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Hi all, I have a lil question for you about what exclusive content you're interested in. As you know, the less time an artist spends on drawing, the more artist can do and I was curious to know your opinion. Would you like to see more full rendered illustrations like my last few exclusives, or would you like to see more sketchy versions, but in more quantity (examples of such sketches in my last two posts). Which option do you prefer more and why exactly? 

So far there will not be any changes, I just want to know your opinion on this, please leave a comment and let me know what do you think!


Thank you all so much for your answers and opinions! I'm really pleased that you like my work and I'll keep up the quality bar <3 Thank you so much for your support!



I prefer quality over quantity. I think they are better in long run.


I like the high quality stuff better, but the small sketches are great too. I might lean more towards sketches ^^

The Discernist

You already know my take. More soul in the sketches. Your fully-rendered images are necessary technical practice and showcase. The sketches are why I'm here.


quality over quantity! They look gorgeous


Both are good! Each has its pros and cons and they're all super enjoyable


Your sketches are fun but the bigger, complete compositions are too gorgeous. I like the rendered illustrations better.


I think sketches more often is a cool approach, but I still love seeing some finished pieces every now and then. All of the art is great regardless!


your high quality stuff is amazing, as a personal opinon!


The quality of your sketches is comparable to many other artists’ finished pieces, so I have no problem with seeing as many of them as you would prefer, but I would be sad if the finished pieces went away entirely.


I think a mix of both is best. Some of your high quality ones just pop in a way a sketch can't with the added detail, shading, and especially lightning. However sketches allow more ideas and experimentation which is also appreciated. Also not mentioned in this question, but your comics are especially on fire.🔥


Both is great. The sketches and your illustrations are looking extremely good and well done but I personal would like some illustrations more sometimes^^


I prefer quality over quantity. But I am fine with either because your stuff always looks good 😊


I love a good mix of the two, and in the end, the best pictures are usually those that the artists *wants* to draw, so my vote would be to just go for what satisfies you more in the moment—if you feel like pushing out a bigger number of sketches, that’s amazing, but if you feel a picture would benefit from more work and detail put in, I can’t wait to see that result either. ♥️


I'm interested in whatever, but I definitely would love more speedpaints if I have to make a choice 🤔


I like the both but having you mix it up is nice


More full-render over sketchy for me.


Definitely love both. Since your sketches are so high quality, it would be nice to see more of them


i actually prefer the sketches, they are more diverse and the quality of them is still very high


Yes, please.


Mixing the two is nice


I enjoy a mix, but do have a preference towards rendered work. Your rendering style always produces such gorgeous scenes that are a real treat for the eyes~


Gotta say I love your full renders more. A good piece of art is always worth the extra wait for me.


I prefer the more rendered ones.But the other kind is also acceptable for me.


Girls showing paws