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Weekend sales were always a good day for the till, not so much for the exhausted doggirl who had been on her paws all day helping customers. It all felt worth it when she counted up the bills in the register, her tail not so subtly wagging behind her as she tallied up every twenty dollar bill that crossed her digits. She had a particular number that she needed for break even, then her profit, then her profit’s profit and she had hit the threshold for that third number with still half a grip of bills in one hand and she hadn’t even counted up the credit card receipts yet! 

So when she heard the pinging sound of someone entering the store and a set of footsteps slowly tapping against the floor Sherri mentally counted at an even stopping number before glancing up. “We’re closed, sorry, come back tomorrow okay?” 

The stranger simply stepped along the floor with her long smooth tail swishing about behind her, her eyes covered by tufts of fur that hung over her face as her tongue dipped out for a moment before quickly sliding back in. “You didn’t seem closed..” She said with a callous tone and pulled out her phone to check the time. “And your yelp page says you close at 9, it’s five ‘til.” 

Sherri heaved a sigh and collected herself for a moment. She didn’t want a bad yelp review but she definitely didn’t want to go over a potential half hour discussion. “Well, the register is closed, last call for purchases is at 8:50.” 

“Oh.” The female said thoughtfully then looked back to the wall of games. “Well I guess I’ll just browse for a few minutes then. With my hours I don’t get off until really early or really late so I don’t often get a chance to come to shops like these.” 

The doggirl winced and wrote a number on a piece of paper before depositing the cash back in the register. Sherri had been there before, working late nights and unable to meet up with friends. She breathed a sigh and slowly made her way over to the stranger who was looking at her various indie games selections. “Yeah I’ve been there, late night call centers for tech support.” She shrugged her shoulders, it was a job she’d managed to slide into when she was only 16 but it helped that she knew how to do more than tell the customer to turn the computer off then on so she was immediately ahead of most applicants. “What games do you like?”

A small smile appeared on the drifter’s face. “I really like this game called Boss Monster,” she saw a look of interest on the gamekeeper’s face and continued. “It’s where you play the Boss of a dungeon, and the goal is to kill the wayward adventurers. It’s pretty fun.” A smooth palm reached out and found the base copy sitting on one of the shelves in its alphabetized place. “You even have a copy, tell me you’ve at least tried it.”

Her cheeks reddened as a bright blush appeared. “Yeah, I.. I haven’t actually. I’ve got so many to play, sometimes it feels like work rather than play.” Sherri giggled as she rubbed at her cheek. “Although, I have a board game group that usually meets up on Tuesdays, and they’ve been asking for late night get togethers. Maybe that’s something you’d like.”

Smooth fingertips came to rest upon Sherri’s cheek, the smoothness of her fingertips felt like scales as the woman revealed herself to be reptilian in species. “I actually had a different sort of get together in mind..” She whispered and stepped closer, Sherri felt frozen in place as a knowing grin came upon the snake girl’s lips. “What.. you didn’t forget your friend Jelly did you?”

Sherri’s eyes strained to recognize the stranger in front of her but only confusion came upon Sherri’s features. “Wait.. Jelly? From.. Middle School Jelly?” The woman in front of her was a far cry from the besties forever that Sherri had made back in middle school, a snake girl with bright green scales and dorky coke bottle glasses. “That can’t be you..” 

“Mhmm, puberty is really weird for snakes, molting and shedding skin and all that. Turns out those were my kiddie colors.” She stood proudly revealing her polka dotted body with her hands on her hips. “You turned out really cute too, but running your own game store. That suits you just fine.” She snickered and quickly stepped closer with her other hand looping around Sherri’s hip. “Now about that promise.. That jelly sandwich.”

A promise made long ago when Sherri and Jelly were in their youth, a promise to experiment together one day that was sworn upon pinkies between two blushing friends. It was born from a game of truth or dare but a pinky swear was unbreakable. Unfortunately before they could resolve it, Jelly had moved away and while the years had passed and they had grown, Sherri was no longer that giggly blushing innocent pup she once was. “It has been too long..” Sherri murmured as her lips leaned inwards. “I think I need to introduce you to the new Sherri.” 

Jelly’s lips curled upwards into a lurid grin revealing those twin fangs that eagerly dripped with her saliva. “Show me..” She whispered softly in almost a hiss. “I dare you.” 

The sultry serpentine girl was indeed in for a treat as Sherri leaned forwards, her fingertips rolling along her smooth scaled sides as their lips instantly touched together. It was a tender kiss, one that said ‘I missed you’, and Jelly happily returned the sentiment. Then came Sherri’s tongue, that curious blue languid muscle that idly licked along Jelly’s lips. This time she said ‘I want you’ to which Jelly eagerly agreed, her lips parted and the serpent’s clever tongue was quickly overwhelmed by the doggirl’s enthusiasm. 

