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We're adding a NEW bit of content for Patrons. Featuring the Monthly Illustration Station!
2 FULLY colored pieces will be done every month.

  • We'll Put the 1st illustration up to a Vote, you can vote for your favorite idea!

  • UberQuest characters only, up to two!

  • SFW/Cheesecake or tasteful nudity for these pieces!

  • $10+ Patrons can suggest sketch ideas!

  • The suggestion we are "inspired" by the most will win!

  • Winner will be notified and credited on image

  • Text bubbles can be added for Patron winners to enhance the scene (just please don't write a novel!)

  • We will stream the Illustration progress and post them up on social media/galleries.

  • If this event becomes popular, we will do more illustrations.

Eventually, we make this a Patron-only suggested illustration event, but for the first month we're just testing the waters. So we'll have these creator suggested ideas for the first month

How Illustration Station May Change, Ideas and Concepts.

Theoretical AU characters can be used. Like for instance if Sesame and Kylar had a baby, gender-swapped characters, species, class or humanized versions of the characters. There is also concepts like "What if Claire was a wizard?" or "Evil Kibbles" or "Modern Sesame" that can be used.

The characters personalities and traits are pliable to fit in different possible scenarios.

We may also consider using other artists characters (if we can get the OK) or franchise characters in the future. (Pending idea as we need permissions)

We may also increase the amount of characters depending on the idea or concept. This is also dependent on how detailed and how much workload we have.

For instance, a half-body or bust shot of multiple characters is easier then lots of complex full body poses.




Michael S Marks

You just like making me come up with more ideas don't you? Very good idea, glad I'm a pateron now.