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There was quite the misconception about dragons amongst new adventurers, the idea that they were all menacing creatures that hoarded treasures in the depths of caves or forgotten tombs of the ancients. It was common knowledge that there were multiple flights of dragons with colors that spanned the spectrum. Gold Dragons happened to be considered the more scholarly of the bunch who hoarded gold and jewels of course, but their prized treasures were ancient books to fill their dungeon libraries. 

Tucked away in the cold mountains north of Karek’Ness, far away from the nearest city was an old tower that was of little consequence to the normal adventurer. It was common practice for magi to hide away from the realm by creating a place of solace where their secrets from years of study could be secured away from the world and those who would foolishly wield it for grandeur or destruction. Simple stones lined this tower with packed snow filling in every crevice. What wood had once adorned the stone creation had been replaced by stone with the entrance camouflaged by endless gray and white. It was obvious that visitors weren’t welcome.

Yet one lone adventurer clad in furred clothing and heated with simple magic had braved the mountains and the dangers that accompanied it. Normally the presence of an insolent mortal passing through the deceptive stone walls would have been noticed by the lone denizen of the tower, but a dragon noticed mortals like a human would notice a rabbit in the forest. 

The moment the doggirl stepped into the tower she was immediately awash with warmth and dim lighting, she noticed a lit and smokeless fireplace that crackled while emitting warmth. A brushing sound caught her attention as she glanced to the side noticing an enchanted broom without an owner, calmly stroking along the stone floor. Sherri frowned, it looked like this tower was still inhabited. “I might as well look around..” She said softly to simply break the chilled silence while pulling her hood back. As she explored the tower she found it mostly lifeless with opened books and various quills that seemed to have been ignored for ages yet thanks to the enchanted cleaners remained dustless. The thick fur lined clothing had become cumbersome in the midst of the heated yet dimly lit tower and she decided to shed it upon a table that seemed to be undisturbed for years.

She was quiet as could be, she wasn’t sure what kind of mage would inhabit the tower and in fact she was quite disappointed that it wasn’t a gold dragon like she was looking for. The flight was incredibly rare. Compared to the other dragons they didn’t ravage farmsteads and demand fealty, they simply hid away in mountains. They were content to be solitary creatures that never meddled in the affairs of short-lived mortals, a couple served as advisors to kings and royalty almost like a hobby and then when they got bored simply vanished as it suited them. 

As she explored the empty tower she found her way to the top she caught a glimpse of what certainly was not a retired magi studying or practicing magic but instead the object of her search. A satisfied grin came upon the doggirl’s lips as she caught him in the midst of slumber, which was absolutely perfect for her needs. Step by step she inched closer towards the sleeping giant.

His enormous frame practically took up a majority of the library even as he slept, his magnificent golden scales glittering in the dim light as the small doggirl approached. While her warm clothes were downstairs she didn’t particularly want her cloth enhanced armor to be stained. It only took a brief moment but she quickly stripped her clothes leaving it hanging on a useless chair as she tiptoed her way towards him. His heaving body slept curled into itself but Sherri wasn’t afraid of a challenge. Her eyes were on the prize of a sheathed cock that held her bounty and he seemed to hardly notice her presence as he slept soundly. With her eyes glancing towards him her fingertips carefully pressed against the sheathed slit that contained a dragon’s cock. 

Unfortunately simply touching at the sheath didn’t seem to fully coax the cock to full mast, well she knew what she was getting herself in to so she may as well. She licked at her lips as she leaned in and breathed in the musky reptilian scent of slick cock and her tongue began to lick at the semi-exposed tip. The tip definitely belied the size that slowly began to grow out from the masculine dragon’s sheath, inch after inch slowly pushed free, slickened by the natural moistures of his sheath and her tongue eagerly coaxed the shaft. 

The dragon must have been enjoying himself because the snorts of sleeping became a slow rumbling growl that alerted Sherri, a quick glance and she simply saw his eyes still closed and his body still rising and falling with rhythm of a comfortable sleep. Sherri’s lips kissed along the length glancing at how the ridges and barbs seemed to entice her body as she licked along the length. Her fingertips simply couldn’t wrap around the massive length that would have made a horse shy. Dollops of pre-cum continued to slip out, lubricating his length as her tongue, tiny in comparison though it was to his cock, eagerly licked along the shaft until she came to the tip.

