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For Shade the life of an artist was exactly what she needed, she was fairly new in town to say the least and what she wanted was something low profile, something easy and while working at the post office was fine for a few months she quickly bored of the endless repetition that came with lifting and sorting boxes. Thankfully it turned out she had quite the knack for artistry and lacked the inhibitions that came with drawing lewd scenes in detail. Even still there were times where inspiration was simply difficult to capture.

“Hello?” A friendly voice chirped from the entrance to Shade’s apartment. “Your sister said you needed some cheering up so here I am!”

A single palm rose to Shade’s face and she resigned herself to her fate of playing hostess. “I’m in my office.” Shade called back and leaned against her chair as her eyes glanced over to the screen where it was covered in various references and positions and postures, none of which seemed to matter at the given moment when her hand simply refused to budge. 

“Oh, well,” Sherri paused a moment. “Come on out! I made you some brownies.” 

A single ear twitched on the fussy foxgirl. Brownies sounded pretty good, that might indeed cheer her up enough to draw again. “..Bring them into my office?” Less of a demand, more of a pleading compromise, she wasn’t used to accepting help from others but even Sherri’s chocolate with white chip brownies could change her mind. When she glanced over her shoulder and saw the plump titted doggirl with a plate containing a deep chocolate brownie speckled with white chips. “You know, this is just what I needed.” Her fluffy vulpine tail twirled about behind her as she lifted the chocolate square to her lips. 

“Uh.. huh.” Sherri smirked and leaned against the desk, her eyes following Shade’s glance towards the screen which had a bit of an intimate scene displayed. “Seems like what you need is an onahole.” Sherri teased poking out her tongue but Shade’s expression seemed to be lost. “An onahole,” Still no reaction. “It’s a thing, like.. a vibrator.” Shade gave a slow nod. “Except you uh, use it on your dick. It’s a like, pussy toy.” 

The brownie had disappeared but Shade’s smile didn’t. “Well that’s a silly thing,” the vulpine gave a pat against her thigh inviting Sherri into her lap, a comfortable hum passing from the vixen’s lips as Sherri took her seat. The hand kissed clean of brownie crumbs now petting along Sherri’s brunette tresses. “Why would I settle for silicone fakery when I could just use you instead?” 

Sherri was sitting on Shade’s bare thigh but when the vixen tugged up her shirt she revealed a distinct lack of panties and her canine cockmeat started to poke out from her sheath. The thick scent was intoxicating and Shade loved the way Sherri stared at it almost hypnotized by the fat meaty flavor that emanated from her cock. “Since you brought me a treat how about you help yourself to one..” Shade’s voice was intoxicating and Sherri could never figure out why she always felt her inhibitions melted away when Shade teased her.

“..Oh..okay.” Sherri murmured absentmindedly as she slowly slid from the comfortable perch upon Shade’s thighs and melted to her knees. Her fingertips moved those pesky brunette bangs from her face as she carefully leaned her head forwards and offered a simple kiss to Shade’s darkened cockmeat. The vixen moaned gently at the sudden touch and happily rolled her fingers through Sherri’s locks, teasing at the softness of her smooth hair and encouraging the girl to enjoy more than a mere sample of her dickmeat.

Her thick ebony shaft was eager for stimulation, after all she’d been drawing he pleasure of others all day it only made sense that her body was eager for that same sort of satisfaction. She breathed deep as Sherri began to kiss along her veiny cockmeat and her hand slowly pet along those glossy brown tresses with a deep exhale escaping her lips. “Nnhh.. Mmh.” Shade crooned and leaned her body back before glimpsing the sight of Sherri’s half eaten brownie resting upon her desk. Quickly snatching it between her fingertips she leaned her body back and let herself bask in the hedonistic pleasure of all her senses.

Shade’s cock was meaty and it held a flavor that simply pleased Sherri’s palate in a way that made it almost irresistible. Her lips tingled from the thick salty flavor that passed along her tongue as her head slowly bobbed upon it. Inch after inch pushing between Sherri’s plush lips as the vixen overhead messily chewed at the confection overhead spilling bits of brownie crumb upon her own breast while Sherri selflessly suckled upon her cock. 

She hardly seemed shy at all with the way she fawned over Shade’s length, her hands holding the cockmeat straight up while her face pressed against the meat and her tongue lay a glaze of slickened drool in the wake of her slurps. Her face coated in a mixture of Shade’s bubbling pre-cum and her own saliva as she worked every inch of her mouth, and her muzzle, upon that dark doggycock. Her lips kissed at the frothy pre-cum bubbling tip before pushing her head downwards. Inch after inch of cock disappeared between Sherri’s lips like an amateur magic act and Shade was left trembling in pleasure as more of her dick succumbed to the all encompassing warmth of Sherri’s mouth.

The vixen pressed her pawtoes into the ground as she took another bite, the white chocolate chips contrasting beautifully against the sweet flavor and coupled with the firm suction upon her cocktip, well it simply made her pawtoes curl in delight. “Nnfhh..” Shade moaned with a mouthful of chocolate as she quickly wiped her chin while the other hand tightened her grasp on Sherri’s head holding the doggirl in place as she pushed her hips up and slid that cock deep into Sherri’s throat. “Hahhh.. Ohfuck.. Sherri.. these.. these brownies are incredible!” 

Sherri’s head was held tightly by Shade’s grasp, the foxen clutching at her locks and bucking her hips. No longer was Sherri’s little display needed instead Shade wanted relief and release. That backlog of cum that had been churning inside of her after what had been days of artistic and orgasmic drought was now coming to fruition. She didn’t want a tease, she wanted ecstasy and Sherri’s face was the means to it. The poor doggirl’s head might have well been an onahole for all intents and purposes as Shade clenched her teeth and finally thrust Sherri’s face down to the hilt while her hips pushed upwards. 

Those grayish pawtoes pushed against the carpeted floor as the foxen closed her eyes tight and let out a seething series of huffs of pleasure as cum spilled from the tip of her cock. The first one splattered down into Sherri’s gullet as Shade held the doggirl in place, the second one filling up her throat, the third one splashed against Sherri’s tongue and in her mouth as Shade started to release her hips and ride the waves of pleasure by using Sherri’s mouth to bob on her cock. 

Cum spilled out from Sherri’s lips as she was finally released from Shade’s fingertips and the doggirl wiped her chin and tried to catch her breath. “Ghlk
” She half-coughed while covering her lips, swallowing down the majority of Shade’s cummy treat. “So.. feeling more inspired now?” 

“Yeah.. Yeah I am..” Shade muttered softly as she leaned back in her chair. That sudden backlog of inspiration was relieved and Shade felt like a new woman as she sat there with her hand casually petting along Sherri’s tresses with a satisfied smile on her lips as she gazed down at the sweet doggirl that spilled her thick cum down her chin. “Hahh.. hnnh.. I think that onahole thing might be a good idea after all..” 



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