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Hi everyone,

Remember when I said that my surgery was scheduled for 15 September?

New surgery date

Well, that's changed. I received notice from the hospital a couple of days ago, informing me that my surgery's been pushed back to 29 September instead. Very likely because my surgeon has a more pressing case to operate on.

This means that I'll be around for almost all of September, instead of being on break for half of it.

This also means that I have more time to prepare, in various senses of the word.

The forecast is that I should be discharged on 2 October, and then I am supposed to take pretty much all of October easy.

What I'd like to do, if possible

..And I'm thinking that if possible, I will write up some episode notes ahead of time, so that it won't actually be a dry desert, content-wise, around here. 😅

No promises on how much I'll get done, of course, because, as I'm learning, every time I get a little bit ahead of the curve, I end up using up that freshly made buffer, for other things, which are also important and necessary, like going to the hospital for pre-admission checks.

I promise not to push too hard, but if possible, I'd like to have some episode notes scheduled to come out for when I'm actually down for the count.

And, I do find that with the new approach of grouping episodes in my notes, I seem to work faster.

Choosing replacement shows

The reason I'm explaining all this now, is because this is affecting my selection of replacement shows for Patreon, for the time being.

Ordinarily I would choose a currently airing show as a replacement show, but now I'm thinking that a completed show would allow me to watch ahead & write ahead, where time and energy permit.

So I'm thinking of replacing When I Fly Towards You with Who Rules The World, which lots of people loved, but which I didn't manage to watch, when it came out.

I'm also thinking of having A Time Called You replace Heartbeat, when I finish Heartbeat, because Netflix will drop the eps all at once, and that will also allow me to watch and write ahead, when time (and energy!) permits.

If you guys have other shows that you'd like to suggest, let me know!

..And that's about it, for now.

Thank you all again, for your understanding, patience and support.

Love you guys.

KFG ❤️



Whatever works for you kfg! I reiterate that if you're feeling tired, do consider doing something easy but still useful eg put up a post which explains the site including the review index, oldies but goodies like the Ask KFG and Pure Pretty posts!


And I thought such cancellations were a UK thing, clearly international disregard for patients!!! Hope all goes well 🙏