His cocktip was massive, the heavy length weighing upon her arms as she slowly leaned in to kiss at the frothy cumspigot that bubbled pre-cum freely down the tip. Her tongue licked at the thickness, it was potent but not what she really needed. Pre-cum was good but she needed the full dose of dragon jizz. Her lips opened and let her tongue drag along the urethra the slumbering dragon’s cock, it was large enough that she could actually feel her tongue dip between the flesh. Curiously she let herself probe inside, licking along the internal cockmeat of the creature as a loud grumbling groan came from the beast. 

“What.. do you believe you are doing..?” Ramah had seen many things even though he was fairly young for a dragon, but never in his years had he seen or even heard of such debauchery. The large beast craned his neck overhead as he stared down at the wide eyed doggirl who held on his cock and drank freely from his cock like she was chugging mead. The girl was frozen in silence with only the sound of his cum dripping down her body echoing through the stone room. “Well?!” He bellowed, his cheeks flushed with a mix of rage and embarrassment.

Dragons were notorious for their tempers and now Sherri had the unfortunate position of being caught red handed ‘stealing’ his cum! The only thing that kept her from perishing in a golden flame was the fact that she was holding his cock in her hands rather than one of his books. “I..” What could she say to a beast that was over a thousand years old. She couldn’t lie to him, but she could obfuscate some of the details. “
I need dragon cum.” She said flatly. “..For research.”

Ramah was taken aback, Gold Dragons were the most scholarly of dragons. Their eternal mission was to learn and accumulate knowledge, endless experiments and figuratively chewing through the knowledge of the most brilliant of mortals was in their nature. “You.. Want my seed?” He said to simply clarify her position and she gave a nervous nod of her head. He simply closed his eyes and lifted one of his large forelegs to rest upon his muzzle, he had never been this stumped before. He could feel the lust brimming at the base of his cock that told him what she did felt incredible, introducing a whole new set of feelings that he would learn to crave. “I will not be milked like some common steer.” He growled deeply, more to himself than to the little intruder that brought such a curious situation to his tower.

His eyes glanced towards her, she was still frozen in place. “I will deliberate on this further.” She nodded and he gave a small grunt. “
I didn’t say you could stop.”  

His clawtips gripped tightly as she slowly returned to her previous activities, her tongue licking along his cocktip and twirling along his cumslit. Her motions careful and purposeful, she wasn’t sure what could or would set this dragon off and leave her a pile of ashes on the floor, the fate of many adventurers that had sought a dragon’s treasure hoard. He seemed moderately amused by her offerings but when her tongue pressed inside his cumslit once more that made him growl heavily and tilt his head back relishing the pleasure only her tiny mortal tongue could offer. 

” He seethed and let out a churring sound that almost sounded like his teeth clicking together over and over again. “Hahhhh..” His golden eyes closed and Ramah breathed deep. The act of mating wasn’t one he had not yet involved himself in, Golden Dragons took years to mature and even then the act of finding a female was often troublesome and usually involved a hefty dowry of their treasures, as well as standing guard for years on end. It was no wonder that such an act was only done by male dragons almost twice his age, yet here this girl offered her pleasures freely. The only token she requested was not of his books or trinkets, but the natural byproduct of mating itself. Why had other dragons not sought out such mortals instead, he thought to himself. “Hfff.. finally, some good use for your kind..” He heaved and felt his tail twitch and thump loudly against the stone floor causing scrolls and books to shudder and fall from the shelves.

His nostrils flared open and suddenly squeezed shut, Sherri’s eyes closing as she worshiped the length of his cock and slowly stepped closer licking down the massive length and coming face to face with his balls. They were the size of her head and underneath the scales thick veins throbbed excitedly from the pleasurable aspect of a visitor. She couldn’t possibly take one of them in her mouth but she could do the next best thing, her tongue licked along the supple flesh and her mouth opened and like a remora her lips sucked upon his massive orb while her fingertips caressed. He let out a loud groan and the sound of his cum thickening to a frothy emulsion was heard as a glob fell from the tip of his cock and splattered like a chunk of half melted butter. 

