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She couldn’t believe she agreed to such a preposterous idea. Jada was a decently known streamer, not super famous but it was enough to get by while saving up to move out from her parent’s house. However her meager earnings paled in comparison to the cost of purchasing a brand new PC build after a virus attacking her motherboard completely fried all of her components. She was left in the dark with only her cell phone as a means of communicating to her fanbase and she felt the sting of every unfollow, every unwatch, and her meager donations slipping away. She had to do something.

Unfortunately her friend Sherri had an idea. 

As the doggirl explained to the captive audience, a good portion of those being some of her more lustful fans that she tolerated while ignored their requests for her to take off her top during her current competitive game of choice, Smash Bros. Jada felt completely exposed, her nude body on display with her full rounded tits and her chubby belly getting frequent messages of appreciation. “Now Jada is really shy!” Sherri teased as she glanced over to the pudgy bear. “So we’re going to have to lure her out of hiding with a little bit of honey.” Those round ears twitched as her eyes stared at her ‘friend.’ Sherri knew her secret almost drunken love of honey. The bear could practically taste it in every dish and drink, and often used it to sweeten her tea to the point it was almost more honey than tea! And now Sherri was using it against her. “So what do you think guys? Maybe we could start with a kiss?” Sherri spoke to the camera but they had a tablet to the side showing the master view of their stream and at the word kiss hearts began to bubble up on the page. 

The bear stared defiantly as Sherri lewdly tipped the bottle of honey upwards and began to let the liquid gold drizzle downwards from the nozzle and track along her muzzle and over her lips. Her eyes widened and her nose gave a twitch, the scent of it was intoxicating but she gripped her fingertips as she stared down the doggirl who seemed to revel in her own debauchery. “Sherri..” The bear gave a slight growl, Jada could feel her heart beating faster as she stared down the doggirl who opened her mouth to take a quick swipe against her own lips, licking away the honey. Jada’s honey! “C’mere you..” The bear gave a low growl as her hands reached up and grasped on either side of Sherri’s cheeks, holding her as she pressed their lips together.

The sweet taste of honey was almost intoxicatingly sweet to Jada’s senses and the bear pressed herself deeper into Sherri until their breasts practically squished together. Sherri’s tongue which held plenty of that honey darted from side to side to try and avoid Jada’s persistent broad tongue that eventually pinned Sherri’s tongue to the bottom of her mouth and caressing the sweet nectar that contained Sherri’s drool and her favorite brand of honey upon her tongue. 

Jada’s nose twitched, the scent of honey was strong again and it was now spilling once more, her eyes opened to see that it was no longer Sherri’s muzzle that contained her kryptonite but those luscious breasts and perky blue nipples. “Hrrrhhh..” She found herself giving in and lewdly stroking her tongue along the tops of Sherri’s breasts, squeezing at them with her palms as her messy drooly mouth slobbered on Sherri’s tits. In the background there was an almost endless popping sound that caught Sherri’s attention, the doggirl moaning and glancing to the side to see the numbers of donation pledges rising along with the admiration of their audience. 

“Mmm, where should she lick next?” Sherri winked to the camera as the audience suddenly spammed the chat with various requests, all while Jada was happily guzzling honey from Sherri’s plump breasts. Her nipples firm to the touch, warmed by Jada’s hot drool and the warmth of honey that continued to pour out from the nozzle. Those bright brown eyes glimmered as she saw a repeated request from numerous fans and licked her lips. “Jada want more honey?” Sherri wiggled the container as Jada glanced up, the big girl had gone through almost half a bottle and Sherri’s breasts gleamed in the overhead light, her tits were soaked but not a drop of honey remained upon them.

 â€œYes.” Jada stared up at Sherri, her mouth slightly agape as the once innocent bear now hypnotized by flavor could be easily commanded with a simple drop of the goddess nectar. Sherri leaned back and took the honey with her as the bear let out a small whimper, obviously too distracted by the honey moving away to realize how much bigger she was than the one that held her desires. Her wide eyed gaze and pouty lip drew heart eyed emojis from the audience but it wouldn’t last long, Sherri had lifted her knees to her chest with her paws halfway extended. 

Honey began to pour down the tip of the nozzle and flowed freely upon those cute little pampered paws and without a moment of hesitation, Jada leapt upon them. Cradling those soft furred paws to her face she eagerly lapped up the streams of honey. It was a dirty trick that Sherri enjoyed playing on her bear friend and this wasn’t the first time that honey had gotten her a lewd slurping pedicure from Jada. Sherri bit down upon her lower lip as she witnessed the sweet display. “Good bear..” Sherri teased as she rewarded the slurping bear with even more honey!

Golden strands that lay upon Sherri’s pearl pawtoes were instantly lapped up by that eager tongue that licked at every inch of her paws. Her tongue lapping at the smooth pawpads and kissing at the insole that held droplets of nectar, her stubby bear tail even gave a wag as she worshipped the paws and the honey that blessed them. A stranger might have mistaken Jada’s lust for honey for a similar lust for paws with the way she slurped! 

