone to the ramen, and then the cause was obvious as she glanced up from her bowl to see the chef that had served her minutes ago now enthralled with her cock between the thighs of a petite girl that looked like the length between them would have been impossible to fit! 

She was so stunned by the scene that she hadn’t moved a muscle and was staring wide eyed with her mouth full of noodles. Caitlyn quickly tried to asses whether the pair copulating in front of her were exhibitionists or not, she was sitting right there after all! But then again
 she was incredibly quiet, she didn’t even speak with the chef outside of mentioning the type of ramen she wanted. Maybe they had forgotten she was even there, maybe the bar was closed and it was an intimate couple enjoying one another and she was an unsuspecting voyeur to their romance! Truly watching the pair was quite a surprise, even more surprising was the way the moosewoman let out a honking grunt of pleasure and how the slender woman being plowed with her cock would tremble to the point her feet had lifted off the ground and twitched and trembled as her womb was visibly filled with cum from the way her stomach bulged with spunk. 

But what surprised her even more than anything else was how the woman began to saunter in her direction a few moments later. She sauntered her hips in Caitlyn’s direction and the brunette could make out the streak of cum that was sliding down her thigh. “Hello,” The woman said as Caitlyn swallowed hard as her fingertip touched along her now more than noticeable bulge that pushed against her jeans. “Do you mind joining in?” Caitlyn shook her head still thunderstruck. “Good.” 

At first Keskileene was content watching Yuki peel away at the customer’s jeans and begin to suck and sweetly worship the customer’s dick. Her dark skinned cock quickly throbbed to life and Keskileene began to stroke at her shaft as she flared her nostrils, Yuki’s lips kissed and her tongue worked along the light skinned prick of the shocked girl that had only come in for ramen. Her fingertips curled into a fist upon the counter as her teeth clenched tightly, her lust having renewed itself by watching someone else enjoy the sultry oral pleasures of the woman she sampled more than on occasion. 

It was fascinating to witness someone so surprised by pleasure, and Yuki despite herself found a sort of lurid pleasure at enjoying the cock of a stranger. It was something that Keskileene had suggested on numerous occasions to be a reverse pleasure source for the restaurants glory hole and as she dragged her fingertip along her cum seeping pussy she felt the tingle rolling along her spine at the taste of a dick that was foreign to her. She could feel the throbbing tip pulsate against the roof of her mouth when suddenly she caught the looming shadow of the woman that had just creampied her pussy offering her fat cummy and pussy juice slathered cock to wielder of the cock she was currently worshipping.

While Yuki was happily tonguing at the customer’s ballsack and her fingers stroking along the shaft Keskileene’s prick throbbed expectantly before Caitlyn’s lips. She had barely a moment to open her mouth when suddenly it was filled with the musky, salty, and somewhat tangy flavor of cock. Pre-cum was already oozing from her shaft and soaking upon her customer’s tongue while Keskileene smeared her dickmeat along the wriggling appendage. “The flavor of tonkotsu is born of being surrounded with other flavors.. the meat itself the base..” She mumbled softly to the blushing and stunned girl that looked up with an almost innocent expression yet the way she tried to nod her head in understanding made the large moose woman smirk. “They say the flavor once truly appreciated can become.. addictive.” She bit down upon her lower lip and arched her hips, dragging her veiny shaft along the softness of her plump lips. 

The warmth of Caitlyn’s ramen flavored mouth held a sort of special pleasure to the woman who loaded up noodle broth perfection on a daily basis. It almost felt like a taboo to contaminate her perfect cooking with the salty sweet flavor of her freshly cummed cock. Yet somehow that thought only made her cock even harder, as she wound her fingertips into the brunette’s tresses and jut her hips along her favorite appendage, the tongue. The same sense that enjoyed the pleasure of her cooking would return the favor in kind by wriggling along the heavy vein along her shaft. “Hfff
” Keskileene groaned as she glanced to the side noticing the bowl of unfinished ramen and an idea caused her cock to throb. “Let me.. upgrade your dinner.. Call it..” She huffed and retreated her cock from the soppy suctiony squishy lips from Caitlyn’s lips. “The chef’s special.” 

Sacrilege was the only word for it but Keskileene hardly cared at this point, her hand reached out towards the porcelain bowl that still had the spiral fishcake floating atop of the broth and bundle of noodles. Her teeth clenched tightly as she stroked eagerly along her shaft and the sight of Caitlyn’s eyes staring at her cock and the bowl that was held beneath it.. not in disgust but eager.. with a patient desire.. and when she licked her lips that did it for Keskileene, “Hfffghh.. Hnnghhhahauhhh..” The first creamy rope of cum fired from the tip of her length and landed right upon the brothy mixture, “Haaahhh.. Mhhhhhauhhh!” She closed her eyes and tipped her head back as her deep violet tresses fell along her face and her antlers almost tossed her off balance as the final spurts of cum drenched the insides of the bowl making it more moose-spunk than ramen at this point! 

Neither of them had to instruct her on what to do next.. But she made sure they were both watching as her hands cupped underneath the bowl that was now warmer than it had been before! Her bright brown eyes focused on the broth and the thick creamy mixture that it had become before tipping it into her lips. Ramen, meat, broth, fishcake, all flooded into her mouth as she chewed lustfully until the solids were nicely swallowed down her throat with a satisfied gulp.


Maybe it was the flavor, or maybe it was Yuki’s exceptionally skilled tongue, but Caitlyn believed it was a lurid combination of both that made her toes scrunch and her hand grip tightly into her jeans as her cock began to erupt with a load that rushed against the roof of Yuki’s mouth only to spill out down the sides of her lips and the bottom of her chin. Yet Yuki continued to suck upon her shaft, the culminating pleasure bringing her eyes crossed and blurring her field of vision until her lids finally closed upon them as orgasm shot through her form.

“Thank you,” The fair skinned woman smiled and gently waved as she turned to leave the establishment. She ventured out into the dark winter evening having been satisfied with the most delicious bowl of ramen she had ever had in her life.

“So that’s why you keep the bar open late all the time, huh?” Yuki said as she re-entered after a brief stint in the bathroom to clean herself back up. Her blazer resting in her arms and her hair still somewhat frizzy from the encounter. She noticed that Keskileene was back to chopping vegetables again and cleaning her workstation of course. 

The moose antlered woman lifted her eyes and offered a small smile in Yuki’s direction. “Mhmm and she’ll be back for more..”



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