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Heaving breaths and the slight crackle of torchwood were the only sounds that echoed inside the now mostly empty room in the abandoned catacombs of the dungeon. Laurion stood over his defeated enemy with sweat dripping down his brow and the remnants of a mimic’s shattered frame the only evidence of his perils. He was part of a group that had gone in on the promises of wealth, glory, and adventure and of course having been split up due to a trap landed him to explore part of the dungeon on his own. Laurion was a bard, a jack of all trades, but certainly not a weak link in the group. However his greed and arrogance had led him astray from what should have been an obvious trap, a treasure chest with jewels and gold spilling out the mouth had given him glitter eyes at being able to hoard such wealth to himself rather than share it with his comrades. They’d never know he encountered a treasure chest on his own, why would they? 

But like all things too good to be true in the horrid backwards nation of Gronnfjall it was a lie, Laurion had ventured to this country with his comrades on the promises of an endless summer paradise and easy mercenary jobs but instead it was a frigid winter wonderland
 At least the money wasn’t a lie. A lack of mercenaries and available manpower meant they were able to charge an absurd fee for their troubles. “This damn job is really getting to be not worth it..” The bard muttered as he stood up straight, picking up his beloved weapon. The moment his fingers wrapped around the stem of his lute he felt an electric charge running through, where as bards were usually known for ranged weapons like crossbows or daggers for short moments of physical combat. Laurion had gone above and beyond, entwining his magical prowess into weaponry he would beat his enemies into a pulp of blood, sinew, and charred bone with his lightning magic infused lute. 

all the while making puns and quips that caused a magical boosting cringe throughout his party. In truth his strength came from his team and likewise, a solo adventuring bard was not long for the world unlike those who had taken a different path of mastery. He could still hold his own, as evident by the defeated creature that lay before him in a shattered mess of flesh entwined with wood. His leatherclad boot kicked at the crumbled mess of a creature that lay in splinters. “Not even a single dracoin.” He spat at the floor, “I don’t believe this.. What kind of dungeon doesn’t have anything of value?” His hand touched against the stone walls and sent a small tingle of electricity through the stone as his ears listened for a secret door or pathway from the room that he hadn’t seen upon entry. 

While he wasn’t a thief or a rogue, his acumen for music and sound provided a key role in detecting traps hidden behind walls. Small dents, holes, or even changes in texture, was able to be picked up by him. It was his own form of sonar that combined with his lightning magic gave him sight into the unseen. With his eyes closed he noticed that the strings of electricity that jolted through the stone divided and returned around in a single pathway, a large opening down the side of the room, large enough for a person. His eyes flashed open in the direction of the stone masonry. “Bingo.” He said sternly and stepped over the crushed remains of his foe eager to rejoin with his troupe and be done with this hellscape. 

It was a poorly made secret entrance at best because once he approached the sounds of shifting rock and stone caught his attention, suddenly the riches he’d been dreaming of appeared before him, spilling out like a treasure trove around the floor and the true chest falling upon the deluge of wealth. It popped open to reveal the contents, unlike the treacherous creature it contained raw gold and jewels that would set him for life. “..It’s beautiful.” He whispered with his emerald eyes drawn towards the majestic visage that tempted his greed. His hand reached into the chest scooping it up and feeling the chilled gold touch against his bare hands and fingers, sliding through and down to the floor as a rush of elation filled him. He had a particularly rare bag, but even he doubted the possibilities of being able to stash all the riches that lay before him inside that bag of holding.. 

He was already making plans, stashing as much as he could into his bag and then returning to his comrades to excavate the remaining jewels and treasures, they didn’t even need to finish their journey they could simply split whatever he left them and forge a new path in life as wealthy patrons. As he cherished his good fortune in both hands he couldn’t help but let loose a joyous cackle as he fished both hands deep into the gold and let them rise out as the gems and coins fell gleefully from his hands. “I’m rich! I’m RICH!” He cried out in delight and immediately began to shovel as much as he could into the innocuous looking violet bag lined with silver strings.

Distracted by his newfound riches and the plots of what to use them for he didn’t notice that he was not alone, that something had slithered in the empty space until it lifted upwards and from the darkness accosted him instantly. He felt something liquid smack upon his face and in a brief moment of catching his reflex noticed the texture as he wiped it away, “Uh oh,” He muttered and quickly covered his mouth with a touch of healing magic to replace the skin that would have been eaten away by acid. “Acid Slimes.. I hate slimes!” He cried out and wielded his lute with the same finesse as a barbarian would swing an axe. His muscled arms swung the weapon and decisively cleaved the creature in twain as he wore a victorious grin. “Easy..”

