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This is a short teaser for our UberQuest Volume 2 Kickstarter video.

Okay.. so.. I have a question for you guys.

Once we finish this video completely.. would you guys mind if I charged for it here on patreon? It's got a lot of little hand animations and stuff in the beginning and professional voice actors that we paid to voice for us.. and it's taken A TON of time and work from our normal schedule to make it.

I will actually upload it here FIRST before the kickstarter launches.. So everyone who's pledged can see everything in full before it goes live.



----------------- Click "Like" and "Favorite" If You Like This Video. Helps Me Make More! Tell Me What You Think In The Comments Below. Channel ➜ http://www.youtube.com/user/skidddog Twitter ➜ https://twitter.com/#!/Skidddog Category: Gaming Comedy Outro Music Composed by Stevie Pilgrim Go check out his stuff! http://www.youtube.com/user/syntope Music: Composed by Dylan Roberts Go buy his CD! http://flapjackage.bandcamp.com/album/quantum-furnace-3 Check out his music! https://soundcloud.com/flapjackage Outro Music Composed by Hugo Junstrand Go check out his stuff! https://soundcloud.com/hugo-junstrand


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