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Hello everyone! It's been a bit of an extensive rollercoaster for us this year and I'm sorry for not making more formal posts on here. Let 's get to the big stuff!

First off - Apologies for lacking an update last week, due to a power-outage we were unable to get the page out on time. This Sunday will include TWO new pages to make up for it!

Secondly, we will be attending CouchCon 2023 - a virtual event open to everyone with Discord! We'll be selling a Wallscroll of the above picture along with Streaming Friday-Sunday from 3pm CST to about 8 pm CST. INCLUDING a Request Stream THIS SUNDAY at 3pm CST !! YES, you heard that right a Request Stream for the first time in quite sometime! All streams will be held on Picarto


Lastly, we are STILL holding our  Indiegogo for our Volume III Books that cover  Chapters 5 and 6, that is about half-way done and we're over 80% of the way funded. We've got EXCLUSIVE merch including adding your own OC to the background of an UberQuest page an EXCLUSIVE 3D Printed Kibbles Figurine and much much more!! Don't Miss out!




Sebastian K.

damn that body pillow is hot