What was strange was that there was no crackle, no thunderous applause of bristling electric jolts that would bubble from lightning burned flesh made caustic with magical energy. “I agree.” A distinctly feminine voice responded and revealed that the gelatinous body had simply divided in the direction of his weapon’s arc, reforming whole as it came into the light. A feminine form of blue tingled with green globules made her retort clear. Acidic laced tendrils clapped against the human bard from all sides, his body deftly dodging the attack by leaping backwards and with his body outstretched in pose he strummed mightly upon the strings.

Vibrations flowed from the magically enchanted weapon, a tremor of arcane magic that pulsed through her body. To her surprise it actually hurt. The gelatinous cells inside her rumbled and strained as her feminine figure of beauty melded into a not so gorgeous and disarming female human body but a mass of her true shape of slime and slickness that despite her sheer control of form began to puddle to the floor like melted ice. “That.. Hurt.” She spoke with an almost guttural rage as she reformed and opened her eyes to the world once more to her further surprise he was smart enough to realize the difference in their ability and had turn tail and run. 

But it wouldn’t be enough, “You actually managed to not only irritate me.. but hurt me!” Her silken voice had returned but the danger and threat of it was no less than earlier. “I’m .. impressed.” This time he wouldn’t escape, her tendrils splaying out from her body with a swiftness that overwhelmed him handily. His body firmly wrapped in her slick clutches as she withdrew him from nearing the entrance and with a sharp jolt retracted her tendrils like a whipsnap that landed his form upon the ground. 

“Plovis!” The bard cried out at the depths of his projecting voice, widening the eyes of the gelcreature. “Erist-“ The vibrations from his mouth quickly shuttered by a tendril that plunged deep.

“None of that,” Her voice was domineering yet maintained the sweet tone as she wriggled the large squishy fleshlimb deep into his mouth. “You’ve been such a naughty boy, killing my playthings.” Her writhing tendrils looped around his extremities and squeezed at his wrist and arms of his dominant hand pinching the pressure points in a way that released the grip of his weapon allowing her to lean closer into him until her face was centimeters from his. “The good news is that I’ve decided not to kill you. Isn’t that wonderful?”

Defiantly Laurion gnashed his teeth upon the tendril and immediately he wished he hadn’t. The texture was like chicken that had been chilled into a gel texture and it separated and split inside his mouth as the woman let out a haughty laugh at his meager attempts at freedom. “Wench I will write songs of your hideous form!” That caused one of her slick eyebrows to twitch, “No one will know your ugly- ghbhhglk!”

Arms folded over her chest as she pouted her lip. “Now that’s just plain rude!” Her tendril wriggling into his mouth this time thicker than before and preventing his jaw from closing since he wasn’t going to have proper manners anyways. “And here I thought maybe we could be friends..” She pouted her lip at him almost making him feel guilty for his transgressions. “Oh well! I need new minions so you’ll have to do.” Her voice suddenly chipper, her demeanor twisting from emotions as easily as her body could shift and shape the dimensions. “First we have to get rid of that gross mismatching clothing, yech!” 

Clothing? His armor? His eyes curiously stared at the creature that held him in her grasp and he may have been too dense to notice that he wasn’t in pain. Agonizing pain, the scent of burning flesh, nothing like he’d seen before with those who had gotten on the wrong end of these acid slimes. Maybe that was the trick? She seemed cunning, maybe his body dissolving was hidden behind layers of 
 calm? He could still feel his fingertips and he didn’t feel numb. Then he heard the sound of a hiss, something that sounded like the dissolving material, his eyes widened as he tried to wrench his body free but at the same time accepting the mortality of being defeated in a dungeon. It was the life he’d chosen and he refused to regret it for a moment, he might wear the scars of where his skin had been dissolved from his body and regrown with healing magics, but he swore he would live to tell the tale. 

“So feisty. We’ll be sure to change that first.” The goofemme twirled her fingertip through her artificially realized hair, a lustful sneer appearing on her lips as he squirmed and pulled not even realizing the futility. “Oh.. Look..” She leaned forwards as his body was exposed, the dissolving acid not piercing his skin but simply wiping away that ugly leather. “Almost a shame, you had a decent looking cock too.” She pursed her lips while a tendril wrapped around the length, gauging the shaft and its girth while squeezing against the length her body floating upon her own slickened form like she was on an endless voyage. “I’m sure it’ll make just as nice of a pussy..” 

