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I understand that some of you don't like the tone of the current chapter, but don't make assumptions on Karl/Karla's fate just yet. I have lots of story plans for these characters still. There will be long term effects for our couple but nothing so extreme as personality death (or real death) from the events of this story.

This post is as close to a spoiler you'll likely get from me. 😉

So, have faith in Karla, she will surprise you!



Not worried. I remember other times Karla's abilities have surprised. Like the time she trapped Tara as shoes.


I know you will made an amazing story as ever. Personnaly i love this figurine form where she can be summoned anytime ;)


I do like where this is going, I'm not worried. Hopefully, and I'm just guessing here... there will be some (angry) burst of power that Karl(a) didn't know (s)he had which will reset the scales the Drow have over her/him. On a side note, I wouldn't mind seeing Karla as an (animated) doll fully in control of her actions. (kicking ass in dolly mode comes to mind) :)