Try as he might the pleasures he felt from her tongue had become quite intoxicating, mating wasn’t necessarily a priority for dragons yet this insolent girl had the audacity to attempt to pleasure him. His claws sank into the stone as he slowly craned his head over to her. She was lucky that the sight of her face and body slathered in her cum made her look particularly unappetizing or she would have found herself down his gullet. “Hahhh.. Hff..” He heaved and stared down the suckling mortal girl. “You want my seed? Then you will earn it. Properly.” He saw a moment of defiance begin to rise up in her face. He needed to quash that immediately. His massive jaws opened revealing knife like fangs that individually were almost the length of her hand. “Or else.” He clicked his jaws together and watched delightfully as she swallowed back her words. “Good, we have an understanding. Now present yourself like a proper breeding bitch.”

Sherri had suddenly found herself biting off more than she could chew with this creature, she swallowed hard and nodded his cock was clearly larger than a horse, her body would be torn in half if she tried to accept that kind of length! Still she felt she had a better shot of than then trying to fight a hangry dragon. She stepped away from him and slowly knelt upon all fours, her tail lifting in the air and looking back over her shoulder to see the dragon growl approvingly.

“Worry not..” The beast lumbered onto his fours and with a massive step of his forelegs he overtook her small body while his hips began to adjust. “If I had meant to end you then it would have been done already..” That and he was curious at what the sensation of mating would feel like especially after the temptations of her lips had piqued his interest in more carnal delights. It was a small task for his magics to soak into her body, she’d still feel the intensity of his cock but her body wouldn’t rip and tear from him fitting himself inside. While instincts had their part to play he only knew of the aspects of mortal mating from the books he had read and most of them involved domesticated livestock. Still the mechanics seemed universal, his hips lowered and he suddenly pushed forwards. His eyes widened with surprise when he felt the tip of his cock send a rush of pleasure throughout his body, Sherri was pushed forwards but with a single one of his arms pinning at her shoulder to hold her in place, she was simply made to fit his cock inside her body. 

Inch after inch pushed past her pussy lips and the doggirl felt an intense feeling that made her feel like a swollen balloon, any normal female of her size would have broken instantly but the tip continued to push through as if her body was an extraordinarily rare bag of holding. The depths of her pussy continued onwards as her contracting pussy walls broke the laws of physical space and time to accommodate for his massive length. But that didn’t mean she didn’t feel the intensity of his gargantuan dragon cock. “GGHLK! FFFHGHk!” 

It felt like his cock was penetrating even deeper, forcing her body up onto his length that slowly began to piston back and forth as Ramah groaned, small flares flickering from his nostrils as he felt the soft fleshed barbs tugging at her internal walls when he pulled his hips back. Her pussy walls squeezed upon his length desperately which only made him thrust in again, his massive ballsack clapping against her thighs and jostling her entire form. Her small frame felt like she was being whacked with meaty bulbs the size of basketballs that sent vibrations through her body.

Her breasts bounced as her fingertips clutched tightly into little fists, her gaping mouth with her tongue hanging out oh so indecently, strands of drool flopping through the air as she felt his penis rubbing against her cervix. “I.. I.. I can’t.. believe.. I’m still alive!” Sherri gasped, droplets of sweat spilling down her tiny frame as she felt herself pinned by the sheer force of his cock. 

He felt a new sensation of pride ripple through him, his wings suddenly outstretching and as he picked up the speed and motions of his hips were accompanied by a flap of his wings. He wasn’t sure why his instincts commanded it at first but when he felt her pussy sliding back and forth along his cock like a moaning onahole he simply had to relive that experience. With his claws sinking into the stone and puncturing the rock underneath he began to rut his hips back and forth, his hips pulling back and then the flap of his wings rushing him inside and plunging his cocktip firmly against her cervix which elicited the lewd yelps of pleasure from the fine bitch he’d come to enjoy.

“Ohfuck.. Ohfuck!” Sherri huffed, her ears flopping back and forth as her breasts swung with her body, she almost felt like a simple fuckhole, there was nothing she could physically do to return the pleasure she felt from his massive cock stretching out her walls all she could do was endure the intense pleasure and wait for him to fill her with cum. Still her body rocked back and forth with her hands and knees rubbing against the thankfully smooth stone floor but she could feel the tension grinding against her skin sooner rather than later. 

