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Starting on May 1st, we will be adding brand new tiers to the patreon, and slowly removing old ones. This is so that we can move to a much simpler reward system where we can confidently handle all requests and actually deliver what we owe to you guys on time. This means more updates, and more posts without increasing our workload too much, while hopefully keeping our income consistent so we can continue to pay our bills and have food on our table.

So what are we asking of YOU guys? It's simple really..

Come May 1st, we would like everyone here to consider the new tiers and then transition their pledge from a "per page" tier to a "monthly" tier of their choice. That's it. It's up to you guys if you want to pledge a bit more than what the tier advertises. (We appreciate it very much.)

We want to thank everyone so much for all their continued support and readership, none of this would be possible without you.


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