Nothing she said made sense to the bard, especially not with how roughly she was squeezing his cock, gripping at it and pushing against his rock hard length that defied his resistance. “Ghrhh.. ghhlk!” He suddenly gagged his hips pushing upwards as the tendril smoothed up and down his shaft.. and then began to smear nectar against his ballsack, it wasn’t numbing.. it wasn’t painful, it felt amazing! He’d heard of ludicrous tales of ‘Monster Tamers’, he’d even seen an adventurer with a monster girl who’d become his wife
 He owned a Tavern near the southernmost road that ended near the coast in a small village known as Oakhaven’s Rest. But this psycho creature hardly seemed interested in becoming the bard’s wife even if her squishy tendrils felt surprisingly soft, warm, intoxicatingly tightening around his length and shaft as he let out a pleasured groan.

He’d also heard of women who liked to dominate during sex.

Maybe he was being tested as ‘mate material’ maybe this gootemptress was simply eying him as a husband? It certainly felt that way, her tendrils squeezing upon his fat bloated nuts felt more pleasurable than he’d ever known in his entire life. His body churning with excitement as it felt like a single pointed tip seemed more interested in his balls than his shaft but he didn’t mind in the least, it felt good.. amazing even. His body rolling with pleasure until he felt
 different. He’d never had his balls played with this thoroughly by even the most experienced of tavern wenches, and he couldn’t deny that something felt strange. Almost like the squishy tendril was pushing against his balls.. and his skin felt like it was splitting open.. spreading. His eyes flashed open and he tried to crane his down to look over as the giggling goowoman mockingly laughed behind her fingertips at his display. “Oh finally noticing hm?” She took the shock in his eyes as a personal treat while her tendrils dug in deep slowly worming their way between his once proud ballsack. “I told you it’d make a lovely pussy..” 

He felt a shockwave of pleasure race through his body unlike he’d ever felt before, only the outer tip of her tendril had begun to penetrate but his balls were slowly melting away squishing into a mons upon his form as his thighs widened to compensate for the new childbearing hips. “Ghhhlllhhh!” He moaned out against the still squishing tendril as his arms were tugged firmly back to restrain him further, but the pleasure he felt was practically paralyzing as the lengthy blue squishslime wriggled deeper, every time it delved in slowly pushing more and more of his cockmeat into the shape of a pussy with wet inner walls surrounding the deepening cunt-tunnel that was formed.

And to his dismay, it felt amazing.

The worming tendril probed deeper into his body, the slickness of the forming pussy soaking into the squishy mass that would expand to fill the entirety of the space allotted of Laurion’s new pussy. The male bard groaning and straining as pleasure gouged into his senses, “Doesn’t it feel wonderful?” The temptress crooned gently as she loomed over the wriggling victim. “Let it all go, just embrace it.” A hand reached out and ever so gently caressed alongside the human’s cheek. 

“Nnghhonnhhohhhh!” Laurion struggled to maintain his sanity, his hips arching up and knees trying to contract and prevent more of that blissful tentacle from digging deeper inside. His own body was betraying him, the squishy drooling twat soaking into the tendril as his voice cracked from pleasures. “Must.. Mustnot..” But the reality was his body betrayed his mortal desires for the feminine pleasures that were seeping through his form, the tendril digging deeper until a small bulb had formed at the center of her abdomen and this brought a bright smile to the goofemme’s lips. 

“Feel this?” Her tendril rolled against the inner depths of the feminizing bard, his entire form slowly losing hair and becoming glossy skin as she flicked and tapped against the inner depths of her new prey. “This is your cervix.. behind there,” She licked her lips. “A womb.. Maybe..” She thought carefully about her next move, then dismissed it, her tendril plunging in and shoving its way into the forming womb causing the semi-masculine human to let out a shrill cry of pleasures that sounded like a hollow scream from a male that echoed down a lost corridor while a feminine tone rose above it. “Let’s see how much we can fit in here! Won’t that be fun?” Her body flickering a shade of green as she gazed down at her newest pet. 

“Soh.. Noh.. Soh.. SOhgood
” The bard cried out as she felt her insides stretching, the thick glugs of slimecum that began to pump inside her womb filling up and exacerbating every change that trickled along her body. With every glug of slimejizz that pumped into the bard’s body it was quickly absorbed, her womb fully forming and her body curving inwards, forming large perky breasts as her head tossed back and the dark brown locks turned into golden wavy tresses with plump plush lips and brilliant emerald eyes that flashed open with brightness as she let out another moan. “Hnhyh!” Her belly distended as the goomistress continued to pump in the slickness that overwhelmed her body. 