His cock began to throb, his eyes widened as pleasure unknown quickly overwhelmed him, he felt it surge through his body and hotter than when he breathed fire a roar came bellowing from his mouth as his cock seemed to mimic his pleasured howl as hot creamy dragon cum poured directly into her body. She was expecting a lot of spunk, but she felt her belly distend as quart after quart of cum filled into her womb. Her bloated body collapsed forwards onto the floor as she felt her eyes roll in the back of her head and her tongue drooling on the floor. The poor girl was practically fucked into a state of unconsciousness as his cum continued to fill her body. “Ghhhahh.. Hnghlk
” She could almost feel it rushing through her body and traveling its way through her intestines as if to fill her maw, but a quick spell rushed through her body.  

Her body would fill with gallon after gallon of cum, it wasn’t unheard of for such a copious amount after all the size of dragon mating partners were usually larger than that of whales! He sneered proudly as he lifted a foreleg to witness the bloated girl carrying all that heavy cum in her now bloated womb. Surely she should have known how much cum his body would produce. “Well..” He huffed hotly from his maw. “It seems like you have more than enough for your scientific experiments.” He gave pause and slowly pulled his hips back until his cock shrank the depths of her insides, the second spell would hold and the girl looked practically bloated, nine months pregnant with triplets! But when his cock fully pulled out not a drop of cum gushed out from her pussy, instead it was practically trapped inside her and sealed to her body. “Fear not mortal,” He grumbled to the barely sentient bitch. “Once my seed has properly impregnated you to my satisfaction you will be allowed to use what remains for your experiments..” 

“Great.. just.. just great..” Sherri huffed, her eyes fluttering closed. “I.. I’m just gonna rest for a minute.

He snickered and  stretched out his wings with  a slow flap before folding them back in. He was awake now he might as well conduct some research of his own regarding mortals and their breeding practices. “But..” He said thoughtfully as he sat back on his haunches. “I have a favor to ask.” 

This alone brought Sherri back to the real world from her orgasmic bliss, her eyes widening as she gazed up at the creature. It was exceedingly rare for a dragon to make a request from those they considered lesser and usually the rewards were beyond comprehension for fulfilling it. “Yeah?”

“I wish to assist with your research further,” He said with a pragmatic nod of his head, as if not to admit that his pleasures had affected his decision. “Could you bring more .. adventurers with you next time?”

A few months later and the local inn in between the mountain ranges of Karek’Ness and the capitol city of Eldinarr there was an inn that a visibly pregnant doggirl was using as a base of operations. Her plump rounded belly had a suitor that she had refused to reveal the identity of, sure she may be teased about carrying a bastard but she simply grinned and lifted her eybrows when questioned and went back to her non-alcoholic drink. It was there that she had been accosted by a few of her former adventuring companions, three of them entered the inn having heard of a doggirl that had come from the northern mountains. 

“Sherri.” A hooded figure said as he approached her table that was hardly barren of various foods, fresh fruits, meats, and only the finest breads. The fox stared down at the personal banquet with hungry eyes as he pulled his hood back revealing himself. “Where did you go?”

Sherri looked up with a casual smirk, she had been enjoying herself even as she carried a most prized package. Her fingertips lightly rolled a golden coin of mint that was from generations past. “Oh, Caemdare.” She grinned happily and glanced over seeing the other two. Anza stood shyly at the back of the trio and Mally stood with her arms folded over her chest. “Mally, Anza.” Sherri licked her lips and leaned forwards teasing the gold coin between her fingers. Being an adventurer was a very expensive business and Sherri seemed to be like a dragoness, sitting atop a treasure trove of her own as she stared down the trio. “Remember that whole thing about me going into the mountains alone, it was definitely crazy, just like you said.” 

His bright blue eyes peered to hers, glaring to try and gleam some speck of information, a clue. “What did you find my dear friend?” 

She took a sip of her drink, hot tea with fresh honey was a delicacy and the flavor was savored by her blue tongue as she warmed her throat from the chill of eternal winter near the northern mountains. After a moment of teasing him with her new found opulence her eyes flashed open to him as his hands grit into firm fists, his jealousy was almost as sweet as the honey. She smiled and offered one word. “Opportunity.” 



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