She was certainly frisky and Jelly was happy to entertain the slender doggirl, slowly her fingertips wound their way behind Sherri’s body and tugged down at those tight jeans that easily slid down her thighs. The way their bodies shifted together, Jelly was careful enough to use her tail to balance them both as they spilled to the floor with Sherri atop of her frame. Their tongues continued to mingle together, slowly rolling and caressing with one another as Sherri’s bare bottomed body was finally within her grasp.

Their bodies rolled together and turnabout was the name of the game, Jelly’s tight slacks peeled from her body leaving her bottomless with Sherri slowly lifting her hips and seated upright to straddle her body. Their bare pussies touched briefly for a moment and like a jolt of electricity a tingle was met between them and as their cheeks blushed simultaneously they each agreed to the same plan. “You have really gotten frisky..” Jelly whispered. “What happened to that shy dorky doggirl that was afraid to hold hands?” 

Sherri’s hands outstretched and touched to Jelly’s, their palms connecting as their fingertips slid between each other and clasped their hands in tandem. “I learned how much fun it was.” Sherri hummed sweetly and using Jelly’s grip as leverage began to grind her body forwards, their pussy mounds rubbing into each other as their lower lips shared a darling kiss. The similar saliva strands that connected their tongues in a kiss with their mouths had been replaced by the sticky strings of pussy juices that smeared into one another. 

Jelly’s palms squeezed into Sherri’s, holding tightly as she huffed excitedly at their grinding pussies. The warmth of their mounds melding together as juices spilled from her snaketwat and spilled against the doggirl’s fluffy mound. “Nnh.. Well better late than never.” Jelly murmured before her palms began to push against Sherri’s, and with the help of her tail her body lifted until their bodies were across from each other. Her leg tucking underneath Sherri’s thigh while the other one crossed in front, resting her sandal clad paw beside Sherri’s chest. “Maybe I can show you a trick or two.”

Those soft hips pressed in against Sherri’s body and their tangled forms would grind again, this time Jelly more in control as she rolled her hips up and down, rubbing their pussies together in a slickened kiss. Her hidden eyes watched as Sherri squirmed and wriggled from her grasp, her leg wrapping around Sherri’s neck and holding her to her ankle as the doggirl’s body arched and bowed with pleasure churning through her frame. 

She wasn’t about to be outdone by her friend from middle school, the doggirl huffed and leaned over, tugging at Jelly’s sandal and tossing it aside. The snakegirl had adorable paws and ankles that had a slight bit of feathering to them, Sherri glanced up and in the midst of passion was able to hold the snakess’ gaze in a brief moment before leaning her head in and pressing her lips in a tender kiss against her footpaw. Her tongue extending and licking along the smooth scales, tracing against her insole and dragging along the tips of her ivory pearl shaped pawtoes.

If Sherri could have seen Jelly’s eyes behind those ivory bangs she would have seen a pleasantly shocked snakegirl. “God damn girl..” Jelly huffed hotly as she bit down on her lower lip, briefly scrunching her pawtoes as the tongue tapped against her digits. “You got super kinky!” Sweat started to drip down her brow and along her cheeks as her hips ground in against Sherri’s pussy. “Nnfh.. The rumors are true after all.”

With each bump together their bodies were wrought with pleasure, Sherri and Jelly combined themselves together in a messy dip and grind with each of them trying to hold out for the other, not knowing that each was on the brink. “Hahh.. Mnhh.. fuck.. fuck..” Jelly moaned as she scrunched her pawtoes that were now damp with saliva, watching intently as the doggirl lapped against them, peppering her slick pawtoes with kisses and licks. “Sherri.. You.. You’re sogoddamn hot..” 

Sherri huffed excitedly, her tongue eagerly darting along each of those delicate pawtoes that twitched with every touch of her tongue. Her heart beat rapidly as she felt herself quickly rolling towards the climax of her pleasures, a sudden shiver, a twitch in her side, and a coil of pleasure that had been winding up in her abdomen suddenly snapped free. Sherri’s body arched upwards as her head tilted back and her body quivered excitedly in a shivering orgasm that left her pussy squirting its nectar down the lips of Jelly’s simultaneously twitching twat. 

Sherri lay there in sheer bliss as the serpent slowly creeped forwards while trawling her fingertips lazily through the fur of the doggirl’s abdomen. The sensation of her warm fur lingered against her hands as her cold blooded body adored the warm and soaked it in like a shameless parasite. Eventually Jelly lay atop of Sherri’s body, greedily drinking in all that warm body heat as her lips kissed tenderly at that adorable blue nose that had glimmered in her fondest memories. “Next time,” Jelly began as she offered a sweet kiss upon Sherri’s breast while her hidden eyes focused upon her blushing features. “I expect you to at least play some Boss Monster with me before putting out.. You know, for foreplay.”



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