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Summer is FINALLY over, you know what that means?! My electric bill isn't going to kill me every month!

It also means we get to round the Sun one more time and hopefully dip out of this cursed year sooner! It's also my favorite time of year, Holidays! Four Months of pure Holiday Goodness starting with Labor Day and into Halloween, Thanksgiving, Hannukah, Christmas, New Years! All while in the chilly weather and being snuggled up under a blanket with plenty of video games.

Siiiigh. I love winter <3

September Schedule:

Week 1:

Premium Story (A little early!)

Bonus Story

Ask Me Anything

Week 2:

Bonus Story

Patron Story

Sexy Story of the Month

Week 3:

Gold Tier Story

Patron Story

AMA Story

Week 4:

VN Update

Archive Story



Oscar Cruz

Funny thing, found painting ppl nails relaxing