 â€œWell, that’s it everyone, we’re out of honey but thank you guys-“ The bear lifted her head as she no longer tasted honey on Sherri’s paws, her eyes quickly stared down the doggirl and noticed that the bottle was empty. Sherri was talking but Jada wasn’t listening, she didn’t care. She wanted more honey. Her nose twitched and she gave a slight sniff at the air. She smelled honey.

“Jada want more honey..” The bear gave a lustful growl at Sherri who looked a bit shocked by the bear’s lack of proper grammar. The bear taking deep inhales and her ears flattened as she stared down the doggirl. 

“Uhm, sorry Jada, we’re out of honey.” Sherri gave a nervous laugh. “But if you guys want we can take a quick break on the stream and go get more honey from the store real quick?” A large palm reached out and yanked Sherri into the comfy cushion of a chubby bear who was staring her down. 

“No store.” Jada said sternly as she glared down at the now trembling doggirl. “You hide honey, Jada find it..” Sherri had never seen the teddy bear of a woman become like this before in her honey haze, normally Jada became more submissive, a pushover, but now she looked like a hungry beast that had missed a meal! 

In the full view of the audience Sherri was lifted up and turned upside down with her body pulled tightly into Jada’s grasp, her pussy on display to the bear’s hungry muzzle who instantly pressed her nose into that sweet pussy that dribbled juices like an overflowing honeypot. What the audience probably didn’t notice was that Sherri’s head was tucked between Jada’s thighs and at the instantaneous slurping against her blue twat there was a muffled moan that echoed between Jada’s plump thighs.

That insatiable tongue was delving between her pussy lips and digging around in her twat sending shockwaves of pleasure through Sherri’s body, and the doggirl felt the droplets of Jada’s creamy snatch dribbling onto her face overhead. There was only one way Sherri could guess would help pull Jada from her sex hungry frenzy, with a small whimper she locked her fingertips onto Jada’s thighs and lifted her head slightly to begin slurping against that tangy twat. Her tongue delved between her folds, slurping eagerly at the sweet flavors of her twat with the same vigor Jada offered. 

Sherri had no idea how horny she’d made Jada by their little display in front of the audience, maybe her bear friend was more of a slutty exhibitionist than Sherri realized. Her strokes of the blue tongue against Jada’s plump and swollen pussy revealed how sopping wet she was. Her pussy was practically salivating and the slightest touch had brought a dribbling waterfall of cuntjuices to rain down upon Sherri’s face, although the doggirl heard the grumbling growls of approval from overhead she refused to let up her offers of pleasure to the plump bear goddess.

All that time being teased had pushed Sherri to the brink and when she felt that muzzle clamping against her pussy with that hungry tongue diving inside her quim to slurp and suckle up every droplet her pussy had to offer her body started to convulse. She could feel her pussy walls tighten and squeeze against the slippery tongue that licked along her contracting pussy walls when suddenly the eternal pleasures of her depths started to overwhelm Sherri’s senses. Her eyes squeezed tightly shut and her fingertips clutched into Jada’s asscheeks as her pussy began to squirt out all that sweet honey the bear had been searching for! 

The sweet flavor of Sherri’s pussy honey was the taste Jada had been craving without even knowing it, the bear locked her lips around Sherri’s mound and sucked tightly as she drank from the sweet doggirl’s spasming flower. All those juices that messily spilled down the sides of her maw quickly licked up with her tongue as the chonky bear squeezed her honey pot tightly to her body while reveling in her own pleasures.

Jada felt her body trembling unable to keep her position anymore she leaned her body back, smothering Sherri underneath her pussy and trapping the poor doggirl between her plump thighs as her pussy quivered over Sherri’s face. The bear lout at pleasured howl with her mouth gaping and fangs bared as her orgasm raced through her body, drenching Sherri’s face with her feminine juices that poured down upon her like a fresh spritz from a hose. The bear groaned in ecstasy as she held the doggirl so tightly in her arms, the sweet honey femcum from Sherri’s pussy dribbling down the sides of her muzzle as she panted for air. Finally, Jada was full. 

It took a moment after Jada finally slumped upon her back for them both to catch their breath, Jada had fallen out from her lustful hunger and was now a whimpering teddy bear again. Sherri pulled her face up from between those plump thighs and with her pussy stained muzzle offered one last look to the audience who’d gotten more of a show than initially expected and switched off the stream. “I.. I’m sorry Sherri, I couldn’t help myself.” She swallowed hard. “You know what that organic honey does to me.”

Sherri was silent but she was holding on the tablet with a bright grin on her lips as she turned back to the chubby bear and let herself flop happily upon Jada’s frame. The bear instantly hugging her arms around Sherri’s butt to cradle the doggirl as a blush came upon her ursine cheeks. “So,” Sherri teased as her tail flapped back and forth behind her excited puppy butt. “I think we got enough to build a new computer.. for each of us.” 




Whooo....talk about hot and sticky. : )