The sloshing sound of the tendril that once held between her lips no longer needed muffle the girl as Mizuki coiled around her new toy. “Oooh, someone’s had her first little orgasm!” Cheeks upon the goomistress suddenly flushed violet as her plump lips curled into a smile while her tendrils dug deep curling inside and worming their way inside her new pet’s womb as she filled even further. She clearly recognized the signs and the way she no longer had to restrain her pet’s body. “Well.. I suppose this is good enough.” 

The tendrils retracted from the bard’s new female frame, the excess slimecum soaking deep into her body and leaving her a petite little sweating mess of pleasure. “..Wha..?” Her voice, now the gentle pitch of a female rang differently in Laurion’s ears. 

A hypnotic gaze formed upon her visage as she leaned forth, eyes locking with the timid bardgirl’s bright emerald hues. “Aw, such a sweet girl.” She couldn’t help but squeal at how cute her confused face had become, the tendril swirling around her neck and teasing at her chin. “You’re mine now sweetheart, you’ll renounce all your loyalties, all your attachments, your friends, your family, your gods,” The last one made her slimey body bubble with excitement. “I’m Mizuki, the goddess of your new life as my dungeon pet.” 

“No, don’t!” She cried out in protest as she was raised upright and the tendril looped around her frame, tears filling the corners of her eyes as she bit down on her lower lip with emotion flooding her senses. “I don’t want to forget my friends!” Her voice broke out when the tendrils looped around her form, her perky breasts and bright pink nipples suddenly swelling as the tentacle squeezed upon them bringing a sharp piercing moan to her lips. 

Mizuki giggled at how easy her body was to manipulate, humans were so cute when they were flustered, her tentacle resumed teasing at her pussy which was now plump, full, and in desperate need of another filling. “You won’t forget them.” Mizuki crooned as her tendrils squeezed and groped upon her tits until milk started to spill out, the googirl biting on her lower lip almost distracted. “But you won’t want to leave me to go be with them, it will be your choice but..” She giggled and tossed her head back and forth thinking, “Well you did surprise me before!” 

Tendrils squeezed upon the breasts even tighter causing milk to gush forth, but rather than shrinking the heaviness of her tits the tendrils poured sticky gelcum into the human girl’s breasts and making them larger, swelling with even more of the milk pouring out from her puffy nipples. Laurion cried out desperate to hold true to her fading self, she was a bard.. an adventurer, a loyal member of a team, a disciple to the god of music, mirth, and lightning Fremurcie, but the pleasure she felt made her way to betray it all! “Miioh.. Misss..” Her voice cracked again as those tendrils, slick as they were.. suddenly penetrated her nipples finding the smallest of her opening and plunging inside until her eyes rolled into the back of her head with the intensity of the pleasure building deeper and deeper while her gaping mouth and rolled back eyes sent her quivering with orgasm rushing through her form. 

So cute. Mizuki the slime goddess thought to herself before cupping the girl’s chin and holding it tightly as their lips pressed together. In truth she relished the flavor of her new pet’s breastmilk, she could taste, feel, smell, see, hear, with her entire body, all of her senses spread throughout her form as manipulative and tactile as the little blonde musician’s fingertips. But something felt different about a kiss, something more intimate as she focused her gaze upon her new pet and their lips held tightly while her tongue quickly dove inside rolling against the roof of her mouth and with that same finesse her tongueslime squeezed upon Laurion’s holding and smoothing as she literally began to reshape the insides of her mouth. Her beautiful form quivered in orgasm before Mizuki’s proud grin, “Devote yourself to me.” Mizuki crooned sweetly as she retrieved her own tongue and gazed upon her creation’s face, slit pupils, and four sharp fangs in her row of teeth and a long almost lizardlike drooling tongue falling from her gaping mouth.

“Yeeth..misthrethh..” She gurgled pitifully fully drunk on her own pleasures as she lay there only held up by the grace of Mizuki’s tendrils. “Ah’mh.. yourth.. missthrethh.. Misthukiiii..” Her toes scrunched tightly as she came, her eyes wide and weary as her now fully feminine frame experienced yet another orgasm. Her heart racing and drool spilling down her broad tongue, the goddess slime simply giggling as her hands clapped together excitedly, the blue slickness having a shine of green in her fingertips.

“Oh wonderful!” Mizuki cheered, “Then let us finish, I have something special planned for you.” Her tendrils wrapped around the human creature’s body until she found those cute little feets, her individual toes polished a bright pink to whit Mizuki approved of but would no longer be needed. With the same tendrils she wrapped around the girls legs and slowly Laurion felt a tightness, she could no longer scrunch her toes even when she felt pleasure, metallic chassis forming upon her ankles as she lost her balance only to be caught by the mistress as her body lay limp with her back in the air. 

