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Yeah...  They are both pretty evil...

EDIT.  Tried my hand for the first time at using the warp tool in Photoshop on the seam on Olivia's neck.  Had to google how to use it but I think I did OK.  Attached the unedited pic just in case.



Mike K

I am really hoping those two get whats coming to them


On that second image, you could use a warp brush to straighten out the neck seam.


*in mermaid-man's voice* "EEEEEEEEEEEEVIL!!!!"


"Bored now," will never not make me think of Willow. Ah, such good times that show was, and so is this series!


Normally I'm not a fan of partial transformations like bra/pantyhose forms, but these two deserve a fate like that. Here's hoping Olivia is restorable (or can at least be made to enjoy her new existence), if/when the shit hits the fan for the evil fashionistas.