Mobility had never felt so restrictive as she squirmed in discomfort yet somehow the loss of motion in her legs wasn’t numbing, she could still feel her toes even if they weren’t .. there anymore “Wha.. What’s happening now?” Her voice called out less defiant and more like a timid daughter begging for mistress to soothe her anxieties. But Mizuki simply focused as her knees bent uncontrollably and her thighs pushed together with her plump pussy on full display. 

“With your new body comes new responsibilities my sweet,” She whispered as her eyes focused upon her newest pet’s forming body her thighs having formed into the shape of a wooden pillar that fused flesh and creaking oak at the basin of a large wide rimmed box that came up to the girl’s waist. Empty as though it was beneath her thighs was a fully wooden frame, “Now for a lid. This might.. Hurt a little.” She said apologetically as Laurion’s body was stretched out farther than intended, her head tossing back as she let out a cry, it felt like her back was being pulled by her hair as a large caved in treasure chest lid was formed from her body with golden decorations to match her brilliant hair shaped upon the wooden frame. 

“Hahhh.. Hnnh.. Mithretthh..” She almost looked pitiful as she gazed up to the warm smiling goomistress who slowly began to pour coins into her body.. “Mmmfh!” She trilled excitedly and every coin that dropped into the basin of the box.. she could feel it, as sensitive as her nipples they stacked upon each other as she moaned at being simultaneously filled and teased with her own pleasures, her frame trembling. “Iii.. I can feel.. Feel it aaaaaalll..” She said with a look of realization to her new body.. She was to be.. a monster. A creature of the dungeon. A reformation of the beast she destroyed. 

A mimic. 

With every handful of coins that filled her seemingly endless body Laurion.. or rather the Mimic Girl, became more enthusiastic to her new form. “You’ll grow in power, and with every treasure and adventurer you devour,” Mizuki paused and as if to erase any memory of the former bard that had so rudely invaded her dungeon she offered a chunk of wood from the mostly disintegrated lute to the monster girl’s lips who’s pupils dilated with sudden hunger, as could be expected of a newly born denizen of the dungeon, and quickly with her tongue and sharpened jaws gnashed it wholly into her mouth. “You become more mine, and know more pleasure.” Mizuki whispered and a look of realization came upon her new pet’s lips when she suddenly felt her abdomen swell slightly.. digesting the power and energy of the once powerful artifact, her pussy then uncontrollably spreading as the depths of her twat revealed a large pristine gemstone that birthed from her twat.

She could have sworn it should have been a painful ordeal but all she felt was pleasure.. and even more now that the gemstone had joined its sisterhood in her box. The goo mistress placing a hand upon her treasure trove of a body and slowly seeping her gooey tendrils into the coinage and stirring inside to the delightful moans her new mimic girl. “Hahhyyhh.. Yeessss!” She cried out excitedly, her coins shifting and squirming of their own accord as the replacement to her toescrunches had been discovered. “What.. What next mistress?” 

Mizuki giggled and rose from her new pet symbolically showing her the new place in her life as a pet, a creature, a minion to do her bidding. With her body only able to stand at its full height that reached barely to Mizuki’s thigh the mistress extended a hand that cupped the lid of her chest as gently and tenderly as she would the mimic girl’s chin. “Now? You wait.” 

The lid closed with a thud and a pitiful whimper.

An adventurer had gotten lost in their travels through the dungeon, it had been rumored to be one of the more dangerous ventures and even the exact numbers of mercenaries that had disappeared into the stone catacombs was disputed. Some said only ten, others said fifty, it was hard to gauge since every report regarding it was secondhand knowledge from someone that had met a survivor in a tavern. This particular adventurer had met someone that had known someone that went into this very dungeon. At Oakhaven’s Rest he spoke of a bard and the songs that would play inside this dungeon were the remaining strums of the devoured bard that had disappeared into the darkness.

There was truth to the words the adventurer soon found, her elven ears catching the sounds of a lute she’d enjoy by a skilled set of familiar strumming fingertips. “Is anyone out there..?” Her voice called out to the darkness as each careful step was lit before her with a torch, her eyes darting around the vast emptiness as she explored ever deeper. She was a warrioress, a fierce combatant that had faced the trials of the arenas and pits that left her scarred but brimming with muscle and effective reflexes. Her hand eternally at the ready to draw her broadsword or the dagger that lay sharp upon her hip. “Show yourself!”

The creaking of wood and metal hinges responded.



Mizuki Goo

This first part may be done, but what is to come? Stay tuned to see more dungeon monsters to form.